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STMPO / SOS (moved from another thread)

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Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

I have an employee that reminds me of Ross. The guy is very hard working, EXTREMELY talented, knows his shit more than anyone I have ever met, but is also an emotional guy. I don't allow him to deal with my customers. He is just too emotional, although some love his passion for his work. I just allow him to do what he is really good at. Ross reminds me of this guy. What some guys take as negativity, or "bashing" on here, is just his emotions coming through. Sometimes, we have a less than ideal customer. And I have to pull my guy aside and tell him to calm down as he screams "why? the guy is an A-hole!"... lol... and although I agree with him, I just don't allow him to vent like he wants to. Then I give him an electronic system to figure out, a complicated equipment rack to build, I come back, and it looks like art. I mean just unbelievable. He is like Ross.

The NSX market is small, and like many car forums there are a lot of guys who ask for things and dream of things they can't afford. Myself included. Ross tries hard to bend to the demands, means well, then gets frustrated when he spent a lot of time designing and building a part and of the 30 that said they wanted it, 6 of them buy. That's just life. That's business. Chris handles that very calmly, Ross doesn't. It's a difference of personality.

What I can say is that Chris is a great businessman. I have never seen him get upset, get argumentative, or pick a fight. He handles things truly professionaly. That's why he has been around 9 years and does well. Ross is that crazy talented guy that makes amazing products, but has a short fuse for someone asking what seems to him like irrelavent questions. I hate to see him go. It will be a real loss. I commisioned him to make something custom for me, he came back with a very reasonable price, and was truly EXCITED to make the part. Money is secondary to Ross. I know this. His passion is first. Some guys on here don't get that and that is why they get upset or offended.
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)


just my opinion:

Both have great products and both are good vendors....no one is perfect and no one (or product) is above any criticism, where it comes from a customer or another vendor...

i also think that as long as all keep the respect level, anything can be criticized by anyone, with no exceptions.... it's with critics and arguments that evolution takes place...


PS - i too would hate to see Ross dissapear as i'm not able to buy what i want from him just yet.
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Im still confused why STMPO is going to quit designing parts? Whats the deal with that? Or are they just not offering them to the NSX Prime Members. Confused how a new Twin Turbo Set-up started all this......
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Im still confused why STMPO is going to quit designing parts? Whats the deal with that? Or are they just not offering them to the NSX Prime Members. Confused how a new Twin Turbo Set-up started all this......

I think he's frustrated that people that like his stuff don't seem to say it very much. Any time SOS says anything their threads get a million views and pages of replies from people.

Like TURBO2GO said, lots of people say they want something but as soon as STMPO puts in the time and $$$ to build it (like the FSTB), nobody buys them.

I think the best thing he could do is get someone else to interface with the forum and spend his time doing what he's good at.
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Im still confused why STMPO is going to quit designing parts? Whats the deal with that? Or are they just not offering them to the NSX Prime Members. Confused how a new Twin Turbo Set-up started all this......

The twin turbo setup didn't start this. Ross is struggling, and he is going to go a bigger market than the NSX market. He is going to have to focus his energies elsewhere. I'm telling all you guys who think you are put off by what seems like arguing or whatever, I think Ross is truly a good guy.

The twin setup just lit Ross's fuse, because he feels it has many compromises. And he feels somewhat upset because he designs and sells amazing products like no one else makes for very reaosnable pricing, but he doesn't sell enough. Then he looks at the other side of the city and sees turbo systems he doesn't think that highly of for sale for $12K+, and frustration sets in. He simply disagrees with that particular design mainly because of its cost ratio, and the design of many other products being sold here on prime for what seem to him like unreasonable prices for the actual benefit they deliver. The event of Ross feeling the pinch and needing to change direction and this TT setup coming out happened at the same time, but they are unrelated. This thread is not why Ross is going in a different direction.

To me the guys that know anything around here... Billy, FXMD, John@microsoft, they all love Ross's products...These guys RACE. They don't sit and speculate or take their car to the corner store and look for better performance by their butt dyno... they all love Ross's stuff. It's a good endorsement.
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

I too am confused as to why this is happening (but I wont get into it).

I have the utmost respect for both of these vendors and view them as an extremely valuable asset to this community. For their innovations, r&d and continued contribution to an already small community of enthusiasts. Competitiveness is what keeps an open market thriving. If one company makes a product, it is up to the other companies to make an even better product. As consumers and nsx enthusiasts we need options, this is how we gain knowledge about products we're interested in. Researching and gaining knowledge is how we can determine how one product is better from another. If one vendor deems another vendor's product is flawed, wouldn't it be in the best of interest of that vendor to address those flaws and develop a new or better product?

