The NSX still gets the chicks!

11 February 2000
Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
So I'm parking my car and this blonde in a beautiful Mercedes pulls up and says, "What a gorgeous car!"
Me, "Thank you."
Blonde, "What is it? I've never seen anything so beautiful!"
Me, "It's an Acura."
Blonde, "And you look fantastic in it!"
Me, "Thanks! Have a great day!"

Yep, the NSX still pulls 'em in!

Uh, did I mention she was about 80 years old... :rolleyes:
aaaaha ha ha ha ha:biggrin:

Sadly, You can't expect your average Bimbet with a brain the size of a peanut to understand what she's looking at.

Now if you were to meet a girl intelligent enough to know exactly what the car is, that could present other problems:tongue:
Frankly, the NSX is more of a teenage boy magnet - if that is your thing.
Not that there is anything wrong with that if they are 18.
aaaaha ha ha ha ha:biggrin:

Sadly, You can't expect your average Bimbet with a brain the size of a peanut to understand what she's looking at.

Now if you were to meet a girl intelligent enough to know exactly what the car is, that could present other problems:tongue:

When I picked my car up from the shop 2 weeks ago, on the drive home, I was practically run off the road by two (blonde) college-age girls hanging out of their car and waving.

I was not thinking clearly at the time, and ended up making a left turn as they drove past honking :frown:

I suppose reaction to the nsx depends on modifications to the car, your personal appearance, as well as the area you're driving in.
I was at a stop light not too long ago and as I was sitting there waiting for the light to change, the person in the car next to me started honking the horn. I looked over and there was a lady in her late 60's or perhaps early 70's. When I looked over she pointed to my car and gave me the "OK" sign. I started laughing and then she gave me a thumbs up.

Not sure if it's me or the NSX that attracts these hot babes.:wink:
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I scored my woman before she ever saw what was in the garage. After I sold my first one she stayed with me. So I was like WTH I'll get another. Until we tried to go fishing in it, LOL. So I drive a Tacoma now. LOL
lol, I've had the same thing happen to me...

I was waiting for valet to get my car at a hotel, and two old ladies were waiting behind me. When my car pulls up I hear one of them say "Well would you look at that pretty car!" She didn't whisper it, either... old people never feel the need to whisper about anything :biggrin:
I was on my way to work today and I passed a MB SL550, ended up on front of it at the red light light, the wife of the car was checking out my car and I can see her husband was explaining to her what it was.

I also get request for rides by my female customers often. Just last week a customer (girl) offered to buy me dinner at her work (Olive Garden) and I drove her there to pick up the food, she was texting her friends about riding my car.
I'm glad that people in Switzerland are more unsociable. Of course there are people here who like to race but they're not Swiss but that's another story. If I drive in Switzerland maybe every 3rd or 4rd head turns, if I drive in Germany or France EVERY (even those with a neck brace) head turns.
The only ride I offered to a young girl within a year was laughing at Honda in general, didn't know the car at all which was quite stunning for her being mechanic (!) which is very rare for itself. Ok, my car is 3 years older than her and I can't expect her shitting in the pants while reading car-quartet. :D She works on Audi, VW and Seat, so maybe she's spoiled. :D
I'm glad you have more straightforeward ladies in the US. :wink:
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We were away this past weekend with friends and the NSX came up in conversation. My financee stated "well if he cheats on me or wishes to leave me I know what car I'll get in order to fetch a new man - the NSX"...

Such a weiner mobile its not even funny! Even my fiancee knows!:tongue:
I bought my '02 Silver NSX in Little Rock in April, and in May flew down to pick it up and drive it back to MD.

Two cute grad student-aged females in an SUV blatantly threw themselves at me at 3 am in the morning (after a Thur night of partying?) on the interstate highway that cuts through Knoxville. Unfortunately, they exited the highway right after I figured out what was going on.

Happened like this: The driver pulled up on my right side as we both were going 65 mph. I looked over. She was smiling, talking to her passenger and not looking at me. So I visually disengaged. The SUV sped up, got in the far left lane. I'm completely disengaged now; I figure they don't even notice me.

