unbanned from nsxprime

Nothing personal,but my observation of this whole issue is that one can not deny the age issue. Obviously many of us 30,40,50,60 year olds have little patience or interest in playing the nsxprime game with teenagers.That's just the fact.It dos'nt make you a bad person nor should you think we are being unjustly mean.I don't go out of my way to "hang out" with 17 yo's in my personal life nor do I expect to here.You have plenty of other outlets and web sites to commune with your peers.I have nothing against people of all ages enjoying this site by lurking reading ect.But when you jump in to post as you have done, and you can not see how wide the schism or gap is in your posts I have issue. the tone of your responses vs that of the regular older poster who are having issues as well,tells me you may be better off lurking.I like to think of it this way:how would you be treated if you came down into your basement and your dad had let his friends play cards down there,would you be welcome to hang out with them or would you let them be and go back up stairs or quietly watch from the sidelines?food for thought.:smile:
I can't read what tjobeid has typed because I've chosen to ignore his posts :wink:.

I have to agree with all of the nsxprime members who posted. Just because you're physically older doesn't mean that you're mentally older and more mature. I've encountered numerous >40 year-olds who have the mentality and maturity of a child. These individuals act like complete children in the so-called "professional workplace." On the flip side, I have also encountered extremely intelligent and mature children who could put adults to shame. I could care less if you were 17, 29, 46, or 77, if you act like a kid and cause problems, I have problems with you posting here.
I can't read what tjobeid has typed because I've chosen to ignore his posts :wink:.


ditto :cool:
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YA he is childish!.

No, we just think your childish dribble is not worth the time it takes to decipher your 7th grade level grammar and spelling techniques. (and apparently I am not the only one :wink: ).
No, we just think your childish dribble is not worth the time it takes to decipher your 7th grade level grammar and spelling techniques. (and apparently I am not the only one :wink: ).

I thought you blocked me.
I thought you blocked me.

There is a 'View Post' button you can click to let it show you a single post by the user... just wanted to see what you wrote in your defense again but it was just as worthless as the other posts so you fooled me :frown:
This thread gets worse everytime I come in here... I'm not sure why I keep coming back. I think it's kind of like one of those bad wrecks you just can't make yourself look away from.

Or maybe it's because we're all just waiting to see him self destruct. We know it will happen, we've seen it before. :biggrin:
Or maybe it's because we're all just waiting to see him self destruct. We know it will happen, we've seen it before. :biggrin:

Notice your the only one that cares about this thread , every one else was smart enough to move on.:biggrin:
just out of curiosity, why do you keep chaning your sig?:confused:
i appluade you so far for having such thick skin and not really losing your cool.

I havnt changed it in a few days. And i changed it to the right thing.
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