Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

the ones i get is... Where is your engine? since i have a hood scoop they are all looking for the engine untill they walk to the back of the car.
i found this one funny also it was 1 couple

male: wow thats a nice car.
me: thanks
male:hey i'll let you sleep with my g/f if you let me sit in it
me:......excuse me?
male: yeah my g/f
g/f: i dont mind
me:..... no no its ok. you can sit in it
g/f: are you sure?
male: i dont mind dude.
me:i'm pretty sure lol

THIS guy "gets" it...but his GF sounds like a tramp...

Here's one...from my wife.

The day I drove it home after buying it..I am showing it off to my wife. I pop the front hood(spare tire was not in it)...then I pop the glass and tell her to look at how clean the motor is. Her remark...so that wasn't the motor up front?
the ones i get is... Where is your engine? since i have a hood scoop they are all looking for the engine untill they walk to the back of the car.
i found this one funny also it was 1 couple

male: wow thats a nice car.
me: thanks
male:hey i'll let you sleep with my g/f if you let me sit in it
me:......excuse me?
male: yeah my g/f
g/f: i dont mind
me:..... no no its ok. you can sit in it
g/f: are you sure?
male: i dont mind dude.
me:i'm pretty sure lol

If this was going to happen, double wrap.
I got a "Holy shit! a Lamborghini!" the other day from a kid in another car at a stop light.

His buddy punched him on the arm and said " dude its a vette! you idiot"

Just gave them this look:

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2 years ago at a friendly small town cruise I was turning in to get gas and a local redneck {he looked like swamp people} ye'll'd out "nice kit car". As I was fueling he and his GF made their way over and loud and obnoxiously he asked. who make this kit? I said Acura made it 20 years ago. He peered in the engine bay and asked, why does it say Honda as I'm clicking my gas cap I nicely said, I don't have time for this.
When I wanted my first nsx I needed a cosigner for the loan. So I called my Dad, and he asked "what kind of car do you want to get?" I said, "an Acura" He replied, "Well, those are pretty safe and reliable cars. Not to bad on gas mileage either." So he agreed. A couple months later he came down to Florida to visit. When pulling into my neighborhood, he said "Whoa, look at that Ferrrari" So I told him that it was actually my Acura. He was a little dumfounded and not the happiest camper, but after we took it out, he cooled down. A few years later, I sold the car to get a minivan for obvious reasons. Every now and then my Dad asks, "do you ever think about getting another one of those Acuras?" My response......."every single day." Just started looking again after 5 years, and man do I have the bug.


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A few years later, I sold the car to get a minivan for obvious reasons.

"Kids in the back seat cause accidents. Accidents in the back seats cause kids."

So how and why did you get the minivan, if the NSX has no back seat? :D

"Kids in the back seat cause accidents. Accidents in the back seats cause kids."

So how and why did you get the minivan, if the NSX has no back seat? :D


Spit my water out laughing so hard at that.
I had entered the NSX in a car show in Hurricane, Utah on Easter weekend earlier this year. An NSX is a very rare sight in that part of the state. It was entertaining to stand back and admire the car as if I was merely an onlooker and not the owner. There were multiple confused looks at the spare tire compartment. One memorable moment was when a young elementary school aged boy turned to his dad, "Did Acura go out of business?"

Some of the post-NSX (2006+) Acura lineup makes me wonder the same thing.

Was coming back from a separate Utah trip a few weeks ago with the cruise control set on Hwy 93 and kept leap-frogging a silver rental Altima as they'd speed up or slow down. A girl in the backseat waved energetically at me. Eventually ended up at the same gas station as the Altima, in Wickenburg. I came outside from using the restroom and this guy was eyeballing my car. He asked if it was mine, and then said, "What is that, a 2009?" I grinned and told him it's in fact a 1992. "That's my absolute dream car right there," he continued. "That or a Trans Am."

I was rolling my eyes at him as I drove away.
. . .He asked if it was mine, and then said, "What is that, a 2009?" I grinned and told him it's in fact a 1992. "That's my absolute dream car right there," he continued. "That or a Trans Am."

I was rolling my eyes at him as I drove away.

He musta thought it was a Corvette. :biggrin:
My wife has an Acura, but it doesn't look ANYTHING like this!

A kid almost did a faceplant, rubbernecking and staring at my car and not where he was going.
My wife has an Acura, but it doesn't look ANYTHING like this!

He just WISHES his wife's Acura was THIS Acura. :D

Sorry...not being snobby or elitist, but the rest of the Acura line just isn't as exciting...Acura started this high-line Japanese thing, now they need to slap Lexus back to second banana where they belong... :D

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"Is that a kit car?? Or is that the real thing??"
thats a great story imo.

that ferrari is more then i can afford, pal. :)

When I wanted my first nsx I needed a cosigner for the loan. So I called my Dad, and he asked "what kind of car do you want to get?" I said, "an Acura" He replied, "Well, those are pretty safe and reliable cars. Not to bad on gas mileage either." So he agreed. A couple months later he came down to Florida to visit. When pulling into my neighborhood, he said "Whoa, look at that Ferrrari" So I told him that it was actually my Acura. He was a little dumfounded and not the happiest camper, but after we took it out, he cooled down. A few years later, I sold the car to get a minivan for obvious reasons. Every now and then my Dad asks, "do you ever think about getting another one of those Acuras?" My response......."every single day." Just started looking again after 5 years, and man do I have the bug.
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I was waiting in line to put my car on the ferry a few days ago when a guy walked by and gave me a thumbs-up and said "nice Ford!"

After I had just purchased my NSX I had an acquaintance drive up to me as I was stepping out of my car. He got out of his vehicle and looked it over saying he has always wanted an Acura NSX. At that point he said to let him know if I ever want to sell it(even though I had just bought it). He then asked how much I paid for the car so I told him the asking price was $40,000 from the previous seller. At that point he came to the harsh realization that NSX's hold their value and it was not $20,000 to buy.
I was asked a few days ago if my 91 was a new 2012. When I said no it was infact a 91, she was super surprised. I just laugh to myself inside.

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