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    Caveat Emptor!

Unbelievable...tell us what you really think.

I think this is the best PR that a company can ask for without paying. It is almost as good as Brittany Spears not wearing underwear, just to get on the news.:biggrin:
I will go to DF web site and see what I want to buy now.
That's it! I'm calling your boss!:biggrin:

I tried that already...Bill told me Mike sold so many cars for him he didn't care if he came to work in a velvet smoking jacket :smile: .
i have purchased from DF thru Peter and Ben, both have been great.

we are ALL humans and as such we ALL make mistakes. Ben has recogized it and have apologized. Nothing else is needed to be said.


I still would like to know how you found this old post. Do you even own a BMW?

post #31 explains it.
...The only thing I gathered from this post is that he is human, said something he shouldn't have and apologized. Life goes on...


I think you summed it up very nicely.

If I had a dollar for every time I got frustrated and said something insulting, I’d own a 2002 NSX by now. :eek: :biggrin:

I think this is the best PR that a company can ask for without paying. It is almost as good as Brittany Spears not wearing underwear, just to get on the news.:biggrin:
I will go to DF web site and see what I want to buy now.

Maybe you can buy some carbon fiber underwear for Britney :wink: :wink: :wink:
That's about the same time I ordered my parts and I was treated with a similar attitude :smile: An NSX owner a prick huh? No way :eek:

Well to be fair to all the "pricks" who Ben had to deal with i'm going to honor them by creating a strictly fictional (cough cough) story about my friend Swim that outlines some possible reasons why an NSX owner can be a "prick" when dealing with a certain vendor. This will be a long story so i'll post it later as DJ Simo has some more important affairs to attend to at the moment. Stay tuned.......
I've never done business with DF, nor have I ever had a desire for any of their products. But because of this I'll certainly never even entertain purchasing anything from this company. Even if Ben offers good prices, prompt delivery and good products, I just can't justify supporting a company that would say something like that behind its customer's backs. Every company has to deal with customers in one way or another; it's part of doing business. And I'm sure every business has spoken, or does speak ill of some of their customers, but a decent company would never do so publicly and/or to other customers. It's just bad business.


Ditto! I just didn't get a good vibe dealing with him when I simply asked about a the DF lip he was producing for the 02+ NSX. You can read more about it here >>>> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84094
I really thought he was rather rude and very unprofessional. I would never buy anything from DF because of this, but if I ever do it certainly won't be through Ben. This really confirms my thought about him and the company he's associcated with.
Ditto! I just didn't get a good vibe dealing with him when I simply asked about a the DF lip he was producing for the 02+ NSX. You can read more about it here >>>> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84094
I really thought he was rather rude and very unprofessional. I would never buy anything from DF because of this. This really confirms my thought about him and the company he's associcated with.

After reading the link that Jackson provided, I can see what kind of person Ben is. I don't think he is man enough to apologize to us, he has no choice (Perhaps to keep his job). I've never deal with DF nor I've never deal with Ben at all, but what he said at the BMW forum did make us (as the NSX owners) look bad.
It is simply amazing to me that some of you will just not let this go. It's the internet, so I expected people to take advantage of the situation to utilize their flaming skills. I also expected the people who have ACTUALLY have dealt with to say good things about Downforce and/or me. This happened as well.

What I did not expect was for a couple of you to jump on the bandwagon so easily and turn your back on someone who has bent over backwards to help you. One of you in fact, still owe money for parts I gave to you in good faith. Another one of you even have had Peter personally set an entire day aside to install parts on your car. For free. How much more service could you ask for?

Many of you have seem to be so affected by a few pixels, that was posted MONTHS ago, but in reality the way I have been treated by some of you is FAR worse than my little rant... I ranted. I got over it, and went on with life. Some of you should do the same.

I have been trying to bite my tongue about all of this, but it has simply getting out of hand. People are commenting just to get their 5 minutes of fame. Not even reading the entire thread, or up to date with the fact if I had already apologized. Yes, I apologized, and I was sincere. What more do you want? Am I supposed to get the death penalty?

