Suggestion on organizing the parts for sale section

Re: Parts For Sale Forum

I second the old style...
Re: Parts For Sale Forum

When the old forums return, you guys have to agree to not complain about them again :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Of course not... only unless I change my mind...
Wow I don't come on here for how many days/weeks and I end up reading this

First of all I guess I am in the minority......I just clicked on the links and checked it out. It did not bother me one bit.....everything is more organized and easier to find. I am not here to have people not like any new I said it was a "SUGGESTION" and Lud is kind enough to actually try something new and see if it works or not.

I personally like it, but if the majority of the people want the old style then I am not here to argue against it. Everything can always be improved upon no matter how good anyone thinks it is. If you guys haven't noticed this forum has already added many subforums to make things easier such as the build forums and the non-nsx related parts. I personally would think it would be nice to add a in memory of section to all the fellow Prime guys/gals who passed.

Anyways Lud, its whatever you want to do with your site. You don't have to listen to me or anyone else here.

I guess Dennis and I are in the minority here, but I am good with whatever format it ends up being or old.

Anyways carry on good chap.
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I think everyone is just being lazy. :tongue: They must want to see a long list of stuff they really don't need. If you really are looking for something specific, this new format really weeds stuff out and you save tons of time.

Anyway just my .02 :smile:

Wow I don't come on here for how many days/weeks and I end up reading this

First of all I guess I am in the minority......I just clicked on the links and checked it out. It did not bother me one bit.....everything is more organized and easier to find. I am not here to have people not like any new I said it was a "SUGGESTION" and Lud is kind enough to actually try something new and see if it works or not.

I personally like it, but if the majority of the people want the old style then I am not here to argue against it. Everything can always be improved upon no matter how good anyone thinks it is. If you guys haven't noticed this forum has already added many subforums to make things easier such as the build forums and the non-nsx related parts. I personally would think it would be nice to add a in memory of section to all the fellow Prime guys/gals who passed.

Anyways Lud, its whatever you want to do with your site. You don't have to listen to me or anyone else here.

I guess Dennis and I are in the minority here, but I am good with whatever format it ends up being or old.

Anyways carry on good chap.

You can never please the masses...
Love the new format. Found it hard with old format to find what I sought among everything for sale, even with search since people don't always use consistent terms for items (so they wouldn't appear in my searches) or I'd get results including too many items I'm not interested in. Now, each section is short enough for me to browse it to find items my searches may have overlooked by a search (or will allow broader search terms to not return so much junk).

That's the long way of what ForceFed said:
Filters out the crap Im not interested in looking at and the things that i am not searching for.

I also think it will get better as time goes on and more ads have been placed with these categories in mind. Right now there are still a lot of items in the general format that weren't migrated into these sections (an impossible task with many-item listings for items that span categories). As time goes on I would expect more people to list items individually (or at in multi-item ads that respect the categories) as "trackjunkie" has. I think it is great that his ads for injectors, turbo, MAP sensor, etc are identifiable by the subject (click to see more info) and not some general subject like "various parts" (where you'd have to click just to see what is for sale).

As for browsing... Is is really hard to click on 6 sections and look for the items with icons indicating you have not already read them? If so, maybe take the time, once, to subscribe to each section (the just check your email for new items)?


As for the idea to do similar for the NSXs for sale section... I think color is not a good choice for taxonomy. Maybe by generations of years is:
(this example derived based on changes by year)

Other things like forced induction might be important to folks...but I figure vintage is one of the universal means to classify cars...and when dividing into fixed sections (instead of something more dynamic) you gotta keep it simple. The plugins someone mentioned also sound nice...but I know the hassle that installation/upkeep of plugins can bring makes that less than attractive.
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Actually, now that I think of it, I might like the new format after all, at least for the time being. Since everyone here is too lazy to look at the different sub-forums, I may have scored on a sale that not too many people may have seen.

Thanks, Prime! :D
change is painful and scary.......:tongue:
I think everyone is just being lazy. :tongue: They must want to see a long list of stuff they really don't need. If you really are looking for something specific, this new format really weeds stuff out and you save tons of time.

Anyway just my .02 :smile:

You can never please the masses...
I wouldn't say everyone is being lazy nor are we resistant to change. We just find it inefficient for our buying style. For those that don't like to browse randomly then I can see this option being better for you. I proposed an option on post #14 which I hope is seriously considered. That should appease everyone, not just the "masses".

On the otherhand... this new format has saved me hundreds... There's always a bright side.
What is with that list of stuff below the sub-forums now? I don't get that.
Re: Parts For Sale Forum

i don't get it.. why can't it be changed back OR why not list below the subcategories everything for sale, so that if you are only interested in a subcategory you can look there but if you want to look across all you can browse all?

