Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

hmmmm vegas..but what if these aliens are actualy intimidated by your guns...and they destroy all the gyms in Nevada and disolve all free weights and machines......whatcha you gonna do then?????
hmmmm vegas..but what if these aliens are actualy intimidated by your guns...and they destroy all the gyms in Nevada and disolve all free weights and machines......whatcha you gonna do then?????

Whoa Doc, now you are speaking to the heart. Man, that's a tough one, but I think I might actually have to start driving my NSX again. Damn you stinking alien apes. You blew it up! All my gyms! Damn you all to hell!
hmmmm vegas..but what if these aliens are actualy intimidated by your guns...and they destroy all the gyms in Nevada and disolve all free weights and machines......whatcha you gonna do then?????

Oh and you didn't specify which set of guns the aliens were intimidated by: My Glocks or the guns on my arms! :biggrin::tongue:
Ok, I had actually written a lengthy response to your post, but decided to delete it as obviously you have your beliefs and there is no changing that. As with any faith based (and non-proven) belief, like religion, there is no tangible argument that will actually come to any resolution as everything is going to be based on hypotheticals.

SO, instead I give you this argument. Say you are correct and say aliens have been visiting earth for billions of years. Say the government is one big conspiracy. Say the Egyptians worked with Aliens to build the pyramids.


How does that affect your day to day life? How has that affected anybody’s day to day life, now and in the past? Do you think the average Egyptian cared? No, they were busy trying to put food on the table, find a mate, raise a kid. Which is what you and I should be doing. How does aliens and government conspiracies affect my life? I’m too busy trying to put food on my table, pay my mortgage, find a mate, and try to build a family. Humans have been on this planet for years, ignorant of any aliens and they continue to be on this planet. The reality they should be focusing on is the reality that affects them day to day. I have as much understanding of aliens as I do with the entire ecosystem that lives at the bottom of the ocean. But neither affect me or my day to day life so I have no interest in understanding or even acknowledging either and so should everyone else.

Ok, so say aliens will blow up the planet in 2012 and that does affect me. But at the same time. Well, what can I do about it. If aliens want to blow up the planet, how can I stop them? Like I said, I’ve got my hands full with paying my mortgage let alone stop a fleet of aliens who have mastered intergalatic space travel. If you knew the planet was going to blow up in 2012, what would you do differently? More importanly what COULD you do differently other than keep on living. There is nothing you do about it. Might as well keep on living until it does.

People spend way too much time thinking and fretting over things that they know nothing about, doesn’t affect their lives, or have absolutely no control over. Rather than spending calories on conspiracies and aliens, how about applying that to spending more time with your kids, or volunteering, or making more money, or just enjoying life? I’ll live my entire life completely ignorant to if there is or isn’t aliens and you know what, it won’t affect my life one bit. And you know what, say we do meet aliens, well it will have as much change in my life as with any other thing I didn’t know about but learned of, like microscopic germs or how hot dogs are made. The TRUTH behind hot dogs and chicken nuggets is pretty disgusting but you know what? I still eat them.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel complacent in this world is fine with me. :)

But for me, I'm not a sheep like everyone else.... I like to question everything, I don't conform, I ask questions, I'm inquisitive... And no I'm not "Worried or fretting" about any of this. I find this exceedingly interesting and I find it funny how worked up you guys get on this topic... lol If everyone was so half assed and not challenging the norms, then there would be no sky scrapers, bridges or roads. We would still be in the stone ages if everyone had that same mentality. Nothing would ever get done b/c they're trying to "take care of themselves and no one else" :rolleyes:

And about the fact that I should be focusing my energy on other more productive topics, I have all my bills taken care of, and make plenty of money to live a comfortable life... And I work hard at my job and am very productive at what I do. Not sure what this has to do with the price of custard in texas? Talk about going off topic! hahaha

(The part in bold above is a pretty sad statement) I like to read as much as I can to stimulate my mind to think in different ways - I think its sad to think that you try so hard to do the complete opposite... What are you so afraid of? Afraid you might learn something new or learn how to think in another way or see from a different perspective other than your own? It seems extremely close-minded to say this.... "I have no interest in understanding or even acknowledging either and so should everyone else." I guess I can't expect anything more from a 24 / 7 reality TV driven society.

