Funny, but you would think all high performance cars that offer a choice of auto-manual/semi auto and a 6 speed manual would sell more manual or at least the ratio would be close,but I remember reading somewhere that modern ferraris only sell 10% as manual stickshift.
That is interesting, but it doesn't surprise me. You have to think about the user groups that buy the Ferraris. Most of which are older hence the fact that they can afford the Ferrari pricetag. They are usually much more mature and prefer the comfort of not clutching/shifting. They also probably never drive it either and it's a garage queen. The GTR has a different type of user market. They are younger and more hardcore. They tend to drive their cars harder and more often. I mean most Ferrari owners wouldn't trade off their Ferrari for a GTR, so you can't compare a Ferrari owner to a GTR owner. It's a different mentality and age group. It would be more accurate to compare Corvette owners to GTR owners. Their user age group is more varied.
Lol, sequential shifting still retains that excitement that the automatics don't have.
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