The New Acura NSX - Rendering Confirmed!

I like this rendering better.


I must be the minority but the front of that car is hideous. What they try to do there mix the front end of a Ferrari Enzo and a Nissan GTR together??? Gross.
I agree with Joe. My ownership experience is personal and I could care less about what other people think. I own a NSX because of how it feels to me personally, not because of its lap times, whp stats or 1/4 trap speeds. My ownership experience has nothing to do whatsoever with these ridiculous bench racing or mag racing discussions that never end and never amount to anything. I don't care how much horsepower my NSX makes and I don't care about yours and I don't care about how much the new NSX puts out. I applaud Honda for not getting sucked into this stupid numbers game. Good God, when you have 700 ft/lbs of torque, you need F1 aero to make it work. What's next? 800 ft/lbs? 900? It's stupid. Just stupid.

What is hilarious to me is that if you hand a BONE STOCK 1991 NSX on the so-called "outdated" 15/16 wheels to say, Rubens Barrichello, he could drive that car so fast around a road course that it would make the average owner s$%t himself from fear. Instead, we end up with these endless discussions about whp and status and "hypercars" vs "supercars" and all that crap. I wish people would take their cars, find a good track school and start learning how to exact every ounce of speed from their cars AS IS. I think that would be a lot more fun than talking about how much whp your car makes, or worrying about whather you can beat that GT-R next door in a drag race, or if you're out-powering that guy at the dyno shop with the turbo kit. WHO. CARES.

I hope they instead focus on creating the best sports car driving experience in the world, which is what the name "NSX" represents to me. Let the other companies keep running in circles trying to one up each other on paper. And, if the only way to get customers into the showroom is to play this ridiculous stats game, as many people argue, then I think the posterboard next to the concept car should say:


350, 450, whatever. The critical points are it needs to look amazing, be mid-engine, and provide a visceral driving experience.

my two cents

What he said... it's a personal thing.:smile:
Everyone would buy it if it looked like that bc its way out of the price vs looks/format equation. There are so many reasons that package can't be offered for 100k, only $400k+ cars look like that. A race engine sitting really low with sideways mounted suspensions flanking it making for a 8ft wide car- doesn't sound like an NSX to me at all. Honda is a pretty restrained company. A widebody nsx isn't even as wide as a 355 I bet, much less an f40 or enzo which are way more expensive to produce in their more pure race formats. The NSX was a 348/355 competitor and that was already a stretch, there is no way Honda would or could compete in the HyperCar market given their current outlook.
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I don't understand the hard on Honda/Acura has for that stupid beak thing.

Worst design element in cars in a long time.

Honda has done an incredible job of squandering their Acura brand equity over the last 10-15 years (and Honda brand somewhat as well). The Acura designs of the 90's were top notch. The early 90's Legend, Integra and NSX were beautiful cars that had stature. The owners of these three very different cars could be proud of the cars in their entirety; aesthetic design, technology and performance. It's unbelievable to me the shortsightedness and stupidity of Honda executives to:

1) Replace the well established and well respected Legend and Integra brand names with generic, souless, confusing alphanumeric names RL and (not even sure what the Integra name is and I'm a former Honda fan).
2) Hire a design team that has churned out cars that have been bland since the late 90's and now genuinely horrific looking. The Only car they've produced in 10 years that looked good was the TL, but they even ruined that about 2 years ago with a space age amateur design. They even managed to make the normal looking Odyssey minivan look like crap with the last redesign.
Their is a clear lack of strategic executive leadership and vision at Acura/Honda that is evident in ALL of the decisions they have been making in regards to design and brand strategy. Their engineer departments must be furious to be saddled with such a crap design team to package their solid engineering.

It's very ironic that due to Honda and Acura's poor decisions they've allowed Hyundai to steel their place with better looking cars at solid value. They are. beating Honda in design and value and beating Acura in design and value as well. Genesis is what the Acura Legend should be today.
I believe this is the NSX evolution we all have been waiting and hoping for.
If built, it will be a brilliantly engineered, modern successor to the original NSX.

I am hoping that the concept presented in Detroit is more than the clay
model shown to dealers... I hope what's shown is close to production.

I would seriously consider buying it.

That said, I have some other hopes. I hope it is introduced as a high
performance (hybrid) model that is capable of evolving, just like the Audi R8
had room in the engine compartment for something larger. Oh! almost
forgot... one of the NSX successor notions had a V10.... hmm, just thinking
here... but if the new NSX started out with a longitudinal V6 configuration,
like the R8, or even the ESPRIT NSX

then, later...
the NSX V10 could be dropped in, just like what happened with the evolution of the R8.


The most important part of this post is that
this is the design direction many of us have been waiting for.

Yes I agree... It's a good looking concept FINALLY, mid engine, FINALLY, and if they had said V10 there would be not a single complaint now but the whole V6 hybrid has thrown everyone for a loop and now pricing is a lot more of an issue because apparently you can demand a lot more when you have 4 more cylinders. IDK how you get a V6 hybrid to sound sexy.