The Apprentice

Nsxtacy, I thought "tangential" refered to a poorly placed towel at the tanning booth. Thanks for the clarification :D
nsxtasy said:
Kwame became aware that Omarosa is not performing her assigned tasks, but is not aware of her lie.
I thought he realized she had lied. :confused: Maybe not, as I might have still been in total shock from her actions.
KGP said:

Bottom line: Either I'm right, or she has just assured herself that being a participant on The Apprentice will do her no good in future business opportunities. In fact, she made herself out to be about the most distrustful person anyone could imagine hiring.

Should we expect any more from someone who works in politics?
Reality News Online has an article about last night's episode here. It's mostly a long, detailed summary. The Omarosa aspects are on the last page (page 4) of the article.

Hey, isn't it odd that they are promoting next week's live finale without mentioning what time it's on? (According to a TV listing website, it starts at its normal time but goes for an extra hour.)
Thanks Gene & Ken for the Cliff's notes.

Since we all seem to love Omarosa equally, don't forget to put in your pre-order for her 'tell all' book she is writing. Makes my stomach squirm that she will make money from the show. The worst part is that there are numerous groups embracing her as some kind of professional savant that was cut down early because of her gender/race. A professional martyr if you will.

Those who embrace this woman probably never watched the show!

Now aside from the anitcs before she was 'fired', this latest fabrication from yesterday's episode seems way too overt.... even for her. I believe your suspicions of intential miss-steps by moles may prove accurate. I wouldn't be surpised if Trump asked someone on both teams to intentially sabotage as a test to both leaders.
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Sig said:
Now aside from the anitcs before she was 'fired', this latest fabrication from the yesterday's episode seems way too overt.... even for her. I believe your suspicions of intential miss-steps by moles may prove accurate. I wouldn't be surpised if Trump asked someone on both teams to intentially sabotage as a test to both leaders.

If Trump planting a mole is not the case, I bet Omarosa will find getting a job in the future very difficult.
Sig said:
I believe your suspicions of intential miss-steps by moles may prove accurate.
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that's the case. In fact, I'll give 2:1 odds on it. :D
KGP said:
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that's the case. In fact, I'll give 2:1 odds on it. :D

I will take the bet.

I am thinking Omarosa is just as the show makes her appear. I feel her actions are out of pure jealousy and anger. She believes she should be on top and be the one who wins. If she can not be the winner than no one can.

I just keep going back to the "I have to sit and eat" -"Kwame is having a nice meal" not helping because of a fleck of plaster hit my head attitude. She is all about her first and everything else dead last.

Trump, being a good business man, would not put a mole in to spoil what needs to be a good business deal for him to continue in business. Who knows I could be wrong.
So just to clarify... You guys (Sig and KBP) think (a) that Omarosa has impressive thespian skills, and that she would never think up such incredible lies as part of her innate character, and that this is a lot more likely than the possibility that (b) she has neither the morals to tell the truth, nor the common sense to realize how such lies would be perceived by Kwame or the viewing public. In other words, you believe that Omarosa is totally innocent here and is just following instructions from the show's producers. Is that what you're saying? That you believe in Omarosa?

I don't. I'm with steveny. While I accept the fact that this show is edited and that the results can be manipulated, I also believe that the true personality and character of each of the participants usually shows through pretty well - and that Omarosa is more likely to be conniving and self-centered herself, rather than those traits as the result of any deliberate fabrication by the show's producers.
nsxtasy said:
... she has neither the morals to tell the truth, nor the common sense to realize how such lies would be perceived by Kwame or the viewing public.
I just can't beleive that someone can be that big a bafoon. Additionally, I find it hard to believe that the show's producers would present her failures and lie in such an obvious manor where it can do great harm to her. Just something in my gut on this one that says what we saw last night was staged, and that it would be a perfect test for a woudbe exec. Honestly though, I'd rather it be that everything is on the up and up, and that the biatch just ruined her carreer. :cool:
and that the biatch just ruined her carreer.

Na, she'll probably wait a year and then sue the show for slander and end up with $10 million.