Some of the complaints in this thread are warranted. Many are simply untrue.
There is no arguing the fact that the majority of the people continuing to run their mouths have NO PRIOR experience with me or Downforce AT ALL.

If you really have a problem with something I did, or if you are unhappy with the service I have provided, Peter is always at the office. Feel free to call and talk to Peter about me anytime. One of you have already done so.

The number of loyal and happy customers that continue to compile on my track record speaks for itself, so don't think for a minute that this thread or any of your "I was going to be a customer" phone calls, has any affect on my job security.

I am not going anywhere. I will be here on Prime for years to come. You can either let it go and let us move on to more constructive conversations, or continue to act as immature/irrational as I was when I made that post 8+ months ago.

The choice is yours.
After reading the link that Jackson provided, I can see what kind of person Ben is. I don't think he is man enough to apologize to us, he has no choice (Perhaps to keep his job). I've never deal with DF nor I've never deal with Ben at all, but what he said at the BMW forum did make us (as the NSX owners) look bad.

Check post #26

It is simply amazing to me that some of you will just not let this go. It's the internet, so I expected people to take advantage of the situation to utilize their flaming skills. I also expected the people who have ACTUALLY have dealt with to say good things about Downforce and/or me. This happened as well.

What I did not expect was for a couple of you to jump on the bandwagon so easily and turn your back on someone who has bent over backwards to help you. One of you in fact, still owe money for parts I gave to you in good faith. Another one of you even have had Peter personally set an entire day aside to install parts on your car. For free. How much more service could you ask for?

Many of you have seem to be so affected by a few pixels, that was posted MONTHS ago, but in reality the way I have been treated by some of you is FAR worse than my little rant... I ranted. I got over it, and went on with life. Some of you should do the same.

I have been trying to bite my tongue about all of this, but it has simply getting out of hand. People are commenting just to get their 5 minutes of fame. Not even reading the entire thread, or up to date with the fact if I had already apologized. Yes, I apologized, and I was sincere. What more do you want? Am I supposed to get the death penalty?

Some of the complaints in this thread are warranted. Many are simply untrue.
There is no arguing the fact that the majority of the people continuing to run their mouths have NO PRIOR experience with me or Downforce AT ALL.

If you really have a problem with something I did, or if you are unhappy with the service I have provided, Peter is always at the office. Feel free to call and talk to Peter about me anytime. One of you have already done so.

The number of loyal and happy customers that continue to compile on my track record speaks for itself, so don't think for a minute that this thread or any of your "I was going to be a customer" phone calls, has any affect on my job security.

I am not going anywhere. I will be here on Prime for years to come. You can either let it go and let us move on to more constructive conversations, or continue to act as immature/irrational as I was when I made that post 8+ months ago.

The choice is yours.

Ben, I've never dealt with your company for anything whatsoever, so please don't take this as a criticism of your customer service or the products or services your company provides/offers. That said, you made a sweeping remark about the NSX owner community. You have to understand that it's not as easy for the offended to just pick up and move on as it is for the one who committed the offense. I don't wish to be antagonistic, but the perfect example is someone saying someone else's daughter is a whore behind the first person's back. Then, when that person finds out it was said, the offender apologizes, says that "well, at first all of my experiences with her she's acted like a whore but as I got to know her, I see she really isn't. So, sorry. Now let's move on. It was months ago. You're immature if you continue to talk about it."

Kinda extreme example, but it illustrates the point. Was she physically hurt (the whole sticks and stones argument)? No. Did the offender sincerely apologize? Yes. Does that make it any easier for the offended to handle? No, it doesn't. To the offender, it just happened when he found out it was said, even though it was said some time ago.

As a business person, you have to understand that what you say, no matter under what circumstances, your words will be affiliated with your company especially when it's to call your customers pricks. Also understand that to the NSX community as a whole, we just found out about these comments a few days ago. To us, it's still fresh. Just because it happened in your timeline many months ago, don't criticize us if we feel we need to vent a little ourselves.

