Originally posted by AndyVecsey:
I don't think you mean it that way, or maybe you do...
Indeed I do......that is why we have insurance, to repair whatever damage is done to the car
I think that over simplifies the situation. Insurance works fine for most cars, but not for rare exotics. Lets say my NSX gets totaled by a valet, or some SUV driver not paying attention. I have insurance, so now I have a fat check from the insurance company (less the deductable). Even if I manage to get the insurance company to properly compensate me for my pristine condition, very low mileage NSX, I won't be able to just run out and buy another one. I won't be given enough to order a new one, and it would take me a long time to find another older NSX that was both in a similar condition to maine and for sale. Even worse, if it gets damaged, but not enough to total it, I am then left with a car that will never be worth as much as it was before the accident. I will never be compensated for that loss of value.
I don't think we should all keep our cars under glass - after all, these cars were designed to be driven, but I don't think it is wrong to be careful with our cars either. Just because we have insurance, that doesn't mean we will have everything taken care of if the car is damaged.
Just my $.02 (probably only worth $.01 in this economy),
The Dark Sith Lord
91 Black/Black (of course)