Then the SUV got right next to me, and the passenger was leaning forward and smiling at me. My Flirtation Mode automatically turned on. But then they hit the exit ramp 2 seconds later. I couldn't react fast enough. Passenger leaned over the driver to they disappeared into my memory. Opportunity lost. A couple expletives uttered in my NSX. Haven't had anything similar happen since.
When I drove my car from Houston to Nashville last weekend hardly anyone noticed or seemed to notice - the only that seemed to like the car were young guys and probably didn't know what it was.

I don't understand the "girl" magnet idea - although most of the stories here are older women - so are you guys having these experiences 60 to 70 years old or what?

If there's a no answer to this - then I guess it may be a "woman" magnet not a chick magnet or maybe it's a dude magnet - oh boy.... I'm lucky I'm married to a wonderful woman that hasn't shot me yet cause the whole time we've been together I've been buying and selling cars. I got a bunch of stock stuff that came off the car since mine had Comptech headers and a late model exhaust. So I shipped back the stock exhaust and wheels and some other stuff. She said I hope you sell this one soon so you can get rid of all this junk!

Man, I said, wait a minute, I'm not planning on selling this one cause I believe I can actually afford to own it. My last two were Porsches, which is what brought on that comment. Although right now I'm spending a bunch on my 91 Sebring to get in top notch shape - luckily there isn't much else to go wrong now.

I believe my wife will start to like it after it gets home from Nashville back to Atlanta after the "barn man" gets it just right.

It's gonna be several weeks before I can get it but it'll be like Christmas. So right now it seems like some sureal dream that I actually own it. All I have is the title to look at.

I'll be noting the looks after I get it here in Atlanta which is the home for a lot of nice cars in Buckhead. We'll see what happens then.....stay tuned.
I don't understand the "girl" magnet idea - although most of the stories here are older women - so are you guys having these experiences 60 to 70 years old or what?

LOL hardly... I'm not even 30 yet. Which is why it's so funny that old ladies check out the car, because they certainly aren't checking out the driver.... orrr are they!!??? :eek:
Woo hoo! Pimping the senior ladys and dude magnet.....:rolleyes::tongue:
I don't think I have ever had a nice looking woman comment on my NSX. Either of them. Maybe its me :wink:
Those older ladies are checking out the young "bucks" - you bet. Young women are jaded - cars don't do it anymore unless it's a Bentley or Ferrari - heck Porsches don't even fire em up anymore.

Too bad the wife hates your car dude! That is sad. My wife - who knows what she'll think when it's finally in the garrage. Oh well, can't please em all the time now can you!!
went to pick up the G/F from the pool and she told me when she got in the car that some dude was like wow thats a nice car and she told him "yeah thats my B/F's car and i have driven it" so i guess the moral to this story is there looking but they might not show there intrest untell you give them a reason ???
. Young women are jaded - cars don't do it anymore unless it's a Bentley or Ferrari - heck Porsches don't even fire em up anymore!

That's because 99.9999% of the time they are too busy with their cell phones or their Ipod's to notice anything. :rolleyes:
I was at a stop light not too long ago and as I was sitting there waiting for the light to change, the person in the car next to me started honking the horn. I looked over and there was a lady in her late 60's or perhaps early 70's. When I looked over she pointed to my car and gave me the "OK" sign. I started laughing and then she gave me a thumbs up.

Not sure if it's me or the NSX that attracts these hot babes.:wink:

I think it's you. You attract all women.:biggrin:
I think it's you. You attract all women.:biggrin:

Thanks Alan. Unfortunately, as you know, I attract the wrong type of women.:biggrin: I would hope I could blame the car for this....
I had my car parked out near an outlet store. I was walking out to the car with my gf and noticed an older man checking out the car. I got in ready to start it when I hear the man's wife yelling at him to come in. He yelled back "One minute!" and continued to admire the nsx.