What kind of HP is the NSX capable of?

12 July 2006
I am new to the NSX world. Actually, I won't pick up my 1992 until this weekend. I wanted to get an idea of power upgrades. Are there any good superchargers or turbo kits?

The best supercharger is the Boostzilla Supercharger. I am thinking about getting it installed in my car.

Here's the link

Good luck and welcome.

The NSX is not a Supra. The stock block isn't a blank slate. Aside from Factor X nobody has really put together a reliable package with more than 500RWHP. More reliable FI options will keep you in the 350-400RWHP range.
Congrats and welcome. Ypu can get the factor x turbo or the lovefab kit. It seems like both kits are making crazy numbers on their cars.
<B>AU_NSX</B> has a Twin Turbo setup of 550hp. It's also been stripped of all unnecessary weight so it's meant to crazier than an riced Enzo.
ccathey said:
I am new to the NSX world. Actually, I won't pick up my 1992 until this weekend. I wanted to get an idea of power upgrades. Are there any good superchargers or turbo kits?

This comes down to your budget and what kind of HP you are looking for! As it has been stated the NSX is not built like a supra, which has its pro's and cons. The con being it is not cheap to build a hp monster! Keep in mind though the NSX keeps up with many cars that have significant amount more hp.
Boostzilla, Factor X, Lovefab. I saw a GruppeM on Dali. Is it any good?
Sounds like there are a few good options out there. Keep em' comin'. Thanks
How about comptech supercharger?
I have them sc on my S2000, it is reliable and give to me some nice numbers :smile: .
I understand the quest for more POWER! I have 2 NSXs both SCed. I would suggest driving the car for a while before jumping into power upgrades. Spend the time to figure out what you want the car to do for you; then do it once and do it right.

There are no 1/2 measures with these cars, everything you do is going to be expensive so make every dollar count. I would suggest not buying a FI system based on price but on dependability and reliability. No matter how much HP your car is capable of making it won't be making any when its in the shop.

Talk to owners of all the different FI systems and get their first hand read; I would suggest only soliciting advise from people with first hand experience with a system. Talk to any and all FI owners, then make your decision on how to FI your car to suite your needs. We are all individuals and have very different needs and wants for our cars. Its your car build it to compliment your personality and make it truly "your car". There are many fine examples here on Prime; spend time looking through the picture gallery and you decide what works for you.

To answer you original question of what kind of HP the NSX is capable of needs to be qualified by what kind of dollar commitment you are willing to make. I have heard of over 800 RWHP but embarking on a journey like that is not for the faint of heart or pocketbook.

Best of Luck
It’s one of those triangle things.
First you must answer any two questions and I will answer the third.
1. How much money are you willing to spend.
2. What is the engine life expectancy in seconds.
3. How much power will the engine make.


Power is a question of $

Tell us how much you want to spend and we'll tell you how much extra power those $$$ will get you.

Hint: it's an exponential relationship... :wink:
ccathey said:
I am new to the NSX world. Actually, I won't pick up my 1992 until this weekend. I wanted to get an idea of power upgrades. Are there any good superchargers or turbo kits?

Do you need it to pass emmisions? do you want it to be legal? If the answer to these is yes, then there is only one kit that I know of, the Comptech SC. Its also the most reliable in my opinion, and backed by the best company out there. Contact Brian at Nopi for this, he can get you an excellent price for a limited time.

None of anything else mentioned here will pass smog tests nor are any of them CARB certified.

If this is a second car, you don't need to pass, and care more about sheer power than anything esle, then the others are good options.

There are more Comptech Supercharger owners on this board than any other type. www.comptechusa.com
for anything beyond ~330 rwhp
you probably want to budget around $20k-$30k.....

people have said that basically you should budget 2x the retail cost of the FI solution at least to cover the minimal expenses of stuff breaking, tuning, and all that good stuff...

sound about right guys?
khappucino said:
for anything beyond ~330 rwhp
you probably want to budget around $20k-$30k.....

people have said that basically you should budget 2x the retail cost of the FI solution at least to cover the minimal expenses of stuff breaking, tuning, and all that good stuff...

sound about right guys?

