Tobacco on paint HELP.....

you got to lick it off..... sorry I couldnt help myself lol I hope you find some way to fix this. The problem is I dont think to many people get chewing tobacco spit on their cars. So I think most detail guys would just take a wild guess. Oh I just remembered my aunt used white vinegar and water to clean stains from smoking off her painted walls. Im not sure if this will work with a car so I would ask around before you try something like that.
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try to clean with a plug pads soaked alcohol has 90° or a plug pads and lemon juice, then to rub with polish phase 2 Meguiard' S, wipe and finally, apply a good wax for body
I would try something slight alkaline.
Get some sodium hydroxide from a drugstore and dose 1.5 gram (half a teaspoon) into 1 liter of Water. Add a good shot rinsing agent. This will not harm the paint.
It works very good as nicotine and insect remover but it will remove wax and silicone coats which should be applied afterwards. Could be enhanced with 5-10 percent isopropanol.
It's worth a shot to try to wetsand with 2000 grit or higher sandpaper and buff. It just might fix your problem. If you're not comfortable doing the wetsand and buff yourself a good body shop should be able to do the job for a minimal charge. Good luck.
Without seeing the defect in person it's hard to say what it would take to remedy the situation.

If the area is spot corrected it will stand out from the rest of the car.

The best thing to do is to have a competent detailer who is experienced enough handle the job.