I predict there may be a strong possibility that the name "Omarosa" may develop into an insult that lives for years and years.

Oh, and I loved it when Amy was referred to as a Stepford wife.

nsxtasy said:
So just to clarify... You guys (Sig and KBP) think (a) that Omarosa has impressive thespian skills, and that she would never think up such incredible lies as part of her innate character, and that this is a lot more likely than the possibility that (b) she has neither the morals to tell the truth, nor the common sense to realize how such lies would be perceived by Kwame or the viewing public. In other words, you believe that Omarosa is totally innocent here and is just following instructions from the show's producers. Is that what you're saying? That you believe in Omarosa?

I certainly don't believe in her. I am probably one of her harshest critics. I believe she has the business aptitude of a third grader and tries to raionalize her failures by blaming those around her as the cause without ever stopping to consider the idea that she does not measure up.

That said, from what I have read about her latest actions, if not intentially done, then my 3rd grader assessment of her was too generous. I do believe she is a moron, but not to the extent that her lies beocme transparent to even the least observant of viewers.

From my perspective, it would be a good idea for Trump to test Bill and Kwame in unique ways that they may not epxect. In conclusion( :) ), I think Omarosa Part I was the real Omarosa.... a complete moron. However, Omarosa Part II: The Reincarnation.. I suspect may have some intentional Trump plotting behind it.

I worried their could be an "Omarosa Part III: This Time It's Personal"! Aside from the wonderfully objective novel she is crafting at the moment, I heard a talk show is in the offing as well.

What a shame, her behavior should not be rewarded.
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KGP said:
I can't think of any other realistic reason for her to screw this stuff up so bad, and look at the others and lie about it all. I dunno, maybe she is just that big of a moron.

I tend to think she is exactly that kind of person. She has been very consistent in her willingness to look into the camera and flat-out fabricate her version of how things happen as if the viewers are all deaf, dumb, blind and stupid. Further more, Trump's two primary sidekicks were on the Tonight Show earlier this week and when the subject of Omarosa came up the lady tried very hard to choose her words carefully but in the end stated quite clearly that Omarosa should not be believed and is "not credible". It was clear that she was uncomfortable but chose to be honest and blunt, and her disdain for the woman was palpable. By making her a "plant" this time they would give people a chance to believe that the whole thing has been an act by her, and I doubt they would allow her such wiggle room for her otherwise trashed reputation. I would be curious to hear a discussion about her between psychologists who specialize in whatever it is they would call her "condition". I don't know if she is amoral, delusional, or what, but it is fascinating to see someone with a very high IQ act in such a clearly self-destructive manner in front of a camera.
I've watched every episode of The Apprentice and from day one Omarosa gave off the appearance that she was a self serving bitch. Her obvious tendencey to not take responsibility for her actions are the same on this last episode as those actions early on. The fact that she tried to play the racial card is more offensive. Or, is it the producers and editors of this show that are pulling the wool over our eyes. As we all know, everything that we see on television has some type of script. Every reality show has had it's share of winners, losers, and villians. Omarosa's character was delveloped by herself and the producers have edited the show to enhance her "as seen on tv" appearance.

Now, why would she lie infront of the camera and expect not be caught? Who knows! If she is not a "mole" planted, then she has kissed any chance on getting a decent job goodbye. Maybe politics is where she belongs. Maybe she can even become the first xyz president of the USofA.
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As if we needed more proof, just saw this........

Copied and Pasted from News website.......

LOS ANGELES — Her stint on "The Apprentice" (search) wasn't the first time Omarosa Manigault Stallworth (search) heard the words "You're fired." People magazine says she was bounced from four jobs in two years with the Clinton administration.

A worker at her last job with the Commerce Department says Omarosa was asked to leave as quickly as possible because she was so disruptive. She says, "One woman wanted to slug her."

Meanwhile, "Apprentice" co-star Ereka Vetrini (search) says she's exploring a slander action against Omarosa, according to the New York Daily News. The two have been feuding since Omarosa accused Vetrini of using a racial epithet to describe her. Vetrini denies the accusation.