I watch as many documentaries on as many topics as I can find to learn more about world history, quantum physics, paranormal activity, meta-physics and everything in between..... so what does that make me?

Btw did you even watch the video I linked?
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Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel complacent in this world is fine with me. :)

But for me, I'm not a sheep like everyone else.... I like to question everything, I don't conform, I ask questions, I'm inquisitive... And no I'm not "Worried or fretting" about any of this. I find this exceedingly interesting and I find it funny how worked up you guys get on this topic... lol If everyone was so half assed and not challenging the norms, then there would be no sky scrapers, bridges or roads. We would still be in the stone ages if everyone had that same mentality. Nothing would ever get done b/c they're trying to "take care of themselves and no one else" :rolleyes:

And about the fact that I should be focusing my energy on other more productive topics, I have all my bills taken care of, and make plenty of money to live a comfortable life... And I work hard at my job and am very productive at what I do. Not sure what this has to do with the price of custard in texas? Talk about going off topic! hahaha

(The part in bold above is a pretty sad statement) I like to read as much as I can to stimulate my mind to think in different ways - I think its sad to think that you try so hard to do the complete opposite... What are you so afraid of? Afraid you might learn something new or learn how to think in another way or see from a different perspective other than your own? It seems extremely close-minded to say this.... "I have no interest in understanding or even acknowledging either and so should everyone else." I guess I can't expect anything more from a 24 / 7 reality TV driven society.

I watch as many documentaries on as many topics as I can find to learn more about world history, quantum physics, paranormal activity, meta-physics and everything in between..... so what does that make me?

Btw did you even watch the video I linked?

I watched enough to know it's more of the same blabber over and over again of either a) stuff that doesn't affect me b) unsubstantiated c) over dramatized fodder to feed the ravenous need for something compelling (even if it isn’t) for conspiracy theorists like yourself (speaking of sheep).

I absolutely find it delicious how superior you view yourself because you think people are inferior to your mind expanding intellect, just because someone doesn’t believe or want to believe or want to know more about things that have no definitive scientific proof (hence why they are still called theories).

The first mistake your smug contempt makes is that you assume that that I live my life or advocate a life of blissful ignorance. If you truly understood what I was saying then you would have realized that I’m not advocating ignorance or lack of knowledge. I’m saying time and effort can be better spent on something that has a more direct impact on your life. If you have 3 hours of free time in a day, you can spend those hours of it contemplating the ecosystem of the bottom of the ocean, researching aliens, or questioning the meaning of life. Or you can spend those same 3 hours with your kids, volunteering, or helping the elderly. You think because you watch documentaries to better develop arguments for your unproven theories somehow makes you superior? What have you accomplished? You have trivial knowledge. You aren’t solving crimes. You aren’t helping people. You aren’t curing cancer. So what if you know of some odd combination of numbers that add up to something interesting and coincidental? I’d have a lot more respect for someone who spent that time with their kids than discovering new evidence of aliens. Now I’m not solving crimes or curing cancer. But I’m also no bragging about how what I do and research is somehow more enlightened, intelligent or superior than other people as you are.

You also think that I’m implying that I’m not advocating thinking outside the box or challenging the norm. Wrong again. If you want to come up with a novel new way to improve gas efficiency in cars or want to challenge the system on gender equality or gay rights, then I salute you. You challenging if people believe in aliens or not is about as impressive as if I questioned what would happened if Superman fought Batman. I highly encourage thinking outside the box or challenging the system to tangible, substantial things and events. Throwing out wild theories and ideas doesn’t make you as open minded or superior as you think you are. I could probably write a 50 page term paper on how I believe the Easter Bunny exists and give theories and proofs on why I believe that. Does that make me progressive thinking? Does that make me intellectually superior? Does that make you all sheep because you don’t buy into what I’m say or even want to open your mind to what I’m saying? Apparently you think so. You’ve somehow confused that pondering whether if aliens or spirits exist or if leprauchans have pots of gold, somehow creates skyscrapers, cures cancer or feeds people. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. It’s people not wasting their time staring up at clouds and theorizing and hypothesizing unproveable conjectures all day long, but rather putting their nose to the grindstone and actually applying themselves to the task in front of them; calculating forces on a bolt, spending time in the lab and picking crops. That’s how skyscrapers are built. Not sitting around talking about how certain dates or coordinates add up to some mystical number or combination.