You've apologized, and sincerely in my opinion. But as you continue to post in this thread instead of making things better, you're just stirring up whatever sh!t has been able to settle so far. You have dedicated customers who will continue to buy. You have potential customers who are willing to overlook your misstep. You have others who will never do business with you because of it. More posting here probably won't change the minds of anyone here. Or maybe it will... but that's not my opinion. I think your company will continue basically unaffected by this whole fiasco so just let it go... take your own advice. But let us, the offended, vent for a while.

I'm not going to lie and say I was planning to spend money with your company. In my first post in this thread I said that as well. I just hope you guys don't come out with some part that I *really* want and nobody else offers! :rolleyes: :tongue:

Ben, I've never dealt with your company for anything whatsoever, so please don't take this as a criticism of your customer service or the products or services your company provides/offers. That said, you made a sweeping remark about the NSX owner community. You have to understand that it's not as easy for the offended to just pick up and move on as it is for the one who committed the offense. I don't wish to be antagonistic, but the perfect example is someone saying someone else's daughter is a whore behind the first person's back. Then, when that person finds out it was said, the offender apologizes, says that "well, at first all of my experiences with her she's acted like a whore but as I got to know her, I see she really isn't. So, sorry. Now let's move on. It was months ago. You're immature if you continue to talk about it."

Kinda extreme example, but it illustrates the point. Was she physically hurt (the whole sticks and stones argument)? No. Did the offender sincerely apologize? Yes. Does that make it any easier for the offended to handle? No, it doesn't. To the offender, it just happened when he found out it was said, even though it was said some time ago.

As a business person, you have to understand that what you say, no matter under what circumstances, your words will be affiliated with your company especially when it's to call your customers pricks. Also understand that to the NSX community as a whole, we just found out about these comments a few days ago. To us, it's still fresh. Just because it happened in your timeline many months ago, don't criticize us if we feel we need to vent a little ourselves.

You've apologized, and sincerely in my opinion. But as you continue to post in this thread instead of making things better, you're just stirring up whatever sh!t has been able to settle so far. You have dedicated customers who will continue to buy. You have potential customers who are willing to overlook your misstep. You have others who will never do business with you because of it. More posting here probably won't change the minds of anyone here. Or maybe it will... but that's not my opinion. I think your company will continue basically unaffected by this whole fiasco so just let it go... take your own advice. But let us, the offended, vent for a while.

I'm not going to lie and say I was planning to spend money with your company. In my first post in this thread I said that as well. I just hope you guys don't come out with some part that I *really* want and nobody else offers! :rolleyes: :tongue:



That was very nicely, politely, and respectfully put. Good insight, too.


Ditto! I just didn't get a good vibe dealing with him when I simply asked about a the DF lip he was producing for the 02+ NSX. You can read more about it here >>>> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84094
I really thought he was rather rude and very unprofessional. I would never buy anything from DF because of this, but if I ever do it certainly won't be through Ben. This really confirms my thought about him and the company he's associcated with.

i read through the thread and i don't see anything unreasonable, rude or unprofessional.

where else can you find good quality body parts for the nsx without paying an arm or a leg? oversea?

btw, shouldn't this be under "buyer & seller experiences"?


Vote for this thread to be moved under another topic:
Another one of you even have had Peter personally set an entire day aside to install parts on your car. For free. How much more service could you ask for?

Ben, you finally helped me out, which I appreciate, but only after MONTHS of me calling and pm'ing you. Let's look at why you had Peter help me install the diffuser....

1. The first diffuser you sold me back in November was missing 1/2 of the parts, and the instructions that were supposed to come with it! Also some of the pieces were of less than stellar quality and were different sizes. I can post pitures for all to see if you wish, along with the rest of the items..... I called and pm'ed you for weeks and weeks asking for the rest of the stuff, I never got anything.

2. Finally after I installed the 1st diffuser, it F'ed up my car because you never gave me the instructions with the correct mounting points, the right hardware, etc.... That cost me $300 to have fixed.

