unbanned from nsxprime

I will verify "The Kid's" ownership of the NSX and his other cars as well. I will also verify his willingness to help other prime members, go out of his way for many of us, host events at the dealership, etc. Now wash up and go to bed, it's past your bedtime!!! PS don't forget to brush your teeth:biggrin:
Good one .... nobody on here told me that yet. Haha ha funny nott.
Re: ban antiperspirant/deoderant...

Well, let's make this easy. Let's see a picture of you next to the cars holding up today's newspaper. :)

Here even better since you now im 17 and most of you saw my myspace then here is pics of me taken 6.13 pm next to the 93 carrera2


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Re: ban antiperspirant/deoderant...

Here even better since you now im 17 and most of you saw my myspace then here is pics of me taken 6.13 pm next to the 93 carrera2

I think that's your parents car and the bicycle in the garage behind the 911 is really yours. Lets see the reg. or title with your name on it, then I'm a believer:biggrin: Do you even like NSX's? Do you plan on buying one? Why are you here?
Don't pay attn the the crabby people...Keep your chin up and stay positive..:smile:

My dad has a 91 Nissan Stanza that he lets me drive!!!:biggrin:
tjobeid- well you got your second chance and apparently you have not learned a thing. As for The Kid....you better leave him alone tjobeid.

I personally bought my NSX from him, have seen his car in person and know he is a true NSX enthusiast. He can, and does, put his money where his mouth is. The key words there being "his money".

So, remove all the cars in your signature that you personally do not own, go to school and stay awake in class so you can learn how to write and spell, and then come back here when you actually have something good to say.

I tired to be constructive.........
Re: ban antiperspirant/deoderant...

I think that's your parents car and the bicycle in the garage behind the 911 is really yours. Lets see the reg. or title with your name on it, then I'm a believer:biggrin: Do you even like NSX's? Do you plan on buying one? Why are you here?

Well im not going to show the title on a public site. Soo no
OK I will listen to Some of you guys and i will ignore a certain person, But for other nsx prime members i appreciate the support on this.And yes i will buy an nsx WITH my own $$$ and i will pay cash but untill then ill take what i can get And nooo that little bike is my nephew's bike .And just for the record when you say "
Do you even like NSX's? Do you plan on buying one? Why are you here?"
I love nsx more then all myor are cars together while other people like the vette wich is nice dont get me wrong but i love the nsx more + for an avg person you dont see one everyday but thers 1000 corvette on the road a day . SIZE="7"]Since i got that out the way there was never a rule that said you have to have an nsx , Am i right guys??? [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
OK I will listen to Some of you guys and i will ignore a certain person, But for other nsx prime members i appreciate the support on this.And yes i will buy an nsx WITH my own $$$ and i will pay cash but untill then ill take what i can get And nooo that little bike is my nephew's bike .And just for the record when you say "Do you even like NSX's? Do you plan on buying one? Why are you here?" I love nsx more then all myor are cars together while other people like the vette wich is nice dont get me wrong but i love the nsx more + for an avg person you dont see one everyday but thers 1000 corvette on the road a day . Since i got that out the way there was never a rule that said you have to have an nsx to be on this site , Am i right guys???
hahahaha..this was fun reading.

tjobeid, Most of the people on this site aren't haters but car or should I say "Sportscar Enthusiasts." Looks, to me, like you learned from your mistakes and earned another chance. Just don't let the guys who are supporting you, down. Welcome to Prime.
You're almost out of high school and that's the kind of spelling and grammar you have? :eek: I'm scared. The future of the world is definitely the movie Idiocracy.
No, we should call his boss. :tongue: :biggrin: :wink:

HAHAHAHA sorry kid I had to.....

On another note how the hell did you get into my garage asshole. j/k but seriously you could easily post pics of you standing next to your dads pork ooops my bad porsche:biggrin:

Shit when I want to post on the Ford forums I go get a pic of me next to my moms explorer, Its pimpin yo!

Most people on here are very friendly, informative, and supportive. Respect others and they will respect you. If the Porsche is yours, fine, you don't have to prove it to us. But posting down your parents' rides and trying to pass it off as your own cars, well that's not right. as for The Kid, that man can get you parts at a discounted price, so i dont think its wise to get on his bad side. :wink:
No, we should call his boss. :tongue: :biggrin: :wink:


Don't you get it..at that age his mama is his boss :biggrin:

She would probably be pretty pissed if she knew that her son was posting pictures of her Porsche on the net.:wink:

See its ppl like you that got me banned in the first place but you know what. I dont care what you think.Coz you now what for all we now you prob dont have an nsx but i cant say that for sure becouse i dont now you in person just like you dont now me:biggrin: :tongue:

Whoa there. Take responsibility. No one got you banned except yourself.
Re: ban antiperspirant/deoderant...

Here even better since you now im 17 and most of you saw my myspace then here is pics of me taken 6.13 pm next to the 93 carrera2

let's make this easy. Let's see a picture of you next to the cars holding up today's newspaper. :)
Now wash up and go to bed, it's past your bedtime!!! PS don't forget to brush your teeth
we should call his mama? :biggrin:

you guys are baad!! :tongue:
You're almost out of high school and that's the kind of spelling and grammar you have? :eek: I'm scared. The future of the world is definitely the movie Idiocracy.
Well ...
While my interest is cars , women, and education well some education GPA 3.8 , You shouldn't be making fun of me and you shouldn't be afraid of are future because of me, look at some other vids and do some more research , other 14-20 yr old kids like to go get in gangs fights , smoke weed and do all sort of stupid drugs why don't you ask one of the prime members what i do for fun, He use to be my neighbor but i moved and ever since i was his neighbor i helped him with everything and learned allot from him, we will wax the nsx at lease 6 times a year, and all his other 4 cars. Rebuild engines and trans on 1 of his cars 3 times. Help him on anything he wants i didn't have to do that but he's a good person and so am i so if u think are world is endanger because i cant spell a few words that i apologize for and don't really care because I'm typing allot just like this one thin look again here i will help you.... perfect example::tongue:
I remember being 17 y/o. Some of the best times were had at that age, and I tell my wife that I'm still 17 in some respects (insert Lisa laughing here :biggrin:).

Prime is a good place to learn how to hang w/ a "mature" crowd (read = not just old farts, but intelligent and grounded). I see you changed your sig, so you are catching on. Keep up the grades, have a plan and execute on your plans.
I remember being 17 y/o. Some of the best times were had at that age, and I tell my wife that I'm still 17 in some respects (insert Lisa laughing here :biggrin:).

Prime is a good place to learn how to hang w/ a "mature" crowd (read = not just old farts, but intelligent and grounded). I see you changed your sig, so you are catching on. Keep up the grades, have a plan and execute on your plans.

Well than hope u read the past post i wrote , ya the really long one. IM quick study btw.
Let me give you some advice. Don't pay attention to the people on these boards. I learned one thing they will jump on you if your young and don't seem to fit their picture of a NSX enthusiast. I have stopped posting almost anything on these boards but I still frequent it cause I could care less for a lot of the opinions of people on this board. Trust me I've been attacked before when I posted back in 2003 about my dream NSX. Some people here are really anal and will attack continously. Just don't listen to them and do your own thing. I'm still working hard will eventually get my NSX (Unless I die) and in the end I will be the guy with a big smile on my face.

Sorry if this comment offends any of you guys but that is the truth of how things are around here. Just trying to give advice to someone who is in a similar situation as I was years back.