I do have curiosity. I do question things. I do attempt to learn and expand my mind. But I apply them to things that apply to me. Sure I can question aliens, but I can also learn a new language, learn to fence, or study philosophy. But why would I learn something like French if I never plan on going to France or talk to French people, when I could use that time to learn how to rebuild an engine; a knowledge I might actually use. The same argument applies to wasting my time thinknig about aliens and government conspiracies; they will never have an application in my life, just as French probably won't either. The point is there are an infinite number of things you can expand your mind on. If you want to waste your time expanding your mind on pondering aliens or spirits and ghosts, then call it what it is: that’s your hobby; trivial entertainment. Nothing more. Don’t be so naive as to think it somehow makes you intellectually superior or expansive or forward thinking. Get real.
I know one thing you both believe in,cultivate and ruminate......nsx prime.:smile:
I watched enough to know it's more of the same blabber over and over again of either a) stuff that doesn't affect me b) unsubstantiated c) over dramatized fodder to feed the ravenous need for something compelling (even if it isn’t) for conspiracy theorists like yourself (speaking of sheep).

I absolutely find it delicious how superior you view yourself because you think people are inferior to your mind expanding intellect, just because someone doesn’t believe or want to believe or want to know more about things that have no definitive scientific proof (hence why they are still called theories).

The first mistake your smug contempt makes is that you assume that that I live my life or advocate a life of blissful ignorance. If you truly understood what I was saying then you would have realized that I’m not advocating ignorance or lack of knowledge. I’m saying time and effort can be better spent on something that has a more direct impact on your life. If you have 3 hours of free time in a day, you can spend those hours of it contemplating the ecosystem of the bottom of the ocean, researching aliens, or questioning the meaning of life. Or you can spend those same 3 hours with your kids, volunteering, or helping the elderly. You think because you watch documentaries to better develop arguments for your unproven theories somehow makes you superior? What have you accomplished? You have trivial knowledge. You aren’t solving crimes. You aren’t helping people. You aren’t curing cancer. So what if you know of some odd combination of numbers that add up to something interesting and coincidental? I’d have a lot more respect for someone who spent that time with their kids than discovering new evidence of aliens. Now I’m not solving crimes or curing cancer. But I’m also no bragging about how what I do and research is somehow more enlightened, intelligent or superior than other people as you are.

You also think that I’m implying that I’m not advocating thinking outside the box or challenging the norm. Wrong again. If you want to come up with a novel new way to improve gas efficiency in cars or want to challenge the system on gender equality or gay rights, then I salute you. You challenging if people believe in aliens or not is about as impressive as if I questioned what would happened if Superman fought Batman. I highly encourage thinking outside the box or challenging the system to tangible, substantial things and events. Throwing out wild theories and ideas doesn’t make you as open minded or superior as you think you are. I could probably write a 50 page term paper on how I believe the Easter Bunny exists and give theories and proofs on why I believe that. Does that make me progressive thinking? Does that make me intellectually superior? Does that make you all sheep because you don’t buy into what I’m say or even want to open your mind to what I’m saying? Apparently you think so. You’ve somehow confused that pondering whether if aliens or spirits exist or if leprauchans have pots of gold, somehow creates skyscrapers, cures cancer or feeds people. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. It’s people not wasting their time staring up at clouds and theorizing and hypothesizing unproveable conjectures all day long, but rather putting their nose to the grindstone and actually applying themselves to the task in front of them; calculating forces on a bolt, spending time in the lab and picking crops. That’s how skyscrapers are built. Not sitting around talking about how certain dates or coordinates add up to some mystical number or combination.

I do have curiosity. I do question things. I do attempt to learn and expand my mind. But I apply them to things that apply to me. Sure I can question aliens, but I can also learn a new language, learn to fence, or study philosophy. But why would I learn something like French if I never plan on going to France or talk to French people, when I could use that time to learn how to rebuild an engine; a knowledge I might actually use. The same argument applies to wasting my time thinknig about aliens and government conspiracies; they will never have an application in my life, just as French probably won't either. The point is there are an infinite number of things you can expand your mind on. If you want to waste your time expanding your mind on pondering aliens or spirits and ghosts, then call it what it is: that’s your hobby; trivial entertainment. Nothing more. Don’t be so naive as to think it somehow makes you intellectually superior or expansive or forward thinking. Get real.

