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    Caveat Emptor!

Unbelievable...tell us what you really think.

I'll have to agree w/ Jimbo. If you want to pay 2x for a POS part and therefore make your car look like a cheap POS, then go ahead. But DF offers quality parts and what I can observe, great service, so unless he has personally called you a prick I don't see why it should affect business, especially since:

1) Ben openly apologized (I know members on here who are stubborn as hell and won't apologize even if they know they are wrong.)

2) Ben posted those comments BEFORE he arrived in this community, so obviously his rants were not directed at anyone here in particular.

3) Ben was frustrated at some particular experience he had with some owners, vented on a board, made some generalized comments, and is now on this board selling us great products and offering excellent service.

Go to the vendor experience tab, and you'll read so many reputable vendors on here still sometimes get bad reviews. I still can't find a single one complaining about DF.

So suck it up, he wasn't talking about you, he apologized. He even got his boss to come out to keep the peace. I hope NSX prime members can display the character that has come to define us as a whole.

(OK Ben you can give me my free wing now...:biggrin: )
Everyone should calm down and think it over carefully before posting. I am not defending or condoning what Ben has said in anyway. What he said were his own personal opinions based on his interaction with a few people and it was not pleasant. It does effect the way people view DF and that is not good. At the same time I do give him props for being a man about it and apologizing on a open forum. It takes balls to admit your wrong and say it, there are plenty of people on this forum and others (Internet Commandos) that would never be able to admit they are wrong about anything.

We all own or plan to get what we feel is a exotic super car and are not in high school no more, it is not necessary to jump on the band wagon and start saying this and that about DF. I am sure for those few that have had not so good experience or are not satisfied there are plenty of others that have had good experiences with DF. So as much as we all like to be cool and jump on the wagon and say this and that we are all mature adults and should look at this in a mature adult way. What Ben said is without a doubt wrong, who he was referring to no one REALLY knows. Everyone seems to take it very personal and think it was aimed at them. Based on Peters of DF's post unless you spoke to Ben before 9/29 then you know for sure he is not referring to you and even if you did speak to him before 9/29 unless you are one of the douche bags that were messing with the day to day operation at Downforce you don't need to take it so personal. I am sure ALL of us have done something we regret before. NSX owners and our forum is not the same as all the others out there I would think that were are more open minded and have the compassion to forgive, especially if someone apologizes. So unless you are 110% perfect and have never messed up then I don't think the bashing is necessary. Regardless of Bens personal opinions of some NSX owners Downforce makes every effort to design,develop and manufacturer high quality NSX parts for our community.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" In this case he who has never messed up talk shit first..... Looks like we got some perfect people here....
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9-25-2006 Ben starts work officially
9-25-2006 Ben sees the used car salesman
9-28-2006 Ben sees the guy who bought a crashed NSX
9-29-2006 Ben sees an auto body shop guy
9-29-2006 Ben rants on bimmer forums
11-10-2006 Ben begins doing the NSX business

I am sure Ben vented when he was frustrated. Even if he thought NSX owners were prices, I am sure his impression towards NSX owners have changed after 11/10/06. I bought stuff from DF in the past, and the services from Ben have always been good. Ben has always been helpful and friendly.

He has already apologized, come on, give him a break. Those with strong words against him, can you say that you have never said anything wrong when you're mad/frustrated?

DF has good service, great products and pricing, I am not convinced that this mishap will drive the customers away.
For all I care, Ben could have been calling me a name and referring directly to me. It would not bother me one bit. My perception of myself does not hinge on what someone else thinks or says about me. I am pretty sure even if he did, Ben would not be the first person to have called me a name. I have better things to do in life than to go around getting offended at everyone that calls me a name. I know who I am.