As far as business practice, ethics or "courtesy." As a consumer, I think professionalism plays an important role in my decision making and contribution to the over all success of a business.

Just my .02

I think I can speak for a large amount of this community when I say Thank You both STMPO and SOS for your continuing contribution to this community. It is because of you guys, along with the other vendors and shops that keep many of the NSXs on the road. Mechanically sound and cosmetically beautiful.
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Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

I have never purchased anything from Ross but I do acknowledge that he offers quality functional products at reasonable prices and his continued presence is a benefit to this community. However, he continues to lack professionalism (as displayed by his persistent antagonism of other vendors) and more importantly, tact. This will continue to impede his success on this or any other forum/platform similar to Prime.


Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

I have never purchased anything from Ross but I do acknowledge that he offers quality functional products at reasonable prices and his continued presence is a benefit to this community. However, he continues to lack professionalism (as displayed by his persistent antagonism of other vendors) and more importantly, tact. This will continue to impede his success on this or any other forum/platform similar to Prime.



Here is our last conversation... that people have read... when I was trying to keep things simple to help those that don’t understand everything at our level.

It doesn’t matter what the problem was dude... The answer was to help NSX's owners understand how important suspension is relative to performance..

The guy was using his computer wrong... I don’t think he was Alex Zanardi... He could have took good information from what I was explaining.

I will no longer R&D this car mainly because of your answers like today's... Defending me now only preserves my existence... answers like below... eliminated my existence.

You said the car was slower because of fog lights in an extremely "non-simple way"

You bragged that everything I make you already had it on your car for decades... well start making and sell them buddy...

You continue to claim that I act as a child and I am unprofessional.

Yesterday I made a professional business decision. I can not offer parts to this community for a low price. You stand next to others in a small group of people that are the reason for this change... and every NSX owner will pay a higher price for every part we make now...

If I dont sell a single part... It wouldnt be a huge change from the last 2 years.

I apologize if I was unable to type this at a grammar level that you find acceptable.

wow... 21 posts and no one figured this out yet....

128 lbs off the car.. 2 Major changes were made and not mentiond.

Im going to guess at the numbers below... 100% correct weight numbers won’t change the fact of why this is happening.

I don’t know KG's since I'm in the states and I never sold large (or small) amounts of cocain for a living so I wil explain this in LBS... sorry America is stupid when it comes to weighing things and socket sizes

Here is a quick summary of the things I have changed on the car:

- Changed the OEM wheels with OZ Ultralegger wheels in 17/18 size (used in both tests)

close to even weight change front to back

- Replace the OEM battery with a (brandnew) Odyssey PC925

minus 15 lbs Front

- Taken of the European foglights

minus maybe 4 up front

- Removed the spare tire and bracket

minus 32 up front

- Replaced the heavy NSX-T double-lid engine-cover with a carbon/mesh cover

center of the car - non-relevant to the problem

- Replaced the OEM suspension with the TEIN-RA suspension

even weight change in all four corners... but also the parts that could cause even more problems to this is a specialist didn’t install them

- Replaced the OEM front sway bar with the NSX-R bar

no clue on weight but sways only come into play on turns

- Added the NSX-R lower chassis bar


There are 2 noticeable variables other than tires, tire pressure, temp, humidity ect...

Problem 1) FACT - so you tightened up the front if the car and took 45-50 lbs off the already very light front end.

When you correct the weight problem with spring aqdjustment.. your investment will help rather than hurt... Not as much as if you purchased a better part at a better price.... which would be another net loss in weight.. also up front. found here...


Test my theory... remove the tool tray and rear bumper beam... that should equal around the same weight at apox the same distance from the center.

I cant say you will be lower... but the numbers will be better... I'll bet you fall right in between

Since you have that heavy bumper off... your half way to installing this back on


Problem 2) Your TIENS have changed the weight distribution without you knowing it... so adjust your spring rates to place more pressure evenly at all four corners with the change in weight up front in the equation... corner balancing will fix this problem.

At the track... race teams don’t just do practice laps to "get a feel for the track"... hell.. you can do that on Gran Turismo.

It's mostly done to change tire pressure and suspension...

My $.02... I’d be willing to give you $100.00 off my rear bumper if I'm wrong... (since putting money where your mouth is" seems to be something rarely done these days)

just keep all variables consistent with the first tests though... and make suspension and spring rates changes after you try my theory.


