Styling: Pre or Post 02?

Which styling do you like more?

  • 1991-2001

    Votes: 97 53.3%
  • 2002-2005

    Votes: 85 46.7%

  • Total voters
18 December 2003
I remember a poll like this awhile back, and I wanted to get some current opinions.

I recently sold my 2000 NSX for an '03. Besides all of the other features that I like (handling, aero, color choices), the main reason I did it was for the new styling.

Two people came up to me this week and actually told me that they though my old car looked nicer, so I was curious to see how widespread that opinion was.
I prefer the older style, but, depending on modification, the newer style looks nice as well... I think it depends on what you do with it. Stock for stock, the newer style looks a bit nicer, but when you add aftermarket parts into the mix the older style can look more 'business-like', if that makes any sense.
Older front + newer rear = better NSX :tongue:
ol' is gold...

Front-to-back, side-to-side... '91-'01 is where it's at! :p

IMHO, the "refreshed" '02-'05 models (with the face-lift: fixed lights & restyled front-bumper / flared 2-piece side-skirts / updated tail-lights & restyled rear-valance) need the vented NSX-R style hood, NSX-R style rear spoiler, and NSX-R style rear-valance diffuser to complete the look. These 3 NSX-R styled parts make the '02-'05 models w. their aforementioned changes much more in'synch w/ the overall profile of the NSX.
I go back and forth with this all the time.

What I like with the later body style are the rear valance, side skirts, and the front bumper. My only dislike are the "humped" headlights. I wish they would've done a better job esthetically with them. Frontal view of the lights look fine. Side view....., well I think you get my point.

The pre '02 body is beautiful. It's the original. Everything just flows. For me I would prefer to swap out a few parts such as the rear valance, and side skirts for the current pieces to satisfy my taste.

Some days I want to sell my '91 to get an '02+. Somedays I want to keep her and continue to mod her.>>>This is how I feel today. If this question is asked 2 mos from now, I might sway the other way.

This didn't help did it?:tongue:
Re: ol' is gold...

Front-to-back, side-to-side... '91-'01 is where it's at! :p

IMHO, the "refreshed" '02-'05 models (with the face-lift: fixed lights & restyled front-bumper / flared 2-piece side-skirts / updated tail-lights & restyled rear-valance) need the vented NSX-R style hood, NSX-R style rear spoiler, and NSX-R style rear-valance diffuser to complete the look. These 3 NSX-R styled parts make the '02-'05 models w. their aforementioned changes much more in'synch w/ the overall profile of the NSX.

Ha! I broke the tie in the poll! It was 10 for each, now 11 for early cars. WHY?
CUZ EARLY NSX's RULE !!!!!!!!!!
01 down to me has a cleaner look. As far as the 02's the hump in the headlights are a lil wierd but the shape of the front opening on the bumper is not attractive at all.
<p align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a><br>
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I'm like many here so far - I like parts of the the 02s, like the rear valance. But the front end is all wrong including the headlights. When I see it I see a half-ass attempt by Honda to do something "new" in the last years of the car's life. The new car no longer looks like a unified design built with a single vision.
To me, the popups are cleaner, a la "out of sight, out of mind".

I don't care for the '02+ headlights much, because they look like huge hunks of clear plastic & silver, even though I do like HID. Anyway, the '02+ models look like Honda just replaced the popup mechanism with something that fit the cutout. Now if they'd redone the hood and done the head lights with smaller lenses... :wink:
I'm not a big fan of the hump headlights either.....although I do like the rear of the 02' and newer cars better.
The only thing I don't like about the 02 and newer are the Bulged headlights. I am seeing a pattern here. It looks like a lot have a similar opinion. I wish they did something like Mazda, Chevrolet,and ferrari did with the MX-5, RX-8, C6, 360. Instead Honda just replaced the popups with fixed perches. It looks aftermarket.

Myself, I prefer everything about the styling of the 02+ over the pre-02s. Not that I wouldnt love a pre car, but myself, I find that the update makes the car look much more modern. I like modern. The bulge headlights look cool from the side IMO and I love the gaping dam of the new front end.
I love the look of the 02 because of the newer NSX R look, I think it looks bad ass in my opinion, you cant go wrong with that!!!:smile:
What I like with the later body style are the rear valance, side skirts, and the front bumper. My only dislike are the "humped" headlights.

Old front pop up lights :biggrin:
i remember seeing the new style in detroit..... i hated it so much. now it's sorta grown on me. i have actually been thinking about doing the conversion, kinda ironic.

i don't really know which one is better anymore..... with the headlights up, no doubt - pre is better.... it looks awesome. with them down, i kinda prefer the 02+ over it
I remember too, when I first saw the '02, I liked the previous style much better. The 2002 started growing on me over the years to the point of favoring it much more. I'm really not exactly sure why.
The face lift was just that, the face got tightened up and modern looking, color eye implants, got some ass implants in the rear, got the legs shaved and some new stiletos but everything else is still old school esp the interior and powertrain. Not a balanced look. Its like a milf until the clothes comes off :eek:

That said, I might just get a 02+ to have another nsx :biggrin:
FYI, in defense 0f the 02+ faceIift, I d0nt think H0nda 'haIf-assed' the design; the I0nger n0se and buIging headIights acts as a d0wnf0rce during high speeds which resuIts in hitting the t0pspeed 0f 170mph quicker than the pre 02's; everything eIse is c0smetics

as far as I00ks wise, im t0rn apart by the 0riginaIity 0f the pre 02's and the engineering and m0dern I00k 0f the 02 and up; buy tw0 NSX's i guess :wink: