apapada said:
Especially synthetic oils either get burnt, or contaminated.
You have it backwards. Conventional oils are
more susceptible to breakdown at high heat ("burnt") than synthetic oils are. That's one of the primary advantages of synthetic oil over conventional oil. However, both are subject to contaminates, which is why synthetic oil and conventional oil both need to be changed at a given frequency.
Blue Knight said:
i have to agree with many nsxers here that the oil was not the primary factor for such damages.
No one said that.
Since there was only one quart of oil left in the engine, then that was likely the primary case of the damage.
Blue Knight said:
if the nsx poops out at an average of 11k miles with one oil change, that's just disappointing.
No one said that, either.
As sjs and others point out, the information about how long this car went between oil changes is vague. We can pick apart the statements from NSXnBRLA, but that's not very meaningful. NSXnBRLA, if you know for sure how long the engine went between oil changes, please chime in. In the absence of such information, I think it's safe to say (based on the low level of oil in the engine) that the owner
probably went
way too long between oil changes, and
way too long without checking the oil level in the engine. In fact, I would bet dollars to paper clips that the owner
doesn't even know how many miles he drove since he did either one - which would prove my previous statement.
The owner's manual for the NSX tells you to change the oil every 7500 miles for normal driving conditions, or every 3750 miles for severe conditions, a category into which many drivers fall. There are also time intervals which are apparently not relevant to this particular case. If you go 11K miles or 40K miles (or technically, even 7501 miles), you are violating Honda's recommendation. However, the more serious violation IMHO is that of checking the oil level. The owner's manual tells you to check the oil level at every gas stop. Admittedly, I suspect that many of us probably ignore that advice - and maybe that's acceptable when you know that your engine consumes no noticeable amount of oil between oil changes that you do every 3-4K miles. But if you aren't changing your oil that often, the least you should be doing is checking the oil level at least that often (and preferably much more frequently). And if you don't check the oil level
or change it every 3-4K miles (which is quite a long interval), then you are asking for trouble. Again, in
any car. And again, IMHO.