there's always *lots* of posts about what we're getting ourselves, our cars, etc., so i'm wondering what we're doing for others (perhaps less fortunate) this year... anybody care to share?
queenlives said:* we donate $'s and computer systems to a local school
ken,ChopsJazz said:I donate time and money to a local school everyday. I teach there! :wink:
ROFMLAOShumdit said:On Christmas Eve I do not beat my wife or kids. By Christmas mid-day, all bets are off.:biggrin:
Little off topic here,:wink: That is in my former neck of the woods. I lived there for a long time. Did they get very much Katrina damage in the area where the store is?SNDSOUL said:last night my wife, her sister and myself drove to the Toy-R-Us in Mobile,AL(our local one is destroyed)
SNDSOUL said:there's no damage in that area at all