The Apprentice

KGP said:
My Vote
Caroline.....Donald's left-hand lady.

Me too! ;) I wonder what she's like when she lets her hair down? Kinda got that innocent Princess Di look going. She's very, very poised and professional.

She was on the tonight show last week with the old guy. She was fun... she had a shoulder-less black dress on and it looked OK at best.

I still wonder how she got such a great job..
KGP said:
I just can't beleive that someone can be that big a bafoon. Additionally, I find it hard to believe that the show's producers would present her failures and lie in such an obvious manor where it can do great harm to her...

Frankly I think the comments about Amy were about as devastating as anything they could have broadcast, and she was one of their favorites! If Omarosa really did what they showed then I can't imagine that would not show it.

As I mentioned above, I think the show reflects the true Omarosa, and my guess (hope) is still that she was not instructed to tell those lies, even though my first impression was also one of incredulity and suspicion.
Omerosa strikes again

KGP said:

My revised odds:
Kwame - 55%
Bill - 45%
Amy - 0%
Nick 0%

I have to say that from an entrepreneurial standpoint, Troy would be my hands down choice. He rocks. I'd also hire him in a second over any of the others. No question about it. But, that's not what the game is about.

Well, it is Bill:D

I think Kwame did a great job, but his employess torpedoed his future for him. Best of luck to both of them.
Kwame may not have gotten the job with Trump, but guaranteed this is gonna be a huge boost for his career no matter what direction he goes in next.
Trump is way to generous towards Omarosa, but it now seems clear that the lies were not an act to test Kwame or stir things up. She is just plain dirt. I hope that all potential employers and business associates have seen this, and that no one wastes a cent buying her book. (but they will of course).
Congrats to Bill!

I think anyone who would hire Omarosa is crazy. She is a lying b*tch. She alone I think caused Kwame to lose. She has done herself in IMO.

Maybe next year ACURA will get in on the action and the winner can get the 2006 HSC :)
First reality tv show I have even enjoyed. Sam was hilarious at the end. And it would have been cool if Bill could have hired Kwame or Troy right there. I'd also like to see how this tower turns out...
sjs said:
Trump is way to generous towards Omarosa, but it now seems clear that the lies were not an act to test Kwame or stir things up. She is just plain dirt.
I just had a hard time believing someone could be such a lying idiot in front of millions of people. She has problems - serious problems. I loved it at the end when the gal sitting next to her (Erika I think) called on her as a liar. The camera quickly panned to Armarosa for her reaction. I thought she was going to cry. :D

I think that Kwame might have gotten the nod if he would have fired the bitch. But, he didn't, and he can only look at himself for that - and also for picking her lying ass to begin with.
poet_x said:
And it would have been cool if Bill could have hired Kwame or Troy right there.
I was waiting for either that to happen, or to offer the job Bill turned down to Kwame.
poet_x said:
Sam was hilarious at the end.
What a fruitcake. Although, what he did by offering the 250K was very calculated. Consider this: He might well have speculated that Trump would turn the offer down, but by the offer taking place on TV there could be some interesting developments from it. Naaaw, I withdraw that; He's just a fruitcake. :D
KGP said:
What a fruitcake. Although, what he did by offering the 250K was very calculated. Consider this: He might well have speculated that Trump would turn the offer down, but by the offer taking place on TV there could be some interesting developments from it. Naaaw, I withdraw that; He's just a fruitcake. :D

Sam and Omarosa both are fruity...

Would you ever hire either one to work for you?

You gotta think - would you accept $250k to ruin your million dollar corporation???

No thanks!!!

Sam - you're fired, again...
NsXMas said:
Sam and Omarosa both are fruity...

Would you ever hire either one to work for you?
Not a snow-ball's chance in hell.
NsXMas said:

You gotta think - would you accept $250k to ruin your million dollar corporation???

No thanks!!!

Sam - you're fired, again...
TOO Funny !!! :D
Well, Omarosa is in fact the biggest idiot ever allowed on television. I was convinced some of her latest actions were 'trumped' up. But no, it was her lovely tarnished character continuing to shine through.

On a different note, I fell in love with Erika last night. She is just plain hot........ wish she lived in my area.
I watched the last two shows only and in that short timeframe, I wished I could have paid Ereka to pull a Jerry Springer on Omarosa. That would have been great if Ereka laid her out because Omarosa needed to be slapped. Kwame was way too calm after being lied to and f'd on his chances due to the idiot playing feather hat dress up instead of answering her phone, but it was nice to see her completely dissed on national television. I hope Ereka wins a lot of money on her lawsuit.
Sig said:
Well, Omarosa is in fact the biggest idiot ever allowed on television. I was convinced some of her latest actions were 'trumped' up. But no, it was her lovely tarnished character continuing to shine through.

On a different note, I fell in love with Erika last night. She is just plain hot........ wish she lived in my area.

Omarosa is from the DC area :D
Sig said:
Now if I could only get Erika to move here and rent a spare room in my house :)

Pick up a copy of the May issue of "FHM" magazine - there is one on Ebay right now - and I only know that 'cause I was searching for her domain name auction. Apparently she didn't think of registering her own name so someone grabbed it along with several others and was trying to auction them on the bay.

Ereka's web site is and apparently she is new at this - she registered it with what appears to be her home address and might even be a home phone number! Oh, and her hotmail account...
NsXMas said:
I'm just teasing... ;)

Yes, I know. ;) besides, if I was stalking anyone from that show I don't think Ereka would be my first choice - but that's why Baskin Robbins has so many flavors...;)

Oh, to whoever in this thread compared Caroline to Princess Di - did you catch that even Trump referred to her that way last night? Caroline blushed and, at that moment, looked very "Lady Di" like.
lemansnsx said:
Oh, to whoever in this thread compared Caroline to Princess Di - did you catch that even Trump referred to her that way last night? Caroline blushed and, at that moment, looked very "Lady Di" like.
Yep, I caught it. I wish I would have seen her on Letterman. I wonder how many offers she has been receiving.

On the Omorosa thing - My wife watched the morning shows, and she told me that both Bill and Kwame said she and Troy look to be the big winners from the whole thing. If Omarosa capitalizes on this, it's a sad thing for our society.
KGP said:
On the Omorosa thing - My wife watched the morning shows, and she told me that both Bill and Kwame said she and Troy look to be the big winners from the whole thing. If Omarosa capitalizes on this, it's a sad thing for our society.

I've not actually seen Omorosa's site but she is certainly getting the most buzz about book deals, a talk show, etc, etc. Sad how much attention she is getting.
Troy's web site is a bit of a let down but they are all worth a quick look if you were a fan of the show... sorry... no site for Caroline :rolleyes:
Ha ha

Sitting here watching Leno, and Bill is on. Leno asks Bill What's the deal with Omarosa? ... Was she a plant? I mean I never thought someone would be that dumb. Hehehe

Leno also asks Bill about the $250K that Sam handed the Don. Bill said that Trump handed him the breifcase and said to hang on to it, and that he has not made a decision on whether to give it back or what. :eek:
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