I feel your estamates are high but not out of the realm of possiblitie. I have a new project going; I am not as deep in as your budget estamate. But as they say, "it ain't over yet".:eek: :biggrin:
khappucino said:
for anything beyond ~330 rwhp
you probably want to budget around $20k-$30k.....

people have said that basically you should budget 2x the retail cost of the FI solution at least to cover the minimal expenses of stuff breaking, tuning, and all that good stuff...

sound about right guys?

I think you're waaay off base. 30k has to include a built motoe I presume ..12k should EASILY get you into a very nicely built sc or tuebo with 350-400 rwhp..
MiamieNeSeX said:
Seems to me that those concerned with the cost of FI have no business adding it to their cars. Buy an EVO:smile:


Negativity SUCKS!
You drive a nice car. Enjoy it, and let everyone else do the same.
ccathey said:
Negativity SUCKS!
You drive a nice car. Enjoy it, and let everyone else do the same.

How is my comment negative? Hit too close to home? I am not preventing you or anyone else from driving whatever it is they want to drive. And its not negativity that sucks, it's reality, and the reality of the matter is that most that install FI shouldnt, and more than most that start these threads never do.

MiamieNeSeX said:
How is my comment negative? Hit too close to home? I am not preventing you or anyone else from driving whatever it is they want to drive. And its not negativity that sucks, it's reality, and the reality of the matter is that most that install FI shouldnt, and more than most that start these threads never do.


I want an FI NSX therefore I SHOULD install one. Who are you to say who should or shouldn't? However, I will take some of the others advice and drive the car for a while before I change it. Just looking for information. Most of the posts that I have received have been positive as you can see. Thank you all and please keep the info coming.
A simple search on this site will net you all the info you are looking for, Im sorry if you didnt like what I had to say. Being a newbie,most of the sarcasm in others posts went right over your head. Enjoy the search and wear pants with deep pockets.

peiserg said:
I think you're waaay off base. 30k has to include a built motoe I presume ..12k should EASILY get you into a very nicely built sc or tuebo with 350-400 rwhp..

well i was just going off people i know that have high power FI break transmission bits and other various items, or just dyno time, more stuff breaking, repeat... etc =o (also throw in shiny new intercooler, AEM etc... it never seems to end :biggrin:) this one guy who i saw run a 9.9 1/4 in a 4G63 dsm still said he wasn't fast enough :biggrin:

i think i should have been more specific with the if you want much MORE than 350 whp (aka 450+500 rwhp) you may need to buy/replace certain items etc. this is just off people's experiences i've read about and it seemed since the original question was how much HP is it capable of, i was figuring the original poster wanted something more like in tuned EVO range (450-500 rwhp)

but i dunno, its just everyone i know with that much horsepower (other cars 2G eclipses, Evo's Rx7's), stuff just breaks (due to power increase and added system complexity) all the time and the car is in the garage more than on the ground) :biggrin:

i've just always heard that if you want to go FI, you need to account for more than the cost of the system+install.....
ccathey said:
I want an FI NSX therefore I SHOULD install one. Who are you to say who should or shouldn't? However, I will take some of the others advice and drive the car for a while before I change it. Just looking for information. Most of the posts that I have received have been positive as you can see. Thank you all and please keep the info coming.


Armando is very experienced with boosting an NSX; if you look on Prime for the pictures of his car you will see one of the finest examples of a replications of an NSX-R that I have ever seen. His car will have HP far beyond that most NSXs will ever achieve; Armando has sponsored a guess the final HP and torque for his car; most of the estimates are near 550 range.
He has been down this road further than I and I take his advise seriously. I am sure his only intent was to let you know the reality of what you are facing when you decide to go BIG HP in NSX. Most of us that have decided to try to exceed 400 HP have spent more $$ than we care to talk about. No one on Prime wants to deprive you of your goal/dream; we are here to support each other and trade information to help prevent mistakes. We are trying to express that this will be a much more costly undertaking than building most other cars.