I also do not hold Ben to a different standard because he is my vendor. My money does not buy my ego more of a right to get offended at Ben. Ben apologized, but for me it was unnecessary. His personal feelings are his. So long as he is curtious to me during a sale as he has always been, he and Peter will have my business.
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NSX owners are not pricks! They are whinners. You guys are too much. What a stupid post, this is like something a 5 year old would do. Look, he said this "xxxxxxx".
Hey Ben,

Apology accepted, from here anyway....
BTW, I resemble that remark :biggrin:

Seriously, we have all opened our mouth before putting our brain in gear at one time or another. It happens to the best of us. All you can do is apologize, hope that others understand the frustration at the moment and move on.

Although I haven't bought anything from DF yet, your willingness to step up, admit you made a mistake is enough for me to consider your company for future purchases. Hell, I've dealt with a vendor out there that did nothing but piss down my back and tell me it's raining. I never got an apology from him, just more B/S. From what I can tell by those who have done business with you, you're miles a head in actual customer service and straight up dealings….

The joke that has been around for a long time..... It is.... What's the difference between Porcupine's and Porsche's, Porsches have their Pricks on the inside. I've 8 Porsches in my lifetime.

Hang in there Ben, life goes on….

Did someone mention free Wings ? LOL....
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i guess for me to chime in now is pretty much repeating what others have said... but out of ALL vendors here on prime, DOWNFORCE, and Peter and his staff are people i've gotten to know well over the years.

yes, in the business world, you are only as strong as your weakest link, and your image only as good as your worst... but much as ben misrepresented the nsx community, now we're totally misrepresenting a company who's done so much for the nsx enthusiast.

you can look at the pros and cons, and figure your stance yourself...

- DF is a very credible company
- DF is truly is an ethusiast company, not a blood-thirsty theifs
- DF offers unique products/exclusive
- DF customer service among the best
- Peter and his staff are very "involved"
- Lots of local support
- and on and on...

- DF has members of its staff that just sometimes get "frustrated"
- Find other sources for great products (and in all likely hood at higher costs)
- Most other sources are very distant (communication/shipping difficulties)

well you guys get the idea... keep in mind PETER himself is an NSX owner.. and i doubt BEN would intentionlly insult his boss :tongue:

mistakes happen, people are naturally emotional, can't change the past, don't judge BEN or DF based on their 1 mistake, but rather on their 999,999 other great things they've done for us...

not to sound cliche... but imagine a world (or in this case, an NSX community) without DOWNFORCE? haha... my car would be stock :wink:
haha... sorry.. got bored...

Just because someone has no life and decides to pull a thread from another forum that is obviously old..that has nothing to do with how Ben has treated any of you with any of the transactions he may have had with you, whether it has to do with a sale, locating parts, getting ETA's, etc. If there was I'm sure there would be plenty of people bitching about him and Downforce.

Just sad to see one person who may not even have any type of justification for this post just try and start a HATERS THREAD. All my dealings with Ben over the past decade have been very professional and without complications. He's been in this industry for a long time and is still here...so he's been doing something right. Just because the guy has a bad day doesnt mean he needs to be crucified.
C'mon guys.. don't piss off these vendors, I have yet to purchase my NSX. :biggrin:

The guy was having a bad day and vented on what he thought was his "private" space. Seriously, if an AT&T associate vents about annoying customers, would everyone complain and switch carriers?

Send a care for yourself, the world goes round, and this guy was man enough to apologize.
Guys both Ben and Peter are awesome guys in my book! They parts are great vale and their shipping is not inflated.

With regards to NSX owners, a lot of them are pricks, but a lot of them are good people.

People are just people. I assume Ben is young as as thus made that remark out of anger and frustration.

If I need any DF parts I would not hesitate to purchase them.


:biggrin: I worked parts of the world where name calling is - well 'normal', albeit not a customer service position.
Although I don't agree the bimmer forum's post.
Getting upset someone calling names behind you?! Don't you guys/gals think its a bit much. You shouldn't feel offended if you have no qualm with Ben. As the saying goes if the shoe fits...

