Very Interesting.....vanity site

His name is Kim Schmitz a self-proclaimed millionaire hacker from Germany. He calls himself Kimble. I read through his old site about a year ago and all I really remember was that he was this big-time hacker who ended up serving time and then once he got out of jail/prison he started a consulting business. I do remember he had a lot of pics from different trips and events on his site and some where rather intriguing.

I also remember reading recently that he was offering some huge reward for the head, capture, or whatever else for Osama Bin Laden.
It's easy to live larger-than-life when you are stealing the money...

He was extradited from Thailand and arrested in Germany again earlier this year, this time for investment fraud (insider trading / pump and dump). I think he is the first person in Germany to be convicted of insider trading - it wasn't even illegal there until the mid-90s. I seem to recall he was convicted and received a 20-month suspended sentence, but the real damage is he's likely to be able to live off other people's money quite so easily now.

Here are some background articles:,2100,49880,00.html