The video is absolute proof that there was secret CIA experiments for mind control and if you would watch the whole thing there is a lawsuit at the end of the documentary where someone was killed by the CIA and the family of the victim sued the CIA and won...... but yea I guess thats all hearsay even though its a documented case where the family won over $700K in damages... All hearsay right? whatever.... I guess everything on National Geographic is trivial information and noneducational right? Open your eyes and stop being so melodramatic. And it is substantiated and its not a video about any conspiracy theory... its only the facts not conjecture.

I never insinuated that I was intellectually superior to anyone and if you really knew me you would know this is not the case. I am actually very humble but of course you probably think thats not true either. And I don't have kids so I don't have any reason to spend time with kids that are not mine..... And resulting to personal attacks speaks volumes about your character. If you can't have a debate without insulting someone, then you have no business replying to me. (I know this will probably insight more critical comments from someone who has no clue who I am and probably never will)

It seems to me that you are very quick to judge someone you don't even know and that's what I find to be pretty lame especially coming from you.

I think you are guilty of wanting everyone to think like you as your previous post said "no interest in understanding or even acknowledging either and so should everyone else." No thanks - I can think for myself I don't need anyone else to tell me what or how to think.

Just because I like to watch documentaries doesn't mean its about trivial knowledge.... again here's another judgement on your part... Also you don't know what I have accomplished in my life and I'm not going to say anything about it b/c I'll probably be accused of acting "intellectually superior" :rolleyes:

Honestly I don't care if you believe in aliens or not its my opinion and I'm free to voice and say whatever I want and how ever I want. If it bothers you that much then don't even bother replying I'm done arguing over nothing... How ridiculous can this discussion get? Get over it.
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I believe you began the insults with:

A) "Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel complacent in this world is fine with me."

B) "But for me, I'm not a sheep like everyone else"

C) "The part in bold above is a pretty sad statement"

Hmm somewhere between being talked down to condescendingly, being called "sheep" and "making sad statements" I felt my statements in response were perfectly appropriate. Perhaps you should have considered not casting the first stone before accusing someone else of being insulting. You don't like it when people assume things about you or judge you. I think you'll get less of it if you did less yourself.

I'll break it down really simple for you. This is what happens all the time:

Fanatic: I believe in (aliens, conspiracies, spirits, god(s), religion, palm reading, voodoo magic, etc) and here are my reasons why.

Me: Wonderful, I am happy for you. I don't share your beliefs and here are my reasons why.

Now if the conversation stopped there, everything would be fine. And that is where I leave it. But what happens, is what happens ALL THE TIME with faith based fanatics, and you have been proven no exception to the case.

Fanatic: Well then you are (closed minded, stupid, unintelligent, myopic, blind, can't think outside the box etc.)

Me: Ok, well now it's on. You couldn't allow someone to have belief different than yours, so you insult them by calling them narrow minded. So, now let me tell you why you are (closed minded, stupid, unintelligent, myopic, blind, can't think outside the box etc.)

So answer me this, why is it that the people who are the most vocal about preaching being open minded and accepting alternate ideas the same ones that are the least open minded to ideas that differ from their own?

I've stated on more than one occasion, while highly unlikely, that there is a minute possibility that aliens may have landed on this planet and have interacted with humans. I personally don't believe that they have, but I am open minded enough to say that I can't say that absolutely and definitively. So now are you willing to concede that there is a possibility that aliens have NOT visited this planet. Because now you are stuck with 2 options:

1) Concede that there is that possibility and concede that there isn't absolute and definitive proof that aliens have visited this planet (which is what I've been trying to say all along).

2) Be a hypocrite because you preach being open minded, yet aren't willing to be open minded about a theory that differs from yours.

So which one is it?
Those comments weren't meant as an insult - Some people like to be complacent and some people don't even know they're complacent..... whatever makes you happy right?

I've also stated in more than one occasion that this planet has probably been visited by aliens sometime in this planets past..... yes its possible that it hasn't happened by the evidence is just too over whelming to ignore. This evidence is arguable yes and even if there was a UFO that landed on the white house lawn, people still wouldn't believe.

I mean when governments release official UFO documents no one seems to notice immediately disregarding it as a hoax or whatever and no one ever mentions it again.

It seems like no matter what evidence is offered, the complete and forever skeptics immediately dismiss it regardless of its validity or source.

I could be wrong but there is just far too much evidence to ignore. Yes 90% of it can be explained as swamp gas, ball lightening etc (insert your favorite dismissal here) but there is that 10% that even our all mighty and trustworthy (sarcasm) gov't admits that certain things are unexplainable.

Do you really think the entire universe is empty and devoid of life? Filled with gas and barren rocks? Really? The universe is proximately Thirteen Billion Light years across.... with billions of galaxies.... and we're the only planet with life? How could that possibly be true? If life was able to form on one planet then it can form on countless others... these are facts that can not be ignored.

How do we know we're not genetically engineered? Where is the missing link? IMO this is the missing link and I know thats not a very popular belief but its mine. Honestly I don't care who disagrees with me as long as they understand my point and not judge me.

You being hyper-defensive isn't helping this discussion at all.
No, I think you are still misunderstanding me. As I’ve explained in the past, I actually think that there is a high probability that aliens exist. I’ve said that multiple times in the past. However, I think there is low probability that we have been visited by them and I don’t see enough evidence to support that. But that is neither here nor there, the main point I am trying to make is that I don’t think there is enough evidence to say definitively that aliens exist. Note, it has been said by you and other “believers”multiple times that XYZ is proof aliens have visited this planet. Note you did not say XYZ is evidence aliens may have visited this planet. Big difference and that absolutism, with the lack of scientific proof that I am calling out. I retort in the exact same way when people push their religious beliefs on me. They say, oh did you see “insert event here?” That is PROOF GOD must EXIST. When I say, “Sorry, that is only an opinion because proof is something that is scientific, demonstratable and repeatable. What you have is evidence that god may exist but that does not make it proof.” Then they give the same reasons and rationales you do: there is just too much evidence, what about the bible, what about jesus, what about noah’s ark, how did we get here, how did the universe form? They will recount MILLIONS of testimonies from credible people who say they have SEEN god or FELT god. It would be too naïve and narrow minded (again with the name calling) to not think some supreme being created the universe. To which I again reply, I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying there isn’t enough to say it is “proof” so stop saying “proof” because once you use that incomplete level of evidence, you dilute the scientific value of what “proof” really means. Now you’ve opened the door to the supernatural, unicorns or dragons, because now overwhelming subjective evidence is good enough to replace scientific, repeatable and demonstratble evidence. Sorry but I can’t count on the car spirits to fix my car, god to cure my Dad’s cancer, or aliens to show me how to build a pyramid or skyscraper. I can bank on physics, gravity, science, mechanics, and math because they are proven. I can’t bank on spirits, god or aliens, because they are unproven. However, as I mentioned before, people with faith based ideas, who preach being open minded, are the least open minded to ideas other than their own.

I’m just curious, how do you deal with people who push their religious beliefs on you? Because the same arguments you give (subjective or faith based) are the same ones they give (subjective or faith based). It would seem to me that you couldn’t refute their claims because they could use the same basis of argument of overwhelming evidence, multiple testimonies and conjecture to prove something exists as you do with aliens visiting this planet.
You being hyper-defensive isn't helping this discussion at all.

Ironically, the push back you see is in direct contrast to your gung-ho insistence of your own ideas. In other words, my defensive wall is only as tall as how high your offensive capault is shooting your ideas and theories.

You see that is because I’m not pushing an idea/agenda/theory/concept. I’m not starting threads entitled “Notice the lack of evidence that aliens exist” or starting conversations with “More lack of evidence of a god” Or “My experience that proves government conspiracies aren’t real” That’s because I’m not asking people to make leaps of faith. My responses are just that: Responses. Responses to people pushing their ideas and beliefs on me and tell me what must be true, and what must be fact. Notice, I didn’t come to you first and say aliens have not visited this planet, you came to us with your ideas and thoughts (unsolicited, might I add, at least by me) about your ideas of aliens and government conspiracies. I merely responded with my ideas which counter yours. Of which I have since been accused of being, narrow minded, sheep, hyper-defensive, simple minded, presumptuous, blissful in ignorance and making “sad” (aka pathetic) statements.
Proof enough for me.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Proof enough for me.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dang it, I was hoping my conspiracy with the government would keep you from revealing that! :mad: I can't refute that. I have been Death Blossomed!!! You guys win. :biggrin:
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I agree with this guy:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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