Nuno is right... he is saying what I'm saying. this is math dude... super simple

ok... the hundred bucks was said because I am right...

Here is what will happen

take the stuff off the back without touching your suspension adjustments... I KNOW the numbers will fall in between the two averages... it's math...

spend the money to corner balance your car... you will beat all numbers!

Race teams make adjustments like this all the time.. f1 teams have even been caught and had points taken away for filling chassis tubes with water.

if water can change an f1 car... 50 lbs can chage the nsx

race teams also make adjustments using suspension adjustments... daily driver guys change ride hieght... when you changed your ride hieght... you screwed with every figure honda calculated... that 50 lbs could be more like 150 lbs because of it.

You bet your ass were trying to sell parts... all of our parts are functional.. and if your taking to time to remove the spare.. spend a couple hundred to loos the weight in the rear...

if your gonna tighten up your suspension... use a better part at a cheaper price.

also considered math...


Different day is the biggest variable. Just try another back to back run with and without the spare and +/- added weight in trunk. This should minimize differences in temp, humidity, wind, and tire. I bet you will be faster in the lighter car. Differences in aerodynamic drag from front lift is probably negligible in 20-100 kph (68 mph) acceleration runs. Besides, added lift from more air entering the front wheel well (after removal of the fog lights) probably created as much or more lift than weight distribution changes in a car that also had suspension changes (unpredictable new weight distribution could either exacerbate or reduce weight distribution changes from the weight reduction). Finally, keep in mind whatever the cause, rather than a faster time, we are talking slower, so the delta is more like double the weight loss amount, or 256 lbs.
Thanks for your efforts.


I hope that one day we can agree on things instead of making outragous opinions differently.. I said weight was responsible factor bacause his spring rates are wrong causing an exponetional amount of weight loss up front.. 50 lbs of actual solid componets and another couple hundred based on the spring not pushing enough of the front of the car down...

we both know what is happening... but you mentioned fog lights and used the word exacerbate...

Danny... you have to be an intellegent guy in order to incorporate the word exacerbate into any sentance from your mental usable vocabulary... intelegent people can agree on things...

the day my car is faster because I add 128lbs to it and fog lights... I'm going to buy 128 lbs of fog lights and bolt them on my car like it was some hum-v from the movie total recall

100 bucks off if Im wrong... i'll give you the rear bumper for free if your car is faster on a fog light swap only.

I'm not trying be a dick here bro... but continuing to try to let the community think I dont know what i'm talking about will only hurt that community in the long run.

You have 1000 hp NSX... you should consider stiffing your chassis... our products do work... they actualy work well... and they work even better on higher modded cars than they do un-modded cars.


Weight added from left to right effect turns more than anything... a passenger is closer to the middle of the car so it would have a smaller impact on the change you made...

you need to adjust your spring rates to recieve the gains of what you did.


OMG... I just realized I told myself a long time ago to stop posting on threads...

Suspensions are used to adjust weight distribution...

last time I say this... 97% of what happens on a track is suspension adjustments... 3% is aero

how would the weight distribution change if you added 250 lbs to the center of this..


how would it change the aero too


because Im saying to remove weight from the rear to equalize the front... adding weight to the rear will increase the problem

like adding weight to the left side of this very simple picture


im saying to take weight away from the left side

I'm trying to get people to understand their car more.. thats it man.


STMPO: Your aversion to anything beyond grade school English is both stunning and sad. You have no idea what the new weight distribution is after the suspension changes and simply presumed that the front became relatively stiffer thereby producing an "exponential amount of weight loss up front". Your continued lack of critical thinking and comprehension is excusable except when you attempt to sell your product as a remedy to an incorrect answer. As for your products, I will defer to others as to their quality (good) and application (beneficial). I have no need for your products as I have been through that path 5-15 years before: 3" Al square tube bumper replacements for front and back (2000), integrated front IC radiator bracket/subframe made of 3/16" Al channel mounted in the exact same location as your front chassis brace (2002), 4 point Al rear strut bar (2005), integrated twin turbo mounting sub-frame (2002), Seat belt harness bar mounted to B pillars (1996). Also, no need for the FSTB if none of the body structure in between the strut tower has been modified (cut).
GoldNSX and 1BADNSX, you may be on to something.

MVM, simply make another series of runs w/ and w/o the spare/engine cover and additional 60-70 lbs however you want to distribute them and let us know how it turns out.



Do as the Dr with long words says... and make sure you turn the fog lights on.

Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)


I can not offer parts to this community for a low price.

yes.... just because ballers want to pay premium for brand X just because everyone who looks to the car will see a part from brand X and instantly know that the car's owner $hit$ gold bricks in the toilet

and every NSX owner will pay a higher price for every part we make now...
.... and to cut a long story short: I'm f****d :frown::frown:

either way, i trully wish you good luck on your new business target

Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Here is our last conversation... that people have read... when I was trying to keep things simple to help those that don’t understand everything at our level.

It doesn’t matter what the problem was dude... The answer was to help NSX's owners understand how important suspension is relative to performance..

The guy was using his computer wrong... I don’t think he was Alex Zanardi... He could have took good information from what I was explaining.

I will no longer R&D this car mainly because of your answers like today's... Defending me now only preserves my existence... answers like below... eliminated my existence.

You said the car was slower because of fog lights in an extremely "non-simple way"

You bragged that everything I make you already had it on your car for decades... well start making and sell them buddy...

You continue to claim that I act as a child and I am unprofessional.

Yesterday I made a professional business decision. I can not offer parts to this community for a low price. You stand next to others in a small group of people that are the reason for this change... and every NSX owner will pay a higher price for every part we make now...

If I dont sell a single part... It wouldnt be a huge change from the last 2 years.

I apologize if I was unable to type this at a grammar level that you find acceptable.


Thanks for posting info from the other thread to prove my point: your lack of critical thinking, comprehension, (and now) professionalism and tact.


Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)


Thanks for posting info from the other thread to prove my point: your lack of critical thinking, comprehension, (and now) professionalism and tact.



Dude the amount of entitlement you expel is god like. Wasn't it Autowave that built your car, not you? If you were the mastermind behind all those mods than please correct me and I will STFU and bow before you. Bank-rolling the R&D for mods is one thing, but to actually do the R&D and create them via your own expertise is another.

Whether the man posses grammatical skills (or lack thereof) has no bearing on his importance to the community. I've read some of the battles between the two of you and from an unbiased perspective, it seems as though you have a dog in this race and its name is Autowave. I am in no way bashing Autowave, from what others have posted, they are amazing at what they do for this community but it seems as though Ross/STMPO are as well and it would be a shame to miss out on the quality products he provides.
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Dude the amount of entitlement you expel is god like. Wasn't it Autowave that built your car, not you? If you were the mastermind behind all those mods than please correct me and I will STFU and bow before you. Bank-rolling the R&D for mods is one thing, but to actually do the R&D and create them via your own expertise is another.

Whether the man posses grammatical skills (or lack thereof) has no bearing on his importance to the community. I've read some of the battles between the two of you and from an unbiased perspective, it seems as though you have a dog in this race and its name is Autowave. I am in no way bashing Autowave, from what others have posted, they are amazing at what they do for this community but it seems as though Ross/STMPO are as well and it would be a shame to miss out on the quality products he provides.

rofl :biggrin:
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Dude the amount of entitlement you expel is god like. Wasn't it Autowave that built your car, not you? If you were the mastermind behind all those mods than please correct me and I will STFU and bow before you. Bank-rolling the R&D for mods is one thing, but to actually do the R&D and create them via your own expertise is another.

Whether the man posses grammatical skills (or lack thereof) has no bearing on his importance to the community. I've read some of the battles between the two of you and from an unbiased perspective, it seems as though you have a dog in this race and its name is Autowave. I am in no way bashing Autowave, from what others have posted, they are amazing at what they do for this community but it seems as though Ross/STMPO are as well and it would be a shame to miss out on the quality products he provides.

No dog in this race, only BS when I see it. Like when I called out Armando on the rocket fuel. If you want to claim your unbiased status, maybe you should reread the threads. Here's an example: (Currently)"The guy was using his computer wrong" vs. (Initially)"wow... 21 posts and no one figured this out yet....128 lbs off the car.. 2 Major changes were made and not mentiond. Problem 1) FACT - so you tightened up the front if the car and took 45-50 lbs off the already very light front end.Problem 2) Your TIENS have changed the weight distribution without you knowing it... so adjust your spring rates to place more pressure evenly at all four corners with the change in weight up front in the equation... corner balancing will fix this problem."

So is it "fact" or "wrong opinion" (because Ross eventually changed his answer)? What is your unbiased opinon here?

