The hard reality

16 January 2001
Miami, FL. US
I have always wanted the NSX and finally I own one. However, I have always wanted the 97+ model. I do not like the T-Top because I really don't need any more sun considering I have a permanent tan. And I can't rationalize adding extra weight to a sport exotic car just to take the roof off. So of course I can just get the coupe right? But according to the production model page, there are only a handfull of coupes out there made after '97. Sure I am jumping ahead of myself here. I can just afford my current NSX but one day, you know, I would like to have the ultimate NSX. So how many of you guys own a 97+ coupe? If you ever sell it in the next few years please let me know.
Hey Mr. Blade,

Sorry to hear about your incident, by the way. Don't be too tough on the "T", it provides plenty of fun besides the tanning value

Although you'll probably find that > 97 Coupes are almost impossible to get.

While I'm at it, if you are able to please meet us at Homestead on March 17th, and help support our local NSX chapter (Homestead is a very expensive track, so its a special treat for Dr. Chin's club to pull this off)
Can't one just go to the dealership and request that one be specially made? I mean, it probably costs a fortune, but with money anythings possible.
Maybe the 2003 will sell in coupe and targa, ya never know...
A few NSX owners have been in the same spot as you, and just special ordered a coupe. Actually, they sticker less than a targa, however, you don't have the advantage of being able to negotiate price well with a targa car already on the showroom floor. If you're interested, private me, and I can put you in touch with someone that went through this.

For all practical purposes, you can get your current coupe up to 97 performance for under $3500.

-- Chris

Chris Willson
Can't one just go to the dealership and request that one be specially made?

Actually, it's not even a special request; it's a standard model that you can indeed buy new at any time.

I think Kevin is just disappointed that there aren't a lot of them out there (since '97) for a potential purchase in the used car market.
If weight is really a concern and you want a '97+ coupe, there are a few dozen Zanardis out there.... I've seen several for sale in the past year. Cheaper than ordering a brand new coupe for sure.
Also keep in mind the weight difference between a '97+ coupe and -T is about the same as the difference between a full tank of gas vs. being on empty. While you may be able to feel the difference, I don't think it's that dramatic.
*gasp* I can't imagine myself driving my NSX without ever having the ability to take the top off. Something about the open air feeling you get when you're driving down the highway on a clear, warm summer night with just you, your NSX, open road and the stars...
Lud is right. You can always get a Zanardi Edition when the time comes to get another NSX.

Actually owning a coupe is South Florida (where BladesNsx lives)is not really a bad thing. The weather down her is hot and very humid for 9 (or more) months out of the year. Removing the top makes for a nice sweat spot in the middle of your back in less than 2 minutes. Plus, one second it's nice and sunny out and the next it pouring down rain. I've owned a convertible down here and it's just plain uncomfortable most of the time. I to would like to see some more 97+ coupes on the market. I would however buy a 'T' in a heartbeat if the right opportunity came along.

My $0.02
Actually, it's not even a special request; it's a standard model that you can indeed buy new at any time

I'm fairly certain that you do have to request a coupe to get one as Honda only sends Targas to the U.S. market.

On top of this, I recently learned that Honda only manufactures NSXs by special order in Japan (they also have many more custom options). So they really have no reason to make a coupe unless it is requested.

On a slightly unrelated note, I learned that Honda didn't sell ANY new NSXs in Japan during December, 2000. That's the FIRST month of zero-sales since the NSX's introduction!

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 21 February 2001).]
Check out Acura's website at [/B]

Where does it specifically say that the coupe is not a special order item?

Last year, the coupe was also listed as an available option...but the dealer told me that I would have to request a coupe if I wanted one.

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 21 February 2001).]
NSXstasy is right. I am disappointed that there isn't a larger selection of '97 and after models available. I never really considered that there is such a small weight difference Lud. EnzoWho is also correct. It is pretty hot down here most of the year. I just really have no interest in having a T-top. But of course if I had the money and found one at a great price I would jump at it in a heartbeat. True the Zarnardi is another option. But doesn't the Z only come in red/tan. Yeah I am being picky here but my dream NSX is a '97 or later model coupe, Black with whatever colored interior. Science, how can $3500 bring my '91 to '97 performance. For that amount I can probably upgrade breathing via intake, headers, and muffler. But that can't compare to a '97. I know Scott and Nelson have put quite a bit more into there cars and there '94 and '91 respectively deliver excellent performance equal to if not greater than the '97+ models. So if I can indeed purchase a special order coupe from the home country Japan, I will certianly do so after winning the lottery; or, if one of you guys in the computer field can give me some pointers so I can quit my current job of dealing with bums, drunks, maniacs, and police politics. But that will be another post


'00 Blk/Blk the dream as Akira3d says

ha...yeah right

'91 Blk/Blk the reality. Okay here the dream seems a bit nicer.

[This message has been edited by BladesNSX (edited 22 February 2001).]
Well you dont have to be dissapointed about the NSX. I am in the same boat upon wanting a '97 or higher Yet my current smart budget is for only a $35K car. So I went and bought a '92 Silver with 66K miles.

If you really want an NSX I know if you even got a sort of High milaged '91 you will be happy knowing that YOu got an NSX.
Kevin - Yes, the Zanardi is only in red with black interior. If you want black exterior you are in a much more difficult situation ;(

nsxtasy - I don't know of any dealer that has stocked a coupe (other than a Zanardi) since '95 unless a customer ordered it... ?? Maybe there have been a couple, but everyone I know who wanted to buy a new coupe in the last 5 years had to order it and wait for it to come from Japan, and the only new coupe I know of that just sat in a showroom during that same time was ordered for a customer who later backed out.
The process by which a dealer orders a coupe is exactly the same as the one by which he orders an NSX-T. It's not a "special" order.

However, the fact of the matter is, the dealers that are ordering for their showroom are most likely to order a 6-speed NSX-T. If you are looking for a 6-speed NSX-T, you can find an Acura dealer (not all dealers, but some) who has one in stock. If you are looking for a coupe (or possibly even a SportShift model, particularly in a specific color), you are going to have a tough time finding one that a dealer just happened to have sitting around the showroom. OTOH if you want a coupe, or a SportShift, you can order one from any Acura dealer and he can order it for you.

The same thing is true for a 6-speed NSX-T in a particularly rare color combination. It's not a "special" order; it's just a particular model that may not be in stock but that your dealer will be happy to order for you.