3. It took nearly 5 months to get my replacement diffuser. Not to mention all of the phone calls, pm's, and trips from LA, most of which were completely blown off by you. It was only when I started to call Peter and asked for a refund that you got the ball rolling. Even then, it still took a few weeks for the install.

4. YOU said for me to bring the car in! I asked for a refund so I could go buy the real thing or the parts so I could take it to my NSX tech and have him put it in. You wouldn't give me the parts so what was I supposed to do?

5. The install: An entire day wasn't set aside, come on...... I came in at 2pm and was working on my car as much as Peter was if not more...... All I asked for in the end was the damn diffuser and ALL of the hardware and the INSTRUCTIONS, all of which were supposed to come with the diffuser.

Free huh? Are you going to make a big deal about that after I all of the time and money and hassle I had to go through to get your parts on my car? How many times did I drive down from LA with parts that didn't fit or were defective. More than you remember i'm sure. How many hours did I sit in traffic, only to get down there and have you give me the same BS excuses?

So in the end I got the diffuser I wanted, but what did I have to do to get it? Maybe act like a prick huh? I guess we're both guilty of that....... If you had thousands of dollars worth of parts waiting to be made what would you be doing? Especially considering the fact that I PAID for these things LAST YEAR! Every time I called you or pm'ed you I got a "oh let's see", "lets wait for this", "ughh we don't do that", etc.... etc.... Waiting a month is fine, 2 months is pushing it, but 5 months? Come on. If I didn't put in all the effort I still wouldn't have the diffuser.

And that's my complaint on 1 product....
Ben, I've never dealt with your company for anything whatsoever, so please don't take this as a criticism of your customer service or the products or services your company provides/offers. That said, you made a sweeping remark about the NSX owner community. You have to understand that it's not as easy for the offended to just pick up and move on as it is for the one who committed the offense. I don't wish to be antagonistic, but the perfect example is someone saying someone else's daughter is a whore behind the first person's back. Then, when that person finds out it was said, the offender apologizes, says that "well, at first all of my experiences with her she's acted like a whore but as I got to know her, I see she really isn't. So, sorry. Now let's move on. It was months ago. You're immature if you continue to talk about it."

Kinda extreme example, but it illustrates the point. Was she physically hurt (the whole sticks and stones argument)? No. Did the offender sincerely apologize? Yes. Does that make it any easier for the offended to handle? No, it doesn't. To the offender, it just happened when he found out it was said, even though it was said some time ago.

As a business person, you have to understand that what you say, no matter under what circumstances, your words will be affiliated with your company especially when it's to call your customers pricks. Also understand that to the NSX community as a whole, we just found out about these comments a few days ago. To us, it's still fresh. Just because it happened in your timeline many months ago, don't criticize us if we feel we need to vent a little ourselves.

You've apologized, and sincerely in my opinion. But as you continue to post in this thread instead of making things better, you're just stirring up whatever sh!t has been able to settle so far. You have dedicated customers who will continue to buy. You have potential customers who are willing to overlook your misstep. You have others who will never do business with you because of it. More posting here probably won't change the minds of anyone here. Or maybe it will... but that's not my opinion. I think your company will continue basically unaffected by this whole fiasco so just let it go... take your own advice. But let us, the offended, vent for a while.

I'm not going to lie and say I was planning to spend money with your company. In my first post in this thread I said that as well. I just hope you guys don't come out with some part that I *really* want and nobody else offers! :rolleyes: :tongue:


Very well said, however I have two points in response:

Your analogy about the daughter and whore thing is comparing "Apples and Oranges" As a father I would do something about it, if I heard someone called my daughter a whore.

So, how long should Ben stay in front of the firing squad before this will end? That my friend is a double standard.

We (myself included) are all contributing to the perpetuation of this post.

MODERATOR... PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Thanks James. I agree with your last post, and I am done being baited back into this thread.

I will let me sales and service speak for itself.


Way to rant over there Ben.

I'm sure that is definitely going to help your sales.

Business should be Business, too bad he had to make it personal. They definately wont get my business, and this only shows Ben's immaturity.

