Stock Market

If it gets much easier I will be worried. I remember how easy it was in 99-00. Throwing a dart at the wall street journal, buy 5k shares and sell for 2X at the end of the day. I still think this market has some upside potential, but a ST pull back is building.

Has anyone gone back and looked at the share price of anything they traded in 00-99? Some of the companies I traded are not even public or in business anymore. One company I traded, I bought 10k shares for .30 cents and sold them near 2 bucks. Now they trade at .0001, LOL.. Imagine how the bag holder feels at near 2 bucks.
A lot of people are expecting a short-term top and reversal, which is why it may not happen. That double-bottom on S&P around 1064 held up very nicely. I didn't trade today though..couldn't wake up again :o

O-Ace said:
These past few days have been kinda easy though; don't you think?

thats what scares me...its a bit too a bear or bull you in then BAM!!!
O-Ace said:
I didn't trade today though..couldn't wake up again :o


MAN!!! I wish i was closer to the east coast!!! im getting up at 6am....but im done by 1:D ........unfortunatly im a night owl and used to love to stay up:mad:
(Nice short-term divergence here at 11:39)
These last few days sure make the markets feel very unstable. I have an order in now to buy back some contracts I wrote on Monday.
steveny said:
These last few days sure make the markets feel very unstable. I have an order in now to buy back some contracts I wrote on Monday.

Definatly!!! Alot of whipsawing in a small range
Good trade Psycnosis. I also won't be trading much til next year. Will be out of town from Dec. 17th thru Jan. 7th.

Psycnosis said:
Play them when you have a "Rich Deck". Today was a easy 5k. sould of went long 40 ES :)
Yep...good trade and easy to spot as well. I think you have to continue to increase size to stay on your toes :D If 20-lot is getting a little too comfy, it's time to up it to 25 or 30.

Question; do you enter with 20 ES or scale in? Even when I'm trading 5 ES, I usually enter with only 2 and then add as needed.

I never scale in, it does not work well for me. I just go 20 market. Hell no need to trade anymore then that, is there a need for more then 700-1mill a year?

O-Ace said:
Yep...good trade and easy to spot as well. I think you have to continue to increase size to stay on your toes :D If 20-lot is getting a little too comfy, it's time to up it to 25 or 30.

Question; do you enter with 20 ES or scale in? Even when I'm trading 5 ES, I usually enter with only 2 and then add as needed.

Psycnosis said:
I never scale in, it does not work well for me. I just go 20 market. Hell no need to trade anymore then that, is there a need for more then 700-1mill a year?
Is there a "need" for an NSX, a 996TT and a Murcielago? ;)

Psycnosis said:
Remember when I told you that guy that makes several million a year and drives a 85 240 Volvo?
Please don't be that guy :p At least get a 95 Volvo :D

Psycnosis said:
I guess I like to save it and I really love trading it's not even about the money anymore.

Wow. Sounds like I heard myself speak here. I could careless about the money as well. I love to trade big lots and make a pile of cash on a small movement. I don't think trading would be a thrilling without the risk involved. Congrats on your 5k day.
Do you incorporate any fundamental analysis into your trading analysis or is just purely technical-based? Also, what is the avg. trade holding period (do you day-trade as well or not)? Interesting to hear from the traders :)
>Fundamental is BS to me, and I don't see how you could use it >in a index it's all in the charts I guess like the Matrix lol.

For investors it's the opposite. Anyway, it's really interesting when you have traders being successful given that the empirical literature discredits their technical analysis techniques. One crucial thing the traders provide = liquidity! :D