vBulletin 4.x upgrade

Why dont we hold off on the complaining until he is done?? Every few times i log on i notice something has been changed from the last time... Lets reserve judgement until its finished... Then flame-on if you must.
It's hard to imagine visiting or not visiting a forum based on skins and colors. The content is what really matters.
I hope you don't mind me indulging in a chuckle as you comment that a forums "clothing" is essentially irrelevant.

I agree with you 100% though.
Why dont we hold off on the complaining until he is done?? Every few times i log on i notice something has been changed from the last time... Lets reserve judgement until its finished... Then flame-on if you must.

Completely agree. The comments of "I don't like it" or "Day 2, I still don't like it" irritates me. He's not even done implementing the changes. We still have a LOOOONG way to go yet.
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I miss the ability to just start reading the most recent posts. It summarizes all the cats gorier and you don't have to go back and forth to the main menu. How about a read newly posted capability?
I miss the ability to just start reading the most recent posts. It summarizes all the cats gorier and you don't have to go back and forth to the main menu. How about a read newly posted capability?
What are you referring to? There is a "new posts" link under the "What's New" and "Forum" headers.
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What are you referring to? There is a "new posts" link under the "What's New" and "Forum" headers.

I think he may be referring to something I miss as well. When I used to open the Prime website it automatically opened on the UserCP page which showed all the current subscribed threads which had new posts in them. And then right below this was a list of the forums I was subscribed to. If you clicked on the UserCP link and there were no new posts in any of the subscribed threads it would be blank and I would just see the Forums I was subscribed to.

Now it seems if you just want to see if there are any new posts in your subscribed threads you need to click on "Quick Links" and then click on "Subscribed Threads". But now when you do this it not only shows those threads with new posts but all other subscribed threads even if there aren't any new posts. And it no longer shows your subscribed forums.

I would like to have this back if possible.
Ran a very large forum since 2004 and have to do many major upgrades and it's a thankless job. You go through all of the work and as soon as it's over everybody bitches because everything isn't exactly the same as they left it.


Back in October I bought another copy of vBulletin and set up an entire separate forum and asked people here to check it out and give feedback related to vB4 and how they'd like to see it implemented here.


I implemented all the suggestions people gave me. Which was none.

It's unbelievably frustrating to go through all the effort of setting up a completely new forum site in order to solicit feedback on a software upgrade in a way that was not disruptive to this site, and get nothing but crickets chirping. Then when I implement the new software the same way here some people are all agitated.

I like it, the color is cool too. better on your eyes late at night, or sneaking in a thread while the wife is sleeping LOL
now this is a great change. Enthusify not so much LOL

Is there a desire to keep a softer theme available? I have been working on a red theme since that has been the site's color scheme forever, but I am not necessarily opposed to maintaining a couple themes, it's just a bit more work so I need to see a real demand before I do it.

And Shawn - I have asked you repeatedly to explain WHAT you don't like about Enthusify. If you prefer to contact me privately that is fine.

Also my back button still doesnt work. to go back to the main page you need to click Forum for it to refresh the page, F5 doesnt refresh it either.

I can't reproduce either of these problems. What browser are you using, and exactly what page are you trying to go back from or refresh?

I miss the old search function using google. Vbulletin search doesn't seem to yield results.

I'm working on getting the Google site search working again. I had it today but then I broke it somehow trying to fix the formatting, so I just reverted it back to the vBulletin search until I can figure out what I did wrong. It is definitely on my list.

Question to the admin: does the new version affect the tapatalk plug in ?

Tapatalk should be working since Saturday PM. I got it re-installed a few hours after the site came back up.

If I may ...

I was in this thread http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/168205-So-I-bought-an-R-wing-but

I wanted to quote just a single image so I copied the URL but when I tried to insert the image, it said the file was too big. You might want to check into that before your inbox gets spammed by people who want to post pictures ;-)

Also, the image dialog box was kinda and, in my opinion, not necessary

I need some more info on exactly what you were doing. Were you trying to copy the image to this site, or just hotlink it?

I think a word was dropped out of your last sentence there, so if you can clarify that I will try to respond.

wow am I the only one who is kinda lost.....anyway.....when I click on suscribed threads it lists all my threads in one long list whereas before it only listed the ones that had new responses and was easier to navigate because it excluded the threads where I was the last respondent.....am I missing a setting?

In the new subscribed threads view it defaults to sorting by the date of the last post... So in practice I'd think when you get down to one where you were the last respondent, you're through the ones that have been updated since your last response.. I don't really use subscribed threads so if I'm not understanding someone please explain the issue a little better.

[a bunch of people complaining about the one-column layout with the user information at the top vs. the two-column layout with the user info on the left]

Yeah, so this is one of the reasons I set up the test site I mentioned above... because I knew it would be somewhat controversial. The switch between the two formats is just a setting on the admin side, but since nobody had a word to say about it on the test site I'm going to run it in one-column mode for a while and then solicit some feedback. I see pros and cons to both and don't really have a preference.

One important note though, for people talking about this layout wasting space or making threads longer... The two-column layout in vB4 takes more vertical space as well, because for some reason the signature line always starts below the lowest part of the user info line (avatar, name, title, join date, iTrader rating, etc.) so for short posts there is a lot of white space under the end of the post before the signature starts. This is different from the template in vB3.x where the signature started right after the post ended. It may be possible to modify the template to get rid of that extra white space, but I haven't looked into that yet.

I love the new "Activity" view and feel better about using it vs. constantly hitting the search engine for latest/unread posts.

The "What's New" / Activity view is interesting. It will be more useful (and make more sense as opposed to just using "New Posts") once people start using blogs and / or Articles, because it pulls from those as well as forum posts.

Profile info on left of post (before) requires less vertical scrolling, but profile info on top (current) means wider embedded photos will fit on the width of narrower screens. Other benefit to on left was it was easy to zoom in on mobile platforms (on just the right column)...but the new software uses a different display format for mobile which is much better. The new software is a win for me, just for that (improved mobile experience). I also like the way replies open up a new section where you hit reply, instead of opening a new page and going to the end of the thread. That will make it easier to pick up reading, after replying, where one left off. I imagine we'll uncover more things to like as we use the new site.

Yeah there are a ton of cool little things. Just having posts auto-save while you're typing them is cool.

And the new mobile style is a HUGE improvement for people who don't use Tapatalk.

OK, I do have a question/confusion. On the man thread listing. There is orange open envelopes and blue open envelopes - what is the difference? I figured out that gray closed envelopes mean "read, no new replies."

The orange and blue envelope icons next to threads were to signify normal versus "hot" threads. A "hot" thread has received X number of views or Y replies. IMO that features makes more sense on small forums. I disabled it. I may bring it back with much higher view/reply thresholds at some point, but figuring those thresholds out would take some time and it was distracting having something like 1/3 of the threads showing up as "hot" with a different color icon.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, that is interesting...when I post another reply it just appends to my last (if my last was the last in the thread).

Yeah, another new feature I think is pretty cool.
I lied, one more comment. The mobile version is pretty generic (complete with "vBulletin" logo). You (Lud) will probably want to adjust colors/logos to make it more NSX-Prime-like, and make sure ads show up on mobile so monetization doesn't decrease.

Yeah I was trying to get the main theme sorted out a bit first. Now I've got the logo on the mobile theme. I'm not terribly worried about ads on mobile at the moment but I will probably come back to it at some point.

What's up with the wiki? Requires a log in and won't take the one for the forum. I don't think this related to Wiki Champ being put in charge since I used to be able to edit and add stuff.

This is one problem I probably can't fix - the wiki / vBulletin integration. I got the wiki back up and running but converting it to an independent installation, no longer integrated with the forum. This isn't really that big a deal because I needed to lock it to migrate the content out of the wiki software anyway since this community never adopted the wiki mentality so it's simply not a good solution for us. If any of the few folks who were active in the wiki want to continue to work on it just contact me and I will create an login for you.

Automated emails are now sent from @gmail.com instead of @nsxprime.com


Sort of. The @nsxprime.com address doesn't really work, I just set that as the sending address so my mailbox didn't get flooded with autoresponders and bounce messages. But I needed to test some stuff w/ the upgrade so I needed a valid return address. It will probably change back at some point. Sorry of this is screwing anybody's filters up or something.

And finally, on the right margin of the site there is a new "feedback" button. Anyone can use it to recommend things they'd like to see on the site, and you can vote on which suggestions you like the best.
Sorry if it was asked but can we now search for three letter words? That always threw off many searches before.
where is the new replies to my subscribed posts? I used to go to nsxprime.com/forum/usercp.php but it shows all posts and theres no easy way even if you click subscriptions it shows posts that i have replied to which i dont really care about until theres a new reply........

