what do you guys think of my ad?

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TucAZNSX said:
You should have just been honest up front! I can't believe that you posted here yesterday asking if for people's opinions on this car implying that you were an interested buyer and today you post asking what we think of your ad. :rolleyes: Not a good way to start off as a newbie to the forum.

OWNED!!! :mad:
boy you guys are really nice people,
jescus, again it doesnt matter

what do you think of the ad.
the people who responded at the first of this gave really good advice , i appreciate it

the rest well you guys obviously have alot of times on your hands, to pick apart a few words and a few words there, and to give your opinion on what good or bad feedback is, again i was just asking on the write up but atleast you have good taste in cars so you got that going for you.

again thanks for the people who helped out.

Briank said:
I think it's time to ban this Troll. :wink:
Not to mention the FOR SALE ad :rolleyes: :rolleyes: claims to be "HIS NSX"..


no offense as your a moderator but again
its simple wording , whether i asked for a friends car or my car, has well really nothing to do with it, theres a car for sale and in excellent condition, i just needed some opinions on the ad. boy i hang out on the corvette forums alot and i dont get this kind of reception.

Mojorator said:
Not to mention the FOR SALE ad :rolleyes: :rolleyes: claims to be "HIS NSX"..

nsxlover555 said:

no offense as your a moderator but again
its simple wording , whether i asked for a friends car or my car, has well really nothing to do with it, theres a car for sale and in excellent condition, i just needed some opinions on the ad. boy i hang out on the corvette forums alot and i dont get this kind of reception.


I think it matters.

To tell my NSX story. When I was looking for a NSX on mobile.de a couple of years ago I found one. It turned out that the seller was a member here. I read as many messages of his as I could. In that way I made up my opinion of the car and the seller.

If I was surfing Ebay and came across the car that you or your friend sells then I would probably not be interested if this was the only thread I found on Prime. (Well actually I would find 5 threads with the same content from you)

So as a "service" for all Prime members I think it is okey to tell you that it was silly to do what you did. However you have not commited a murder, so let us all cool down and leave it at that.

And now back to our original program :)

Get off the forum. We don't need people like you here. Who the hell is going to buy a car from someone they know is so dishonest about the way they are selling it? If the Corvette forum guys like you, it's probably because you didn't try to pull this kind of crap on them. Either way, go back there.
atleast someone with a level head:)

you ever notice that people make different comments on a for sale ad/ or car
if they know they are talking to the seller or somebody else?

getting two types of opinions cant hurt


martin said:

I think it matters.

To tell my NSX story. When I was looking for a NSX on mobile.de a couple of years ago I found one. It turned out that the seller was a member here. I read as many messages of his as I could. In that way I made up my opinion of the car and the seller.

If I was surfing Ebay and came across the car that you or your friend sells then I would probably not be interested if this was the only thread I found on Prime. (Well actually I would find 5 threads with the same content from you)

So as a "service" for all Prime members I think it is okey to tell you that it was silly to do what you did. However you have not commited a murder, so let us all cool down and leave it at that.

And now back to our original program :)

again , no the corvette forum people just arent that uptight

i wasnt dishonest at all.
i represented the car accuratley any forum member is free to come and view the car.

again, people are less likely to be honest about someones car or ad, if they know they are talking to that individual thats just normal

hence to get a more accurate opinion from someone two views maybe needed.

thanks but your post really wasnt necessary

xsn said:
Get off the forum. We don't need people like you here. Who the hell is going to buy a car from someone they know is so dishonest about the way they are selling it? If the Corvette forum guys like you, it's probably because you didn't try to pull this kind of crap on them. Either way, go back there.
also i am wondering why you seem to know what kind of person i am?
you dont need people like me here?

come on its a few post and i am newbie to the forums I bet you have made posts that made people mad, but your still here?

xsn said:
Get off the forum. We don't need people like you here. Who the hell is going to buy a car from someone they know is so dishonest about the way they are selling it? If the Corvette forum guys like you, it's probably because you didn't try to pull this kind of crap on them. Either way, go back there.
nsxlover555 said:
atleast someone with a level head:)

you ever notice that people make different comments on a for sale ad/ or car
if they know they are talking to the seller or somebody else?

getting two types of opinions cant hurt



I guess you are right about your first statment. The way this turned out though is not the way we at Prime like. That is why so many react the way they do.