As for entitlement, I have owned my NSX since 1992. I chose long ago to not offer any of the parts I personally R&D'd because I had no interest in doing so. Aside from the catalog of parts (that I made) on STMPO's list years ago, I made the first CAI that a 19 year old Will Cantrell "borrowed". You now know this as the Cantrell CAI. 3" Al square tube bumpers? Try 10 years ago. 4 point rear strut bar? I made that 5 years ago. RPS clutch? Try triple carbon disc attempt in 2003- this project resulted in the RPS single and now double carbon clutch. Try ripping apart a single carbon RPS clutch on the dyno for an example of "R&D". No more need to toot any horns, but let's just say MUCH of the work on my car was done by me in addition to what was done specifically by Autowave.

I have bought from SOS in the past but I have no reason to step into this besides being tired of seeing one individual persistently antagonizing other vendors and spouting out wrong information.


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Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)


PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONES... For years I have heard nothing but you constantly bashing us from both local prime members and national prime members. Not sure what the motivations are and personally I dont really care. In addition, I absolutely recognize and respect all that you have added to the community over the years. Maybe someday we will see you out at the track putting all this knowledge to work.

In regards to Chris and Ross. They are two different people with two different motivations. I think of it this way, you have politicians and you have political activists. If you know both of them you can figure out who is who. I really do not think there is anything wrong with either role as they both bring value to the market. Just varied approaches.

Btw, I am a politician and sometimes I hate myself for it...
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)


PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONES... For years I have heard nothing but you constantly bashing us from both local prime members and national prime members. Not sure what the motivations are and personally I dont really care. In addition, I absolutely recognize and respect all that you have added to the community over the years. Maybe someday we will see you out at the track putting all this knowledge to work.

In regards to Chris and Ross. They are two different people with two different motivations. I think of it this way, you have politicians and you have political activists. If you know both of them you can figure out who is who. I really do not think there is anything wrong with either role as they both bring value to the market. Just varied approaches.

Btw, I am a politician and sometimes I hate myself for it...

Nice politics Ken. I won't deny giving advice (to those who have asked in the past) as you claim, however they have been directed toward "Factor X", which as you have previously and repeatedly explained is NOT FXMD. As for throwing stones, perhaps Ross should heed this advice first. Much success to you and your team. I will bring my NSX out in due time when track success occupies a higher priority than it currently does.


Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

To me the guys that know anything around here... Billy, FXMD, John@microsoft, they all love Ross's products...These guys RACE. They don't sit and speculate or take their car to the corner store and look for better performance by their butt dyno... they all love Ross's stuff. It's a good endorsement.

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You cannot fathom the amount of issues that arise when you put someone behind the wheel that can extract 10/10ths out of an NSX that has 800rwhp, weighs less than 2,500lbs, creates 10,000+lbs of downforce, and pulls more acceleration, deceleration, and lateral g’s than you can possibly imagine. Small problems that are seen on the street or daily driven are exasperated ten fold. I am not smart enough to figure out the problems that arise so I surround myself with people that have the knowledge and most importantly are genuinely good people. Many times the solutions seem crude but, they work in a race environment and when proven can be made more aesthetically pleasing for the mass market.
Case in point our aero development on our current car. Our current car looks like a hill climb car. Some see it as ridiculous others see it as functional. We are using the TA car as a developmental platform for aero parts that we would like to offer to the TA community. Solely through aero development and testing we have extracted many seconds over last years records we smashed with all other variables being constant. Our entire car has been CFD modeled and simulations are run on all the changes we implement. The guy behind the aero development is one of the top in the game and was bored with being put in a box with the rules at the highest levels of racing.
Sorry for the rambling:) Ross and Chris need to hug it out as both are needed in this miniscule market!
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

I have never purchased anything from Ross but I do acknowledge that he offers quality functional products at reasonable prices and his continued presence is a benefit to this community. However, he continues to lack professionalism (as displayed by his persistent antagonism of other vendors) and more importantly, tact. This will continue to impede his success on this or any other forum/platform similar to Prime.



Danny I have nothing against you at all, but I have to say that I find some irony in that you have never dealt with Ross and don't own a single STMPO product, yet seem to have Dali parts on your car and be fine with it, then say that Ross is unprofessional and lacks tact. Don't you find yourself having a double standard?

How "professional" is it to have a SIXTY SIX percent feedback score?

How "Professional" is it to copy Ross's part then reverse STMPO and call it OPMTS?

And most of all, how "professional" is selling this sticker on your website??



