Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

I went to the store an this old man said "Is that a corvette"?I told him no its an ACURA NSX.Then he said "What model"?I said "NSX,ACURA NSX.I don't think he even heard of an ACURA NSX.LOL,Anyway I thought it was funny.But before I left he say that is a beautiful car,and I told him thank you....:smile:
People who don't know what an NSX is tend to think its a Corvette or Ferrari or just say nice car.

One Guys first guess was Ferrari then second guess what Nissan (?)

I have been asked if it was a V-12 among many other things

Usally its people that don't know what they are talking about like, some guy at a car meet as I drove in asked if it was auto and I said no and he asked if I was sure.

Also some street bikers thought my car was 4 cyl auto when they looked at it


perhaps the dumbest was on a ticket i got It stated MODEL Acura Make 2000

Acura S2000?

Guy at the Ford Dealership asked if it was a Ferrari 308 and if I wanted to trade it in.

The Service Writer at Acura said it was the nicest ones he has ever seen there, that was pretty cool.
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by living in italy my NSX is not confused with a ferrari or lamborghini, but sometimes she is tagged as the poor copy of the ferrari F40.

anyhow she attracts the looks
one time i went to a restaurant with my friend, and i was putting the car in a spot in front of the entrance .i noticed a middle age woman and a chubby girl :frown: coming from behind my car so, for courtesy, i gave them the way , but they said that they were waiting that i finish to park :cool:.
then me and my friend went inside the restaurant and the two women was behind us, and while we were waiting for a seat , they were blinking and smiling to us
so my friend told me: look , they are smiling to us , they are looking for some companions..
then i said: i know, thats why i am nervous , if you like you can take both of them and i give you also my car to save me from them!:biggrin:
by living in italy my nsx is not confused with a ferrari or lamborghini, but sometimes she is tagged as the poor copy of the ferrari f40.

Anyhow she attracts the looks
one time i went to a restaurant with my friend, and i was putting the car in a spot in front of the entrance .i noticed a middle age woman and a chubby girl :frown: Coming from behind my car so, for courtesy, i gave them the way , but they said that they were waiting that i finish to park :cool:.
Then me and my friend went inside the restaurant and the two women was behind us, and while we were waiting for a seat , they were blinking and smiling to us
so my friend told me: Look , they are smiling to us , they are looking for some companions..
Then i said: I know, thats why i am nervous , if you like you can take both of them and i give you also my car to save me from them!:biggrin:

Getting my car at the grocery store, heading off to Gil's 6th Annual BBQ.

5 yr old kid: Mommy, what is name of dis carrrr
Mom: I don't know honey.
Kid: He has a Raaacee Car...
Mom: yaaa.. race car.

(Kid wants to see me start the car and back out, they waited. I backed out all the way next to the kid so he can see it.)

(I started the car, Kid went speechless after he hears my CT headers, SP, and GTWL)

Mom: He is backing out to let you see the car., ok, only see, don't touch it, ok?
Kid: (Still speechless)
Mom: Say bye...
Kid: ...bbb.bbbbyeeeee

lol, I had to take picture of his amusing expression. Funny.
<embed src="https://www.box.com/embed/dp0yadq8thu1jt8.swf" wmode="opaque" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="400" width="466">
This happened last week as I sat at a red light in Lake Forest, CA. No words were spoken, just gestures.

Two guys were walking in the crosswalk in front of me. As they started, to my right, one of them put his arm out in front of him and turned his palms up. They kept walking and when they got in front of me they both had their arms out but with their palms down and bowed their heads. :biggrin:

Thats awesome and deserving, you have a very nice car
I was downtown once at a stoplight and some guy and his friend walked by and asked "what is that a 4 cylinder?" and started laughing. I was looking down at my phone and actually didn't realize he was talking to me until I looked up and it was green and I started going forward and looked back in my mirror and saw him staring. Then I thought about it and realized he was talking to me, and not the 350z in front of me. Had I known I would've come up with a sarcastic comment. But I think he already felt pretty dumb that I didn't respond to him.

And there was also a guy at a tire shop that told me he was a Honda guy and loved the NSX and wanted to take a pic of my car so i said sure. He said he used to have a del sol back in the day with a t66 turbo and I immediately knew where this was going. He started talking about what he could run at the track and how it was worth a fraction of the cost of the NSX and totally worth it and I just said "that's cool man" and left.
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When I left a wells fargo ATM machine a 18-20 range girl ran out from a Round Table as I was pulling away and told me, "My friends and I have a bet that thats the new corvette from Transformers, how did you get it? Is that it?!" I said no it's not American and the motor is behind me. She replied, "I knew it, there's no way some one could have it already. That b!t@h just bought me lunch". I LOL
Thats awesome and deserving, you have a very nice car

Thank you, RedWings. I'm glad I posted that because I just read it and don't remember it except for the intersection. Damn Alzheimer's. :wink:
lol someone just posted this about my car over on acurazine.

"I dont know if it's legal in the fine state of florida or not, but if it is may I have permission to marry your car? PLEASE!!!!"
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Last month I was looking for sound bites of an exhaust that I was considering on YouTube and accidentally found this


It was taken at the Austin Coffee and Cars in January. There are a few other Primers in the video that some may recognize and my car is the one they comment on as being stock. Was a nice surprise to hear an anonymous comment that was posted.
Had a biker come up to me at the gas station this AM:

Biker: "Nice NSX, I love those cars. What year is yours?"
Me: "Thanks. It's a '91."
Biker: "You know the Wolf drove one in Pulp Fiction, right?"
Me: "Yup." (nodding/grinning, cause this guy knows what he is talking about)
Biker: "Hey, I've got something from that movie too" and pulls one of these out...

Had a biker come up to me at the gas station this AM:

Biker: "Nice NSX, I love those cars. What year is yours?"
Me: "Thanks. It's a '91."
Biker: "You know the Wolf drove one in Pulp Fiction, right?"
Me: "Yup." (nodding/grinning, cause this guy knows what he is talking about)
Biker: "Hey, I've got something from that movie too" and pulls one of these out...


Awesome....just awesome...
A guy @ O'relly auto parts ask me what kinda body kit i have on to make my integra look like a ferrari?????..... He won't believe me, when i told him it's stock.:biggrin:
Family guy in a minivan is on my right at a light. He's looking up and down my car like he's undressing it with his eyes. He looks at me and says: "You're driving my dream car you know?" I smile back at him. He then says: "That things got to be a blast to drive?" Me: "As long as I don't get caught". Light turns green and I light'm up.
Last night I was walking back to my car after dinner and saw two middle aged guys standing in front of my car talking. Overheard one of them asking the other. I thought these were Acura...why does it have a Honda emblem? The other goes... Well I think they are made by Honda.

Lol and then the other guy says. I don't know maybe it's the new one?

Amazing how many guys out there don't know that much about cars.