According to Vetrini, Omarosa is "making it up because she wants to write a book on the subject."
I would not be the least surprised to learn that the producers were completely aware of her prior employment problems and selected her for exactly those reasons. As with a jury, you don't necessarily need to be so blatant as to corrupt the participants or write the script. If you recruit carefully they will write it for you, even better than you could have dreamt.
My Vote

Caroline.....Donald's left-hand lady.
Re: My Vote

AndyVecsey said:
Caroline.....Donald's left-hand lady.

Caroline is 35, and they said she has been working for trump for 10 years. I wonder what she started as. She seems to have done very well for herself to be only 35..
On the Omorosa subject..... I think it has to be a setup to see if Kwame will fire her... or not give a weak link any responsibility. IMO, she killed any chance of getting a real job by lying to the team.... makes no sense.:confused:

PS. Those interviewers were freaking brutal!! I would not want to be interviewed by any of them!
I think the interviews, as little as we saw, were the most realistic part of the entire show and one of the few truly relevant "tasks". Perhaps the most telling moment so far was Trump's surprise at the unanimous slamming of Amy. It proved what I have believed from the start, which is that he paid too much attention to the actual outcome of the childish tasks and far too little attention to what could have been learned about the strengths, weakness and character of the participants. But that would have required hours of watching footage and instead he relied on the opinions of his sidekick's for the most important elements in selecting the losers. Although I sometimes agreed with his choice I rarely respected his rational. My overall respect for the man has fallen dramatically during the course of the show.
sjs said:
I think the interviews, as little as we saw, were the most realistic part of the entire show and one of the few truly relevant "tasks". Perhaps the most telling moment so far was Trump's surprise at the unanimous slamming of Amy. It proved what I have believed from the start, which is that he paid too much attention to the actual outcome of the childish tasks and far too little attention to what could have been learned about the strengths, weakness and character of the participants. But that would have required hours of watching footage and instead he relied on the opinions of his sidekick's for the most important elements in selecting the losers. Although I sometimes agreed with his choice I rarely respected his rational.
I agree 95 percent. The only thing I would change is that in some cases, he relied on the opinions of the other candidates, not just his staff - particularly with respect to Amy, who clearly maintained the respect of the other candidates (as evidenced by her repeated choosing as a team member). I do not think that the perceptions of the other candidates should necessarily be ignored - they sometimes reflect leadership qualities - only that he was clearly influenced by them.

I thought the interviews were great - and totally realistic for an executive level position - and illustrated how a really good interviewer can determine the essence of someone's character, even in a first-time meeting.
nsxtasy said:
I agree 95 percent. The only thing I would change is that in some cases, he relied on the opinions of the other candidates, not just his staff - particularly with respect to Amy, who clearly maintained the respect of the other candidates (as evidenced by her repeated choosing as a team member). I do not think that the perceptions of the other candidates should necessarily be ignored - they sometimes reflect leadership qualities - only that he was clearly influenced by them.

I thought the interviews were great - and totally realistic for an executive level position - and illustrated how a really good interviewer can determine the essence of someone's character, even in a first-time meeting.

I agree, he was also influenced significantly by the opinions of other candidates, which brings up another point. Those opinions could have been a valuable insight to their qualities had he known enough about everyone's performance to compare said opinions with his own, if you get my drift. Instead they were merely the opinions of strangers, about strangers, so to speak.
nsxtasy said:
I thought the interviews were great - and totally realistic for an executive level position - and illustrated how a really good interviewer can determine the essence of someone's character, even in a first-time meeting.
Absolutely realistic. If anything, the were a bit easy on the candidates.

Those interviewers were freaking brutal!! I would not want to be interviewed by any of them!.
You ought to want to be interviewed by them. Those type interviews are a keyhole to success with an employer.

On the Amarosa thing - either way it will be interesting. Everyone who watched the show is buzzing out what she did, so I assume the producers and NBC got exactly what they hoped for.
My Vote
Caroline.....Donald's left-hand lady.

Me too! ;) I wonder what she's like when she lets her hair down? Kinda got that innocent Princess Di look going. She's very, very poised and professional.