Honestly every race, gender, car owner.s..there will be pricks in all cats.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt Ben. Cus it looks like you dug yourself a deep grave. Good Luck to fresh beginings.
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Honestly, when BenDF made one of his posts that I read....(it was something about Peter wasn't the one making the call anymore) But his approach to the comment showed that he wasn't someone matured (it sounded like "I am the $h!t). First impression really last a life time in ones' mind. So now I saw these, I can see that my perception was in the ball-park.

i read through the thread and i don't see anything unreasonable, rude or unprofessional.

where else can you find good quality body parts for the nsx without paying an arm or a leg? oversea?

btw, shouldn't this be under "buyer & seller experiences"?


Vote for this thread to be moved under another topic:

Shane I don't want to drag this on or get off topic. Well, it's a matter of opinion and you entitled to yours, but that doesn't change how I felt about how he responsed to my line of questioning. Understandablely you're a loyal customer of DF and kudos to you, but there is always two sides to a coin and not eveyone has the same personality. :rolleyes:
I am so proud of my fellow Prime members. After spending an extensive time researching through all the posts so far, I have concluded the following about the profile of the non-DF customers:

• They are not pricks
• They are extremely professional
• They have extremely high business ethics standards
• They are extremely righteously
• They are extremely mature
• They will never buy from DF
• They will stand by their principles and not become a hypocrite even
when DF introduces a great product with pricing way below the
• They will buy from vendors as long as the vendors don’t think NSX
owners are pricks
• Non-DF customer believes the words from another Non-DF customer
• They will not allow vendors to make even one mistake, verbal or
• They don’t believe in the vendors’ apology
• They don’t believe the words of the paying DF customers
• They don’t’ believe in people having bad days

Please add more if I have missed any of the important qualities.

First this...

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never "HURT" me.

I think that those of you who are offended by Ben's actions need to losen your neck tie, as there is not enough oxygen getting to your brain.

Stop being so sensitive. Remember we're Men, in a Mans World, so act like one. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please Moderator close this thread already.

Then this...

Very well said, however I have two points in response:

Your analogy about the daughter and whore thing is comparing "Apples and Oranges" As a father I would do something about it, if I heard someone called my daughter a whore.

So, how long should Ben stay in front of the firing squad before this will end? That my friend is a double standard.

We (myself included) are all contributing to the perpetuation of this post.


Don't take this personal, but it appears as though there is a contradiction here.

Are words just "words", or does it depend on who they are directed at? From what you said in the two posts referenced above, I see it as you being okay with words that are directed at a group of people that you may or may not be associated with, but you will react to words directed at your loved ones. And don't tell me that it's different... remember, they are just "words".

My real point here is that this might be a good way for people to vent. I think James (02#154) put it very eloquently... People just need a little time to get over it. Whether you understand it or not, even mature "men" get offended (You know, kind of like if someone said something derogatory about one of your loved ones.)

On the other hand, I don't like to see anyone getting beat up in a forum like this... especially given the circumstances.

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, we all react differently, we all say things that may seem contradictory, etc...

Like I said before, If I had a dollar for every time I got frustrated and said something insulting, I’d own a 2002 NSX by now. :eek: :biggrin:

I'd like to see the thread play itself out... at least for a while longer. If for anything else, to let some of the frustrations die down.


I am so proud of my fellow Prime members. After spending an extensive time researching through all the posts so far, I have concluded the following about the profile of the non-DF customers:

• They are not pricks
• They are extremely professional
• They have extremely high business ethics standards
• They are extremely righteously
• They are extremely mature
• They will never buy from DF
• They will stand by their principles and not become a hypocrite even
when DF introduces a great product with pricing way below the
• They will buy from vendors as long as the vendors don’t think NSX
owners are pricks
• Non-DF customer believes the words from another Non-DF customer
• They will not allow vendors to make even one mistake, verbal or
• They don’t believe in the vendors’ apology
• They don’t believe the words of the paying DF customers
• They don’t’ believe in people having bad days

Please add more if I have missed any of the important qualities.


LOL, you are...Unbelievable!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

nicely done "prick".:wink: