Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

Pyramids hovering over the Kremlin!

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MAJOR STONER would love this, if he was still around.
There is/was life on our Moon and Mars.

Thanks NASA for hiding this fact:

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Interesting that you posted this since I was watching a series last night I think on the History Channel called "Ancient Aliens". If I remember correctly they mentioned that there are pyramids in Mexico (i think that was the country) that match the exact same layout as the ones in Egypt and that these match the exact same layouts of structures on Mars. Coincidence?
Interesting thread that I've just now discovered.

Vicious personal attacks, but interesting thread nonetheless.

I would identify myself as a personal believer in God with faith, but not without an open mind in understanding others views and gnawing on their take, and in that I would side with flaminio's arguments through the majority of the first few pages ( which is all I read of this thread until its resurrection recently ) just simply from my scientific background.

In that respect, I'm not sure where I would sit on this interesting debate since my religious beliefs would specify a certain "fondness" if you will for the human race and an explanation for its existence and continuance, but doesn't leave out the possibility ( doesn't really address ) of other intelligent life out there. Aside from this, I'd like to see where some are getting the notion of UFOs in the Bible. That's an interesting one I haven't heard before and I'm not sure it's actually true.

Most of the stuff I see in this thread about the Pyramids and the random "this lines up with this" claims about longitude and latitude and what have you are simply silly.
Longitude and latitude is a ( fairly recent ) coordinate plane based on a random point defined as zero, a human construct. The Pyramids ( or any other object ) being anywhere close to a certain longitude and latitude point is purely trivial. If I move the zero point for the coordinate plane, they are no longer close to anything of supposed meaning.

But I digress. I'm not sure of how many earthlike worlds are out there ( scientisits propose there are many? ), but I'm not about to make the claim that there's no other life out there since there's no way we can know given our current abilities of detection. My issue would be saying that the environment necessary for supporting life would mean that life emanated and evolved from non-living matter, but that's nother can of worms in and of itself.

Interesting thread that I've just now discovered.

Vicious personal attacks, but interesting thread nonetheless.

I would identify myself as a personal believer in God with faith, but not without an open mind in understanding others views and gnawing on their take, and in that I would side with flaminio's arguments through the majority of the first few pages ( which is all I read of this thread until its resurrection recently ) just simply from my scientific background.

In that respect, I'm not sure where I would sit on this interesting debate since my religious beliefs would specify a certain "fondness" if you will for the human race and an explanation for its existence and continuance, but doesn't leave out the possibility ( doesn't really address ) of other intelligent life out there. Aside from this, I'd like to see where some are getting the notion of UFOs in the Bible. That's an interesting one I haven't heard before and I'm not sure it's actually true.

Most of the stuff I see in this thread about the Pyramids and the random "this lines up with this" claims about longitude and latitude and what have you are simply silly.
Longitude and latitude is a ( fairly recent ) coordinate plane based on a random point defined as zero, a human construct. The Pyramids ( or any other object ) being anywhere close to a certain longitude and latitude point is purely trivial. If I move the zero point for the coordinate plane, they are no longer close to anything of supposed meaning.

But I digress. I'm not sure of how many earthlike worlds are out there ( scientisits propose there are many? ), but I'm not about to make the claim that there's no other life out there since there's no way we can know given our current abilities of detection. My issue would be saying that the environment necessary for supporting life would mean that life emanated and evolved from non-living matter, but that's nother can of worms in and of itself.

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New Photographic Evidence Structures On Moon

Far Side Of The Moon - Huge Alien Structure 2010

Also, evidence of its 'cover up' is unveiled....

You can see the Structure for yourself by going to Google Earth / Moon & entering these coordinates -

73�08'30 S 145�40'40 W

open the sidebar in Google Moon, open the 'layers' tab, expand 'Global Maps' then check 'Lunar Orbiter Mosaic' . if you don't, you will see the default 'later' photoshopped cover up image.

Here’s an image of Mars taken from the Opportunity camera in Jan 07.



<object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>

This fourth image is my favorite. Again, this structure has been censored and “smudged” but parts of the structure can be seen poking out… especially on the right side of the absolutely massive structure. After saving the image to your computer, open it in a program that will allow you to zoom into the details on the right side of the structure.

To access this image, it will take steps:

First, go to the following site:

Now here are the settings:

Desired Resolution: 1 pixel = 1 kilometer
- Image Size = 768x768
- Latitude = -70 (as in minus 70)
- Longitude = 137
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<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Most people don't even realize that life on planet earth would not even exist as we know it with out the moon.

The moon works its way into our way of thinking, our feelings about romance, our poetry and literature and even how we feel about our day in day out lives in many cases. It is not only primitive societies that ascribe mood swings, changes in social conduct and changes in weather to the moon. Even today, a full moon can have a powerful effect on these forces which we acknowledge even if we cannot explain them scientifically.

The full Moon can bring about all kinds of changes on Earth. Have you ever saw the effect of a full moon on the oceans tides. It can cause really low tides at low tides and flood everything at high tide. The most obvious physical phenomenon that is directly affected by the gravity of the moon are the tides of the ocean. The tides are an integral part of how maritime life is regulated and the comings and goings of the fishing world in coastal communities. But not very many people know that at certain times of the year when the orbits of the earth bring the sun and moon into right alignment, there can even be tidal effect on inland bodies of water and even on the solid earth.

Eons ago, when the moon’s orbit was closer to the Earth, it was the effect of the moon that caused massive changes in the topography of the land and on continental drift as well. This reflects the powerful effect the moon has had on both human history and on global geographical history as well. Its a fact that more babies are born on the nights of a full moon than any other nights of the year.

Most know that Earth is not round but more of an egg shaped orb. To be blunt, the Earth would wobble. Without the moon’s stabilizing influence, this shape would shift dramatically so the tilt of the axis, that is the polar caps would shift dramatically with each seasonal rotation producing climacteric, changes much more violent and drastic than we are used to. It is possible that life as we know it could not have developed here had the moon not been there to “keep the Earth in line” and continue to stabilize the orbital position of the Earth so our climate could remain stable and mild. It is interesting to note that the Moon is a lot further away today than it once was.


Nearby is Magelhaens A, where a structure appears in the near center of the smaller 32-kilometer (km.) diameter rough floored crater. The location coordinates for Magelhaens A are 12.6 south lat, 45.0 east long. Bear in mind here that the scale is very large, and the structure is huge by Earth standards. The lighting is coming from the lower left or east. Evidenced also by the shadows the object itself casts; it is a standing structure, extending upwards. The structure is arrowed.


The general dimensions of the structure are four by three km. square at base, and better than one and a half km.tall. Notice the double line leading towards the left and right from the central area the object sits on, which is indicative of walls or perhaps a "causeway". The central complex is surrounded by visibly peculiar rectilinearities on all sides, indicative of additional outlying structure. These are attributes common to most archaeological ruins here on Earth.

This is a true oddity, for in it lies a deep central depression with a huge structure fitting the description of a ruin! By what is known of superposition, this feature does not appear to fit the accepted model.


The corresponding surface features taken optical cameras do not reveal the city. We can make the assumption that much of the Martian Base system is underground based on the geometrically regular heat signatures.

The city-like pattern is 60 kilometers wide and could be easily be mistaken for an aerial view of Los Angeles. The infrared camera takes pictures of objects using the heat that they radiate, and not by the play of light and shadow on them. The pattern of parallel lines and rectangles covering an area of almost two hundred and fifty square miles was a source of heat radiation. It is highly unlikely that a natural source of heat radiation (a geyser or a concentration of radioactive minerals under the surface, for example) would create such a perfect geometric pattern. When viewed over and over again, the pattern definitely looks artificial.





This is a superior image of one of the alien moon bases. It's undeniable. you can see perfect shapes, buildings, roads, and walls. This is one of the images that wasn't supposed to be seen by the public.


The side of the moon that you can never see from the Earth is called "the dark side of the moon" this is where the aliens have their bases so as we can't see them from Earth. This is a satellite image from above that shows these bases even in the dark.


Moon Pyramid:

Most people don't even realize that life on planet earth would not even exist as we know it with out the moon.
Claptrap about smudged photos and pyramids aside, I find this concept to be very interesting.

Modern theories on how the Moon was formed indicate that early in the Earth's history a second planet collided with the Earth and ejected the material that would later become the Moon. This strikes me as an exceedingly rare event -- a small change in the second planet's approach and it either misses the Earth entirely, or destroys it utterly.

So my question is: how vital of a role did the Moon play in the origin of life on Earth? The Moon was a lot closer four billion years ago, and therefore tidal forces would have been much greater. That's going to make for a lot of sloshing, like a giant Cuisinart. All that mixing could have been the catalyst for molecules to form amino acids, proteins, DNA, and ultimately life. Would a Moon-less Earth just sat there, static and empty?

If the presence of a large moon is necessary for life, then life in the Universe could be an exceedingly rare occurrence, and possibly unique.

I'd like to see what the theory actually is, because it wasn't explained very well in the article. Maybe too cerebral to post.

Still, I find spontaneous creations to be a little unbelievable. There's spontaneous changes in energy states and forms with consistent matter, but spontaneous matter ex nihilo is a jump beyond. It would have to break current laws ( as we know them ) of physics.


I have a buddy who's an aeronautical engineer who's big into this sort of thing. Physics is his forte. From his links in the field, many scientists express extreme distrust in certain theories involving dark matter and parallel universes such as those proposed by Mr. Hawking. My friend asserts that dark matter was construed as a random constant to fill a mathematical formula by which scientists could explain certain phenomena in the universe but couldn't figure out exactly what the missing piece was.

I'm not deep enough in the field or cerebral enough to know whether that has any credibility, but his ability makes me lend credence to it.

Sorry if I've drawn this off topic.
All together now.....& Ezekial saw da wheel way up in the middle of the air,Ezekial saw da wheel way in the middle of the air...The devil wears a clubfoot shoe...way in the middle of the air,if you don't mind he stick it on you.....&&&&&
Most know that Earth is not round but more of an egg shaped orb

Most do NOT know that, because it's not true. The earth is somewhat flattened at the poles but it's still almost a perfect sphere. Only the Quran makes the claim it's egg shaped (and that claim is rather recent as older translations never made that claim). When some Islamists were presented with proof the earth was indeed spherical and not egg shaped, the response was that 'you haven't considered that some eggs are spherical and the specific type of egg was not mentioned in the Quran.

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