Vetron pic

BTW, is ChopsJazz related to Jazz the "soulful" Transformer by any chance?

ken, no good deed goes unpunished, eh?

(one of the funniest threads i've read here in a long time... it's 6a.m., i'm sitting in a hotel room and sipping coffee when i opened the thread - i darn near spewed.)

yeah, that's gotta hurt, but maybe it'll buff out.
I crashed mine a few times until I got the hang of it.




  • Vectron.jpg
    10.4 KB · Views: 132
you guys have it all wrong ,Ken was extolling the virtues of:


  • Megalon.jpg
    87.5 KB · Views: 126
The story behind the wreck is that: Megatron was out driving his Bugatti was caught in a sudden rainshower. His mechanical boots hindered his braking ability and he unfortunately rear ended Optimus Prime (whose bumper is just off the photo in front). I guess his insurance rates are going up next cycle... He'd better start saving up some energon cubes!!

Actually, according to the report that Megatron gave to the police, he was letting his friend Dietrich drive while he simply was riding as a passenger. After the crash, Dietrich fled on foot up a canyon and disappeared.
While driving his Vetron, Megatron was probably distracted by his Beltron-ics Radar detector...

I dunno guys, these are all very interesting theories..

But I think, despite mechanical warring aliens, expensive alcoholic beverages and the such, the real reason for the crash was this distracting fellow...


i wonder what a salvage title veyron goes for ill give him 25K tomorrow...
This has got to be one of the funniest threads I've seen in a while...

Where was the accident? I saw some semi-retired beefcake buy one a few weeks ago in Miami - same color combo. I'd laugh if it was his...

It was in Germany I believe
i wonder what a salvage title veyron goes for...
or if carfax will pick it up ;)

(hey, if a veyron crashed in the woods but nobody heard it crash, would it... awwww, nevermind.)

best thread in a very long time - see what $1.xM can do when put to good use ;)
some photoshopping creativity

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
Re: some photoshopping creativity

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>

total SWEETNESSS hahaha... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I dunno guys, these are all very interesting theories..

But I think, despite mechanical warring aliens, expensive alcoholic beverages and the such, the real reason for the crash was this distracting fellow...




It's Vol-John doing the "Voltron".......:biggrin:

sorry John(anytime) that picture is going to be a Prime legend:tongue:

see this thread for reference