Out of curiosity, have you ever written a post about Dali's unprofessionalism?
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Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Danny I have nothing against you at all, but I have to say that I find some irony in that you have never dealt with Ross and don't own a single STMPO product, yet seem to have Dali parts on your car and be fine with it, then say that Ross is unprofessional and lacks tact. Don't you find yourself having a double standard?

How "professional" is it to have a SIXTY SIX percent feedback score?

How "Professional" is it to copy Ross's part then reverse STMPO and call it OPMTS?

And most of all, how "professional" is selling this sticker on your website??



Out of curiosity, have you ever written a post about Dali's unprofessionalism?

Hi Dave,

The first and last time I purchased from Mark was back in 2001. Mostly ITR stuff for my son, and a set of sway bars for my NSX. We had a gentleman's agreement that I would pay or return his sway bars when I was sure it would clear the aftermarket fan in the front bay. Neither of us knew at the time that my car would be down for another 4-5 years. Mark was understandably upset, but I reminded him each time that I would pay him when the time came. To his amazement, I eventually sent him the funds plus interest long after he had given up on me. That is the full extent of my Dali experience. I have not seen his website in years and what you have posted from his site is another unfortunate example of unprofessionalism as you have rightly pointed out. If this were to appear on Prime, I would have have criticized Mark for the unprofessional behavior.

My intent has never been to single out any particular person or vendor. If Autowave, SOS, Dali, made the same incorrect claims as Ross has done during our interactions, I would likewise correct them. Our first encounter was my response to Ross's claim that a top mounted A2A IC was superior to a A2W IC. It isn't. Otherwise FXMD, DA, myself and others would have already gone that route. Furthermore, aside from heat soak, I pointed out that the R-GT snorkel would be an inadequate source of cooling air. Our second encounter is already documented above. Aside from being incorrect, Ross attempted to sell the OP his rear Al bumper beam as a solution to an incorrect answer.

My last purchase from SOS was in 2005 and I have absolutely zero affiliation to SOS as opposed to many on this thread who have either recently purchased, have been sponsored (in one form or another), or are currently working with STMPO. Show me another thread (from the past) started by any vendor that specifically antagonizes another vendor's product. I can't recall any other but if it has happened before, that too is an example of unprofessional behavior.

As Ken has already pointed out, it is beneficial to retain as many vendors for our painfully small market as possible. Just keep it nice and we can all get along.

Best Regards,

Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Just keep it nice and we can all get along.

Best Regards,


I agree Danny. I am just not sure that no vendor should ever voice an opinion on another vendor's product, so long as it is not on their "sales" thread. I like hearing the differing opinions. Not cool to derail their sales/introduction thread. I haven't seen Ross do that, but really if he has I don't even want to talk about it. It's just negative bickering on our parts to keep going with this. I'll buy from STMPO, SOS, DF I have no issues with any of them.
Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

I agree Danny. I am just not sure that no vendor should ever voice an opinion on another vendor's product, so long as it is not on their "sales" thread. I like hearing the differing opinions. Not cool to derail their sales/introduction thread. I haven't seen Ross do that, but really if he has I don't even want to talk about it. It's just negative bickering on our parts to keep going with this. I'll buy from STMPO, SOS, DF I have no issues with any of them.

Same here. I have openly stated that Ross offers quality products at reasonable prices and I do appreciate his presence in this community. As an original owner 1992, I have seen this community evolve and it has always been to the benefit of the owners. Hopefully this is a step forward as well.

Best Regards,

Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Wow, go away for a week and all kinds of shit hits the fan...

It amazes me that for a car that has so few vendors, R & D-er's and those that care enough to be making OEM, after market and performance parts that there is so much turmoil between some of the vendors, when in fact each of the vendors has something to offer in various ways.

I've been a member of this community since 2000. This is by far the worse case of crap and UN-professionalism I've ever seen out of any vendors regardless who started it.

Danny Young. Been involved in R & D-ing parts for many years. Has come up with many quality parts over the years and never once tried to sell any of them to make money off them, but has been very generous with sharing his idea's and findings with those that ask. The new dry sump system I just saw last week developed by Danny at Autowave is absolutely amazing. If I could afford one, it would be on my car. Danny has been nothing but a friend and brother to me even though we have had a falling out over NSXPO. I still have deep caring feelings for Danny and always will. Danny has done nothing but support my efforts as I get further into competitive events and has always been there when I need help and gone out of his way to support my efforts.

Chris at SOS. Has been a NSX shop and R & D-er for many years. Does quality work, offers quality parts and has some very good Techs. Yes, I have had my falling out with Chris, but both of us worked through it, got over it and still do business together. Chris is not a bad guy.... I have SOS parts on my car.