Back in October I bought another copy of vBulletin and set up an entire separate forum and asked people here to check it out and give feedback related to vB4 and how they'd like to see it implemented here.


I implemented all the suggestions people gave me. Which was none.

Speaking for at least myself, I never saw that post and probably neither did most others, as that thread currently has 498 views over the past 50+ days vs. how this thread has 3,200 views at the moment, most of which probably coming in since 11/24. Not complaining - just proposing why possibly such little feedback.

I've been on the board of directors of a volunteer agency here in Pittsburgh for 10+ years and know the feelings you describe above and most likely would have commented had I seen that thread, as I'm a big fan of nsxprime and can have strong preferences when things I really enjoy are radically changed. When the masses are happy your thanks are often chirping crickets and when the masses are unhappy you quickly HEAR how much people care. Remember, love can usually equal much noise and emotion and can be confused with dislike or hate, but apathy = quiet or gone.

Ran a very large forum since 2004 and have to do many major upgrades and it's a thankless job. You go through all of the work and as soon as it's over everybody bitches because everything isn't exactly the same as they left it.

I appreciate his work and have stated so often, and think the majority feel similarly as most of us thanked him in our feedback postings here and/or are donating supporters of Prime (me since October 2011, and NSXCA since January 2011). :)
Perhaps this is a good time to feedback: are you bringing back the "Support NSX Prime" button that I thought used to be on the top of the screen?

One point of clarification from my post:

Thanks for all the work as always, but this seems like a change only for sake of change and not for the better, just like tapatalk's recent "upgrade" that softened the line between individual posts and reduced the intuitiveness and readability. Like current auto design's fake fender vents, complex & expensive light clusters, and occasionally over-wrought sheet metal creases - sometimes it's ok to put the pencil down and leave it down. :) IMHO.

I was absolutely referring to Vbulletin, not Lud, for engineering some changes that I don't favor and still see as only for the sake of change and not for true improvement. :) I knew I expressed that poorly and regret if it came out as an unappreciative comment on Lud. My biggest gripe was/is less so the increased white space but the general decreased readability.

As can be seen below, it's much easier to read the conversation when your eyes aren't fighting to skip around & discern what is conversation vs. user info vs. meaningless repeating the thread topic in bold font vs. sig file, all of which now blend together too easily and "interrupt" the conversation between posts. And this is made even worse by how the border line that separates and boxes in individual posts is now barely visible. The prior way of boxing in a post with a darker border line, having the user info to the left, having the 4-line sig file start right after a thin black line, and having minimal additional shaded thick lines made it super easy and intuitive to separate posts and follow a conversation. Maybe it's just me but the least emphasized part of a post now is the discussion. You practically have to concentrate now to find and read it. Vb considers this an upgrade? :)

Screen Shot 2012-11-25 at 12.13.24 PM.jpg

I sincerely appreciate your recognizing the clunkiness here and your looking into it. That really stands out to me as a very poor change by Vbulletin and really decreased my enjoyment of Prime's main offering (forum threads) so I had to post.

I don't really use subscribed threads so if I'm not understanding someone please explain the issue a little better.

I use subscription folders all the time, binning them into things like "wheel tech," "buying advice," "maintenance," "detailing tips," etc, and think some are looking for how to sort thru their subscribed posts in a way other than viewing in order of recent posts under the "Subscriptions" tab in your "My Activity" tab.... What may help some is: if you go to "My Profile" way up top, then "Quick Links" in the black bar, then "My Subscriptions," you'll find access to your subscription folders in a nicely formatted way. I was really unhappy too until I found that, as it's not instantly intuitive where that feature was relocated.

In closing during this horrible insomnia I'm hit with tonight starting about 40 minutes ago, I sincerely am enjoying and appreciate the auto-save feature and the "What's New" feature, and as always appreciate your work on the site. This is sure similar to how most here love the simple & classic lines of the gen 1 NSX but are so polar about the new NSX. Sometimes less is more!

Now if only I can find time to finish my NSXPrime decal submissions.... Good night all.
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Speaking for at least myself, I never saw that post and probably neither did most others, as that thread currently has 498 views over the past 50+ days vs. how this thread has 3,200 views at the moment, most of which probably coming in since 11/24. Not complaining - just proposing why possibly such little feedback.

