Its all a matter of preference. When I first saw the NSX (in 1990) I fell in love. When it finally got time to buy a sports car, I looked at a number of cars. I considered an M3 and an M5 but they aren't really true sports cars (for what they are, no one does it better than BMW). I looked at a Vette and a Viper but wasn't impressed with either of them. I'm 6'4" and in both I had problems with the top of the windshield being in my line of sight. Secondly, I thought they both had very poor quality (at least compared with Porsche, Acura, etc.). I'm also not impressed with pure brute horsepower. I prefer the balance and finess of the NSX. The 911 was a real consideration. Its interior was a little larger and the overall quality and feel seemed on par with the NSX. In the end, I decided on the NSX for two reasons. The first is I consider it a true exotic (you just don't see many of them at least where I live); I see multiple 911's every day. The second reason is it was the car I had wanted for a long time. I didn't consider a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Lotus since there is no one to service them here.