Mark Johnson. I've known Mark for many years and have spent a great deal of time with Mark over the years. His been a true friend and brother and helped me in many, many ways not even related to the NSX. Mark is considered family around my home. I have Dali Racing parts on my car.

Ross at STMPO. A true emotional passionate Italian madman. Has extremely high ups and downs. I've had my problems with Ross over a few issues but life goes on. Do I like Ross, yea I do, when push comes to shove I still like Ross and would get out of bed at 3am to help him if he truly needed it. Ross's biggest problem is he bad mouths everyone, vendors and customers, doesn't matter who. Nobody knows as much as Ross and nobody does it better than Ross, just ask him. But that's just Ross. Ross on the other hand would give you the shirt off his back if you really needed it and offers help to anyone that asks without always the need for a check book in hand. That being said, I am a hot blooded Italian myself and have myself put my foot in my mouth on many occasions. I like what Ross is doing in some of his ideas. Ross has the true spirit and desire to make things better and that should be appreciated. I do in fact a few of Ross's parts on my car.

Ken at FXMD. I have nothing but good to say about Ken, Fes, Billy & Bosco. Don't confuse FXMD with Factor X, Factor X is long gone and the problems that were associated with Factor X are long gone. My car today in many many ways is what it is today and why I am out being competitive on the level I am because of FXMD and their never ending support as friends & brothers on and off the track. These guys are good men and very generous in their ways and help time and time again. They have been to me anyway every step of the way. My car is about 70% FXMD in parts :-)

Mike & Shane at Autowave. Some of the best guys I know. Build incredible motors, the best tuners out there in my opinion, extremity knowledgeable, do quality work and don't BS anyone. They have been in my corner for many years since my first NSX years ago and continue to support me every step of the way as friends and brothers. Their talents shine on my car every time it starts.

The parts business in all car worlds is really a funny business. Everybody copies each others parts and then sells them on the premise that theirs better than the next guys for less money. Maybe they are and maybe their not. Who's to say for sure....

The fact is, we all have a choice of who works on our cars if we don't do it ourselves, who we buy parts from and who we choose to partner with, sponsor with or just hang out with. I believe it's called "To each his own"

Everybody on this board, owners, wanta be owners, vendors, street drivers, show car owners and racers have something to offer to us all to learn from. What we all do in our own ways may not be everybody else's cup of tea, but everybody writes the checks for their world, and they all deserve respect for that for being affectionate and dedicated about the NSX enough to own one and deal with the ups and downs we all go through on many different levels.

None of this is making any of us look very mature....and I know what that's like since I can make myself look pretty immature on occasions myself.

Come on guys, lighten up...we're suppose to be a community that works together, not tears each other a part.

OK, so now you can flame me too for expressing my opinion.
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Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Wow, go away for a week and all kinds of shit hits the fan...

It amazes me that for a car that has so few vendors, R & D-er's and those that care enough to be making OEM, after market and performance parts that there is so much turmoil between some of the vendors, when in fact each of the vendors has something to offer in various ways.

I've been a member of this community since 2000. This is by far the worse case of crap and UN-professionalism I've ever seen out of any vendors regardless who started it.

Danny Young. Been involved in R & D-ing parts for many years. Has come up with many quality parts over the years and never once tried to sell any of them to make money off them, but has been very generous with sharing his idea's and findings with those that ask. The new dry sump system I just saw last week developed by Danny at Autowave is absolutely amazing. If I could afford one, it would be on my car. Danny has been nothing but a friend and brother to me even though we have had a falling out over NSXPO. I still have deep caring feelings for Danny and always will. Danny has done nothing but support my efforts as I get further into competitive events and has always been there when I need help and gone out of his way to support my efforts.

Chris at SOS. Has been a NSX shop and R & D-er for many years. Does quality work, offers quality parts and has some very good Techs. Yes, I have had my falling out with Chris, but both of us worked through it, got over it and still do business together. Chris is not a bad guy.... I have SOS parts on my car.

Mark Johnson. I've known Mark for many years and have spent a great deal of time with Mark over the years. His been a true friend and brother and helped me in many, many ways not even related to the NSX. Mark is considered family around my home. I have Dali Racing parts on my car.