You wanted two points of view and you managed to get that, but you also got the Troll award for it too.

Put the troll award on the shelf and stop replying in the thread. I think that is best.

nsxlover555 said:
i wasnt dishonest at all.

Bullshit. Now you are just trying to weasel.

Here is your post in case you forgot:

what do you think about this car? jh4na1268nt000312


looks clean and its close by
what do you think of making an offer outside of auction,I wonder what the seller is looking for out of it?

any opinions appreciated

Your intent was clearly to mislead people. If you really just wanted some opinions on the car you would have stopped with "what do you think about this car" instead of asking about making an offer outside of the auction or wondering what the seller wants for it.

nsxlover555 said:
its simple wording , whether i asked for a friends car or my car, has well really nothing to do with it

Your idea of "simple wording" is more akin to simple misrepresentation. It DOES make a difference as to who owns the car because your multiple posts are contradictory and misleading. If you read them all together, it appears you are interested in obtaining our opinion about your own NSX because you are interested in bidding on an NSX you already own but want to know what we think your NSX is worth before you pay yourself.

Not a very good way to introduce yourself to the Prime community.
anyways i am ended this thread posts by the guy below are getting us nowhere

again i was looking for varying opinions if i acted like a prospective buyer, i most likely will get a different opinion than if it is indeed represented at my car.

if you lookin in the forsale section there is no dishonesty and a contact phone number for interested parties as well as an open invite for a local prime member to view the vehicle

thanks for the honest, intelligent opinions that were given here.
but the opinion below is just wasting thread space

this is my last post on this thread

have a good day

QUOTE=xsn]Bullshit. Now you are just trying to weasel.

Here is your post in case you forgot:

Your intent was clearly to mislead people. If you really just wanted some opinions on the car you would have stopped with "what do you think about this car" instead of asking about making an offer outside of the auction or wondering what the seller wants for it.

nsxlover555 said:
if you lookin in the forsale section there is no dishonesty

Is it even possible for you to post without LYING??

Here is the quote from your forsale section ad:

This car it in fantastic shape, only reason i am selling is student loans.

Here is a quote from you earlier in this thread:

its actually a friends, but i posted the ad for him as i know the car really well.

It's your friend's car in one thread, the only reason YOU are selling it is student loans in your ad, and you asking about buying it (not just for opinions about it) in a third. You are a real piece of work to now claim there was "no dishonesty." People here are not stupid. Stop trying to save face, it is beyond hope. Just leave.

this is my last post on this thread

That's a start. Try making it your last on the forum.
RSO 34 said:
Your idea of "simple wording" is more akin to simple misrepresentation. It DOES make a difference as to who owns the car because your multiple posts are contradictory and misleading. If you read them all together, it appears you are interested in obtaining our opinion about your own NSX because you are interested in bidding on an NSX you already own but want to know what we think your NSX is worth before you pay yourself.

Not a very good way to introduce yourself to the Prime community.

Bob's got a good point, buy the car from yourself, and go away!!! :redface:
Tips for the newbie:

1. Guys on prime are not stupid and do not like to be lied to. If its so irrelevant whether its your car or not, then why not say the truth or at least stay consistent!!!!

2. Marketing for a sale works, but not negative marketing. Even if someone was interested in your car, they will now be hesitant because of your foul play

Conclusion: Don't insult Prime members, especially if you want their help
The reason you are getting so much negativity from the members of this forum are because of your posts here, here and here! Between the three different threads you started, you have three different stories behind them! Don't go bashing members of the forum for be so negative against you when you inevitably did it to yourself. Enough said.
Deceit is never a good first step in any relationship and no matter what you say now, you clearly have multiple stories on this forum. Whether it was innocent or not, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but just as is the case with Raffy Palmero, your decision to not own up to the issue and take responsibility does not reflect well on you or your character.

In my book that's two strikes and I'm being generous. How you deal with the third pitch is entirely up to you.
Hey can someone layout the guidelines for what is required to attain a "Troll Award" ...Just so everybody knows.... :smile:
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