I've been on the board of directors of a volunteer agency here in Pittsburgh for 10+ years and know the feelings you describe above and most likely would have commented had I seen that thread, as I'm a big fan of nsxprime and can have strong preferences when things I really enjoy are radically changed. When the masses are happy your thanks are often chirping crickets and when the masses are unhappy you quickly HEAR how much people care. Remember, love can usually equal much noise and emotion and can be confused with dislike or hate, but apathy = quiet or gone.

I appreciate his work and have stated so often, and think the majority feel similarly as most of us thanked him in our feedback postings here and/or are donating supporters of Prime (me since October 2011, and NSXCA since January 2011). :)
Perhaps this is a good time to feedback: are you bringing back the "Support NSX Prime" button that I thought used to be on the top of the screen?

One point of clarification from my post:

I was absolutely referring to Vbulletin, not Lud, for engineering some changes that I don't favor and still see as only for the sake of change and not for true improvement. :) I knew I expressed that poorly and regret if it came out as an unappreciative comment on Lud. My biggest gripe was/is less so the increased white space but the general decreased readability.

As can be seen below, it's much easier to read the conversation when your eyes aren't fighting to skip around & discern what is conversation vs. user info vs. meaningless repeating the thread topic in bold font vs. sig file, all of which now blend together too easily and "interrupt" the conversation between posts. And this is made even worse by how the border line that separates and boxes in individual posts is now barely visible. The prior way of boxing in a post with a darker border line, having the user info to the left, having the 4-line sig file start right after a thin black line, and having minimal additional shaded thick lines made it super easy and intuitive to separate posts and follow a conversation. Maybe it's just me but the least emphasized part of a post now is the discussion. You practically have to concentrate now to find and read it. Vb considers this an upgrade? :)

View attachment 95410

I sincerely appreciate your recognizing the clunkiness here and your looking into it. That really stands out to me as a very poor change by Vbulletin and really decreased my enjoyment of Prime's main offering (forum threads) so I had to post.

I use subscription folders all the time, binning them into things like "wheel tech," "buying advice," "maintenance," "detailing tips," etc, and think some are looking for how to sort thru their subscribed posts in a way other than viewing in order of recent posts under the "Subscriptions" tab in your "My Activity" tab.... What may help some is: if you go to "My Profile" way up top, then "Quick Links" in the black bar, then "My Subscriptions," you'll find access to your subscription folders in a nicely formatted way. I was really unhappy too until I found that, as it's not instantly intuitive where that feature was relocated.

In closing during this horrible insomnia I'm hit with tonight starting about 40 minutes ago, I sincerely am enjoying and appreciate the auto-save feature and the "What's New" feature, and as always appreciate your work on the site. This is sure similar to how most here love the simple & classic lines of the gen 1 NSX but are so polar about the new NSX. Sometimes less is more!

Now if only I can find time to finish my NSXPrime decal submissions.... Good night all.

To change that layout all he has to do is enable the Postbit Layout option & everyone can choose whichever layout they want.
Speaking for at least myself, I never saw that post and probably neither did most others, as that thread currently has 498 views over the past 50+ days vs. how this thread has 3,200 views at the moment, most of which probably coming in since 11/24. Not complaining - just proposing why possibly such little feedback.

I moved it around as a "sticky" thread between General NSX Discussion, Off Topic, and this forum. If it went unread it was not due to lack of exposure.

Perhaps this is a good time to feedback: are you bringing back the "Support NSX Prime" button that I thought used to be on the top of the screen?

Yes but it's not near the top of my list at the moment.

As can be seen below, it's much easier to read the conversation when your eyes aren't fighting to skip around & discern what is conversation vs. user info vs. meaningless repeating the thread topic in bold font vs. sig file, all of which now blend together too easily and "interrupt" the conversation between posts. And this is made even worse by how the border line that separates and boxes in individual posts is now barely visible. The prior way of boxing in a post with a darker border line, having the user info to the left, having the 4-line sig file start right after a thin black line, and having minimal additional shaded thick lines made it super easy and intuitive to separate posts and follow a conversation. Maybe it's just me but the least emphasized part of a post now is the discussion. You practically have to concentrate now to find and read it. Vb considers this an upgrade? :)

It sounds like your concerns here could mostly be addressed by tweaking the style colors..?