Ross at STMPO. A true emotional passionate Italian madman. Has extremely high ups and downs. I've had my problems with Ross over a few issues but life goes on. Do I like Ross, yea I do, when push comes to shove I still like Ross and would get out of bed at 3am to help him if he truly needed it. Ross's biggest problem is he bad mouths everyone, vendors and customers, doesn't matter who. Nobody knows as much as Ross and nobody does it better than Ross, just ask him. But that's just Ross. Ross on the other hand would give you the shirt off his back if you really needed it and offers help to anyone that asks without always the need for a check book in hand. That being said, I am a hot blooded Italian myself and have myself put my foot in my mouth on many occasions. I like what Ross is doing in some of his ideas. Ross has the true spirit and desire to make things better and that should be appreciated. I do in fact a few of Ross's parts on my car.

Ken at FXMD. I have nothing but good to say about Ken, Fes, Billy & Bosco. Don't confuse FXMD with Factor X, Factor X is long gone and the problems that were associated with Factor X are long gone. My car today in many many ways is what it is today and why I am out being competitive on the level I am because of FXMD and their never ending support as friends & brothers on and off the track. These guys are good men and very generous in their ways and help time and time again. They have been to me anyway every step of the way. My car is about 70% FXMD in parts :-)

Mike & Shane at Autowave. Some of the best guys I know. Build incredible motors, the best tuners out there in my opinion, extremity knowledgeable, do quality work and don't BS anyone. They have been in my corner for many years since my first NSX years ago and continue to support me every step of the way as friends and brothers. Their talents shine on my car every time it starts.

The parts business in all car worlds is really a funny business. Everybody copies each others parts and then sells them on the premise that theirs better than the next guys for less money. Maybe they are and maybe their not. Who's to say for sure....

The fact is, we all have a choice of who works on our cars if we don't do it ourselves, who we buy parts from and who we choose to partner with, sponsor with or just hang out with. I believe it's called "To each his own"

Everybody on this board, owners, wanta be owners, vendors, street drivers, show car owners and racers have something to offer to us all to learn from. What we all do in our own ways may not be everybody else's cup of tea, but everybody writes the checks for their world, and they all deserve respect for that for being affectionate and dedicated about the NSX enough to own one and deal with the ups and downs we all go through on many different levels.

None of this is making any of us look very mature....and I know what that's like since I can make myself look pretty immature on occasions myself.

Come on guys, lighten up...we're suppose to be a community that works together, not tears each other a part.

OK, so now you can flame me too for expressing my opinion.

Jimbo for President! Best post I've read in a long long time. Thanks jim

Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

We all have to stick together Danny...there's really not many of us left :wink:

Jimbo for President! Best post I've read in a long long time. Thanks jim
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Re: STMPO / SOS (moved from a FI thread)

Danny and Coz,

It's kind of funny how a small group of people need to be so detailed in explaining what they think of everyone around them… would you say all of this to me if we were standing next to each other… where i'm from... people get hit in the face for voicing opinions like that while standing next to each other.

What you accomplished for your own car without the capabilities to provide it to a community is a cute story. Do you really think people want to read what you did instead of being able to choose from a wider range of products.

This isn’t about putting me on a podium that isn’t as tall as everyone else’s. I could care less what anyone thinks of me… I used to care if NSX owners had quality parts at reasonable prices.

My favorite car in the world just hit a huge speed bump in the value for the consumer department… Do you care that it is happening to them. My heart was in this and I had a completely different business model. I leaving the NSX community with a product line up superior to my competitors and now priced in line with theirs instead of lower than it.

Tonight I’m driving home from my office at 2:00 am on a Sunday night. If you only knew what I sacrificed for you and the people that have to read your stories… all you had to do is STFU… instead you talked me out of the door…

This is about how much I work… how much of my net worth I risk on the benefit of complete strangers.. and how unappreciated I feel because a small group of people think the stuff they bought for their car that isn’t available to others is cooler than what I actually offer.

If either of your car’s drove past me on the side of the road I’d stare at them… I stare at all NSX’s.

So here’s the new Pepsi challenge.. NA1 NSX owner wants to buy test pipes… they are gonna have to read reviews and look at prices.

Test pipes are now the same price as Dali’s… no reason to have them 29.00 cheaper than a guy who doesn’t ship all his orders.


Comes with a sticker pack… no monkeys ass’s though


Coz… my parts are on your car because I gave them to you… you have spent cheddar bob on your car… you’re not spending your money on everyone else’s benefit…

Danny – This week we are removing the WTA and building an ATA set-up for the FXMD RTA NSX.. Remember… the car we helped build that wears all the crowns as king… except for one crown… you know… the one you get with a kids meal at Burger King for having the highest number on the dyno.

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