I've dealt with Peter, Ben and also Ray. I have no regret and if they have the product I want I won't hesitate to to deal with them. :smile:
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The right thing for Downforce to do is to fire Ben. Honestly, do any of you work for someone who would tolerate you saying such things about your customers in a public forum? I like to think I'm a valued asset at my job, but I would be escorted out the door by security if I did something like that.
Please don't jeopardise the livelihood of Peter, Ray and the rest of the other DF guys just because Ben ranted his frustration in another forum before he got our biz and got to know us better.

I have dealt with DF on numerous occassions and I find that:

(a) Peter is down to earth, friendly and fair in his dealings with his customers.
(b) Ben tried his best to assist me to his best abilities (which wasn't good enough initially because he wasn't knowledgeable about nsx and DF products back when he first started). He was quite easily frustrated back then and when i complained about his service, he got annoyed and refused to serve me further and got Ray to take over my account. Recently, when i complained about the fitment of a body part which i bought 6 months ago, Ben immediately shipped the replacement to me at no extra cost!! He is obviously one who gets frustrated and forgets and forgive easily.
(c) Ray provided good services to me.

In my book what Ben did is just a minor peccadillo compared to Dali's habitual ripping off of nsxprime members.

Let us not waste any more time on this matter. If we want to complain about inappropriate vendor behaviour or business ethics on nsxprime, let us start another new thread on "Dali strikes again!!!".
Not every NSXer is "all annoying little pricks". Most of the name calling and BS talk is coming from a younger crowd of car owners, which happens on all forums. It would be the same thing if I where to say all BMW owners are all annoying little pricks. Every thing changes on a forum when u have a different age group of owners on a forum. I am sure BenDF is not much older then I am. In all that has been said I think every body can be a prick from time to time. every one wants a good deal to come their way. I have bought from DownForce, the customer service might no be the best but the quality of the Carbon Fiber speaks for itself.

The right thing for Downforce to do is to fire Ben. Honestly, do any of you work for someone who would tolerate you saying such things about your customers in a public forum? I like to think I'm a valued asset at my job, but I would be escorted out the door by security if I did something like that.

This is a joke right? Are you for real? Come back to the reality zone.
Honestly guys... who cares?

Someone made a stupid comment on another board. So what? And he works for a vendor. Again, so what?

What happened to sticks and stones?

Was it a stupid move? Yes. Did the poster own up to it an apologize? Yes. As far as I'm concerned, the matter is closed.

Beyond that, while I've met an awful lot of very good people in the NSX community, let's be honest... there are some world class buttholes in our community too. I'm not offering excuses for such a poor decision, but I am offering perspective.

If Ben's comments dissuade you from buying from Downforce... then vote with your wallet and let ownership make it's own decisions.

BTW - I've never bought anything from DF. I don't plan on buying anything from DF. I don't know anyone personally from DF. But I just don't think this is that big a deal.

My two cents.
Just because someone has no life and decides to pull a thread from another forum that is obviously old

Just sad to see one person who may not even have any type of justification for this post just try and start a HATERS THREAD

Aren't you doing the same thing by your above comment, silverstone already posted why he looks, I do hte same as I think its an interesting subject, but you are attacking him saying he has no life.:rolleyes:

In any case it was said and I do find it interesting that a vendor representative would say what he did about all NSX owners. However based on what Peter wrote and the time line given, I now understand where he may of been coming from. The sad thing is he made a broad generalization and it doesn't apply to most people here...some I am sure it still does, but the same can be said about any group of car enthusiasts. As his time at DF has increased, I would like to think he now thinks differently about most owners. Hopefully its because he truley thinks that and not because he is thinking about his wallet. I am sure some people will still buy there and some won't, based on his comments. For me because of his apology and the time frame given by peter I would still consider them as a vendor.

I think its fair to say he had some bad run ins with some bad NSX owners, before he met some good ones and made a horrible generalization. Many people do this, the only thing that burned him was that it was written on a public forum. You live and you learn.

As for firing him, that seems a bit excessive. Based on other users responses he generally seems to care about doing his job well and supporting the customer.