The NSX still gets the chicks!

I had my car parked out near an outlet store. I was walking out to the car with my gf and noticed an older man checking out the car. I got in ready to start it when I hear the man's wife yelling at him to come in. He yelled back "One minute!" and continued to admire the nsx.

Uh oh, this thread has taken a horrible twist...
went to pick up the G/F from the pool and she told me when she got in the car that some dude was like wow thats a nice car and she told him "yeah thats my B/F's car and i have driven it" so i guess the moral to this story is there looking but they might not show there intrest untell you give them a reason ???

I was on my way to work today and I passed a MB SL550, ended up on front of it at the red light light, the wife of the car was checking out my car and I can see her husband was explaining to her what it was.

I also get request for rides by my female customers often. Just last week a customer (girl) offered to buy me dinner at her work (Olive Garden) and I drove her there to pick up the food, she was texting her friends about riding my car.

You should give her a few more rides and this time ask for desserts!:biggrin:
The only attention the NSX seems to get me is rice rockets revving their engines at me. (Yeah. Yeah, I see you there. Great. Do you know you sound like you're blowing wet farts into a coffee can?)

I'd say the girls pass me and the car up because I look like a dork, but I have tinted windows for a reason. ;) Sigh.
Don't be fooled,

Girls appreciate the exotic NSX, but they're not going to come over and chat you up about your hot car and how they like it with their tongue hanging out of their mouth. Guys will, since most of us love cars.
That's why general consensus is NSX=Dude magnet.

Now there are some girls who will say something short and sweet which is just an icebreaker anyway. I got "nice car" last week

But you don't want those 'outgoing' girls.:wink: Too much to handle for long:biggrin:
Don't be fooled,

Girls appreciate the exotic NSX, but they're not going to come over and chat you up about your hot car and how they like it with their tongue hanging out of their mouth. Guys will, since most of us love cars.
That's why general consensus is NSX=Dude magnet.

Now there are some girls who will say something short and sweet which is just an icebreaker anyway. I got "nice car" last week

But you don't want those 'outgoing' girls.:wink: Too much to handle for long:biggrin:

Enjoyed the Dino pic and your signature line.
chicks love me not b/c my car ... my car is just "icing on the cake" :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

aaaaha ha ha ha ha:biggrin:

Sadly, You can't expect your average Bimbet with a brain the size of a peanut to understand what she's looking at.

Now if you were to meet a girl intelligent enough to know exactly what the car is, that could present other problems:tongue:

:wink: :tongue: :biggrin:
The only attention the NSX seems to get me is rice rockets revving their engines at me. (Yeah. Yeah, I see you there. Great. Do you know you sound like you're blowing wet farts into a coffee can?)

LOL!!! :tongue:
well living in both Socal and Japan. Its almost similar responds but here in Japan i get more responsive females then in the states. i was driving down one japanese road near my house and happend to see a girl on her bicycle checking out my car... to bad she wasnt paying attention in front of her because she ran into another biker and fell over onto the sidewalk.I would of got out and help but i was to busy laughing :tongue:( plus there was alot of traffic) When i go to the supermarker or pick up food. I always get the "sugoi!!" or "cool". I dont think they see many LDH NSX out here.
I have to disagree... NSX is a dude magnet. :biggrin:

^I agree. Why, just a week ago I got a marriage proposal because of mine. I was at a rest stop on I-70 along side the Colorado River in Glennwood Canyon, of Colorado. This guy comes up to me and asks me if I own the car. He didn't 't quite believe me when I said, "Yes", and asks again if I'm the registered owner. We talk a bit and I tell him I have an S2000 also, that I've driven in Colorado on the fun roads. He then says, "Will you marry me in my next life?" :biggrin: After I told him I had a dual-sport motorcycle, too, he called me Princess. :biggrin: :biggrin:

I have had middle aged women (like me) and younger guys compliment me on the car too, but never the younger women.
I had this middle aged woman in a C5 vette on the 10 west, she kept giving me the thumbs up and asking what year it is and how many HP hehe (while stopped in traffic) and that she loves the color... she was probably in her mid 40's... I should have got her #! lol :tongue:
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Parked next to a nice Lexus SC one day. Oddly enough, we both left about the same time. Well, as she was getting in her Lexus, she smiled and said: "I had one in '86...LOVED it...enjoy!!" I smiled.

Next, I was driving up Central Avenue, top popped, windows down, enjoying the late afternoon ride home from work. Central is a nice tree-tunnel running north out of central Phoenix and a kid, late-teens, early 20's pulls up next to me, music thumping, rolls down his window, and yells: "I want to have sex with your CAR!!" rolls up and rolls off. Again, I smiled.

At the time, I was a relatively new owner so I was a little dumb-founded by both. I do remember smirking both times though...
Today this scantily dressed babe came up and talked to me as I was driving in a neighborhood looking for a friend's rehearsal. She came right up to me to ask what kind of car it is! "Is it new?", she asked. Then 10 minutes later she was at my friends door saying how nice the music sounded and giving me the eye!

Did I mention she was about 75 years old and wearing a bathrobe!! :eek:

I'm beginning to think it's not the car...
Why do older women love the NSX so much? Two older (~70s) German ladies here in Germany who work at the drycleaner always get very excited when they see my NSX.