I agree. It should be set up like the Regional Forums.

I think the regional forums are not setup as you state.

Within the regional forums (i.e. SW) I see sub-forums for more-specific areas (i.e. SO CAL). The posts seen under the regional forum are not a superset of all of the sub-forums...they are for posts that don't fit into any of the sub-forums (someone not in SO CAL or Mile High, but in the SW).

If the superset can be shown...that is the best of both worlds (some people can actually find what they're looking for, others can see titles of ads from all categories in one place).

- Craig
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What is with that list of stuff below the sub-forums now? I don't get that.
Those are all the ads placed before the new sub-forums for the different categories were created (were left there to die, weren't moved into the new structure)...and it seems some that were placed there more recently but not deleted (or even moved) per the sticky that says they'll be deleted.
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I think the main issue is that some folks go there looking for something specific and others just like to browse and see if anything catches their eye.

I suspect most of the former would like to see it split or categorized somehow (by year / type of parts / whatever) so they can more easily find what they are looking for. The browsers will tend to prefer the everything-in-one-big-list format.

I do not have a good handle on how many of each there are, or which format best serves the sellers either. The regular browsers will tend to be more frequent users who are on the site regularly.

Several people made various suggestions about how they think it could or should be configured. The reality is that the software only works a couple ways, and I don't write the software. There is, however, an option that I think provides much of the functionality of what people have proposed.

The vBulletin software has a feature called "Thread Prefixes." Please take a look at this page from the vBulletin documentation to understand what that would look like:

Instead of their example of "for sale" and "wanted" I could set up prefixes mirroring the subcategories that are currently in place.

Under such a setup, I would move all the threads in one Parts For Sale forum and discontinue the subforums. When someone posted an ad in the t Parts For Sale forum to the left of the subject they would see an additional drop-down menu from which they could select a prefix is they wanted.

One key benefit to using prefixes is that you can filter the thread list in the forum based on prefix. This provides pretty much the same functionality most folks were proposing.

I envision that the prefixes would largely mirror the current subforum names (e.g. "Exhaust," "Wheels.") Alternatively, some folks have suggested breaking things down by year model year group (e.g. "1991 - 1994") but I am concerned that it is too messy because different parts have different model year breaks. I don't know that it would be practical to do both (the prefix list would be huge!). So I ask: What prefix system makes the most sense?

In our discussion one of the moderators noted that the M5 Board uses prefixes, so you can see it in action on their classified ad section. If you scroll down toward the bottom you can see the place to filter by prefix under "Display Options."

I believe this option may give us the best of both worlds. Feedback is welcome. Please don't wait until after another change change to voice your opinion this time!
I believe this option may give us the best of both worlds. Feedback is welcome. Please don't wait until after another change change to voice your opinion this time!

I think that looks like a good option.
Lud - I haven't ignored your suggestion. I just need a few more days looking at the M5 forum's usage of the PREFIX feature. I can't say I objectively like or dislike yet.

My initial knee jerk comments are:
* Looks a little cluttered
* Is there a way to filter by Prefix type? Doesn't appear to be...
* Gosh, I want to buy an E39 M5...
Lud - I haven't ignored your suggestion. I just need a few more days looking at the M5 forum's usage of the PREFIX feature. I can't say I objectively like or dislike yet.

My initial knee jerk comments are:
* Looks a little cluttered
* Is there a way to filter by Prefix type? Doesn't appear to be...
* Gosh, I want to buy an E39 M5...

At the bottom of the thread list, on the left side under Display Options, is a drop-down menu where you can select a prefix. Then hit the "show threads" button.

I agree their implementation looks a little cluttered. Color coding prefixes, as in the vBulletin manual page I linked above, could help with that I think.
At the bottom of the thread list, on the left side under Display Options, is a drop-down menu where you can select a prefix. Then hit the "show threads" button.
Brilliant! I don't know how I missed that on the M5 board. That should solve the categorization/grouping issues. If you're looking for a specific type of part (i.e. Wheels & Tires) then this "Prefix" option should do it. Hopefully here on prime you can move that dropdown to the top and at the forefront but that's not a deal breaker.

I hope the folks who are vocal enough to complain/praise on here are vocal enough to try to this out and give some constructive feedback!
I like the new system, but is there any way we have have all of the new posts listed in the main forum (like old) and then copied to the specific sub forums? That way people can see what's new every day like they used to and those of us who are looking for something specific don't have to sort through 99% noise to find it. I think this was suggested earlier in this thread.

Edit- Sorry Lud, I didn't see your earlier post. I think the prefix idea is a good one.
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