I use subscription folders all the time, binning them into things like "wheel tech," "buying advice," "maintenance," "detailing tips," etc, and think some are looking for how to sort thru their subscribed posts in a way other than viewing in order of recent posts under the "Subscriptions" tab in your "My Activity" tab.... What may help some is: if you go to "My Profile" way up top, then "Quick Links" in the black bar, then "My Subscriptions," you'll find access to your subscription folders in a nicely formatted way. I was really unhappy too until I found that, as it's not instantly intuitive where that feature was relocated.

OK thanks for the info. I hope others who use subscribed threads will give this a try.

To change that layout all he has to do is enable the Postbit Layout option & everyone can choose whichever layout they want.

As best I can tell it's a global either-or option:

[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 90%, align: center"]
[TD="class: optiontitle, bgcolor: #00A6DA, colspan: 2"]Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, bgcolor: #0098CC"]If you prefer the old-style postbit, using two vertical columns rather than the new horizontal layout, you can switch back to using that template with this switch.

Please note that if you enable this option and wish to customize the template, you should edit the 'postbit_legacy' template rather than the 'postbit'.[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, bgcolor: #0098CC"][TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 100%, align: left"]
[TD]<label for="rb_1_setting[legacypostbit]_125"><input type="radio" name="setting[legacypostbit]" id="rb_1_setting[legacypostbit]_125" value="1" tabindex="1">Yes
</label><label for="rb_0_setting[legacypostbit]_125"><input type="radio" name="setting[legacypostbit]" id="rb_0_setting[legacypostbit]_125" value="0" tabindex="1" checked="checked">No</label>[/TD]

There may be some way to use a plugin or hack to make it user-selectable but I'm not going down that road right now. If you know of some other setting I have missed, please let me know.

Sorry if it was asked but can we now search for three letter words? That always threw off many searches before.

You have always been able to do that w/ the Google Site Search.. Before the upgrade it was in the forum header. I'm working to bring it back, but until then you can use the tip a couple other people have already posted in this thread.
Is there a desire to keep a softer theme available? I have been working on a red theme since that has been the site's color scheme forever, but I am not necessarily opposed to maintaining a couple themes, it's just a bit more work so I need to see a real demand before I do it.

My vote is to keep it as you are now set up.

One important note though, for people talking about this layout wasting space or making threads longer... The two-column layout in vB4 takes more vertical space as well, because for some reason the signature line always starts below the lowest part of the user info line (avatar, name, title, join date, iTrader rating, etc.) so for short posts there is a lot of white space under the end of the post before the signature starts. This is different from the template in vB3.x where the signature started right after the post ended. It may be possible to modify the template to get rid of that extra white space, but I haven't looked into that yet.

Such modification, if possible, would resolve the commentary concerning preference for the left sided avatar and limiting extra elongated white space as much as possible.

Finally, I prefer to consider all suggestions which have been made as just that, not whining or back-sniping criticism. Our objective as Prime users is to preserve what I believe is the best automotive website on the planet, in homage for the best automobile on the planet, which we love so dearly.

Lud, you have done just that, and your continued improvement and modification is much appreciated. Respect!
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Yeah, so this is one of the reasons I set up the test site I mentioned above... because I knew it would be somewhat controversial. The switch between the two formats is just a setting on the admin side, but since nobody had a word to say about it on the test site I'm going to run it in one-column mode for a while and then solicit some feedback. I see pros and cons to both and don't really have a preference.
As can be seen below, it's much easier to read the conversation when your eyes aren't fighting to skip around & discern...
I agree. So consider me another vote for the "two column mode".

Back in October I bought another copy of vBulletin and set up an entire separate forum and asked people here to check it out and give feedback related to vB4 and how they'd like to see it implemented here.


I implemented all the suggestions people gave me. Which was none.

It's unbelievably frustrating to go through all the effort of setting up a completely new forum site in order to solicit feedback on a software upgrade in a way that was not disruptive to this site, and get nothing but crickets chirping. Then when I implement the new software the same way here some people are all agitated.

This is par for the course. Most of the upgrades I had to do were just due to versions going out of support against spam protection and such. Either way, there have been 3 major upgrades over the span of the last 9 years and all were met with tons of resistance.

People get trained through repetition on where to click, where to focus their eyes, etc... Once you knock that off then everybody gets immediately pissed.

Seek solace in the fact that at the end of the day everybody will get use to it in a few weeks and life will go on as if nothing ever happened.

Write your reply...