Special Order

Any one who looks at the ASCC as a continued development of the mid engine NSX might be disappointed but they would also be missing the entire point.

The ASCC is not the next NSX. It is an entirely new Honda. It is a great looking, low slung, wide GT with a whopping 10 cylinder Honda under its front hood. It will be heavier than the NSX, much [much:smile: ]more powerful and is likely to have a rear biased 4 wheel drive system. It will be easier to drive fast and easier to handle by the majority of its customers and may not handle as well at the limit as the lighter mid engined NSX. That is alright. It is a different car.

The ASCC is not going after the F-430. It is doing for the front engine ultra GT class what the NSX did to the mid engine exotic class. It's competition will come from a different class of car and its customers are different.

There will be very few on this forum who will go for the ASCC but the vast majority will not. That is fine with Honda. They do not want to have another sales dud on their hands. If the majority of the members of this forum liked the ASCC, Honda would likely reconsider and change the ASCC. Honda, by seeing that the majority of the current NSX owners dislike the ASCC, are probably congratulaing themselves for visualizing a car that the kind of customers they are going after would actually like.

The NSX is gone. Learn to live with that fact. Enjoy the ASCC.:biggrin:

The ASCC has fantastic looks, a gorgeous rippling skin that speaks of trained muscle and power beneath. The long hood will likely allow the placement of the monster engine behind the front axle and we are likely to have a front mid-engine set up. While most consider the 4 wheel set up inconsistent with a "sports car", Honda's advanced system is a truly remarkable one that improves performance, and is that not the ultimate goal of a sporting car. Do not forget the exotic thrashing handling of cars like the Mitsu EVO, a 4-wheel drive machine.
liftcontrol... i wholeheartedly agree.
This is just a fact, there is no more NSX, and Honda is a business that wants to make a profit and gain mkt share.
So is Porsche, Ferrari, etc.
They differentiate on the class of cars and markets they want to tap.
I liked Ferrair but bought 4 Honda's over the years because I liked the way Honda's NSX was always in the super-car shoot-out in all the magazines.

Racing the NSX against Lambo and Ferrari's newest cars durring the 90's really won me over as a Honda fan.

Now I can afford the NSX or a used Ferrari. But for the last 15 years I've bought 3 new Hondas and one used one.

If Honda makes the ASC they will no longer be on the front cover of the car magazines each year when they do their Exotic Car track test.

I'll miss the days when Ferrari and Honda got mentioned right next to each other, all through the 90's.

Now Honda will have a normal front engine GT (nothing exotic about big motors in GT cars...sorry anyone can do that) ...the ASC will go back to fighting it out with Lexus and Nissan, in all those Japanese car shoot-out in Road&Track and Car&Driver about the Jap big HP cars. Its not the Exotic class anymore.

Honda is working real hard at dropping backwards in the eyes of the world's Car-Guys... and this, has a trickle-down effect on thousands of guys like me- we love Ferrari and Lambo and NSX gave us hope for afordable dependable Exotic... but while we save our money and dream....we buy a lot of less expensive Honda's as daily drivers.... funny how the exotic* NSX did a lot more for Honda than the sales figures will ever explain.

*exotic = rare (engine in the back, so the car can be low wide and sexy looking. Something people lust after and don't see all day long. Sorry Vette guys)
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Thanx to brothers for coming to my aid with Sotiri while I was away.

At first I thought it was a moderator putting me on test to see if I'd snap at the harsh comment cause I got banned for something similar and I've never heard that name before:biggrin:

Thx so much to all for any constructive feedback. F-16, I'm Glad you noticed what was tried to achieve with rear fender. Wish I could do better with shading.
I was actually going to request one of our PS experts to put a nice paint job on it.

That nose is actually from an early pencil sketch of HSC . While not very streetable I thinK it's great with it's pointy F-1 look and integrated chin spoiler. Should have been on prototype.

Try a few more with wing and paint.

Here's a quick one. Functional rear bumper with critical angle completes hatch line ....wierd huh? Reverse B pillar wider, repositioned. Retractable gun barrel headlamps. what yu think? when were done , we will send it in lol



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Ok Spooler, I'm not feeling it with this latest iteration. Looks like a club sport version.

The side windows lost driver visibity. Extending the glass hatch for the engine bay may help the flow of the line. I don't care for the big wing or the tall bumper. Many cars now have a flush rear bumper so I think the way you had it before is fine. And the headlights does look like some James Bond weaponery. I prefer your original. Besides, pop up are likely a thing of the past due to pedestrian impact standards.

Hey, send in what you had before. Print it out and send it to Honda at the address below. I ran a google and came up with this:

Hirohide Ikeno, President of Honda R&D Americas
Honda R&D of the Americas Inc.
1900 Harpers Way,
Torrence, Ca. 90501

If you want Mid-engine. This is your time folks. Write them, everyone of you and tell them what you want.

Now, if I can only find Fukui address..
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Ok Spooler, I'm not feeling it with this latest iteration. Looks like a club sport version.

The side windows lost driver visibity. Extending the glass hatch for the engine bay may help the flow of the line. I don't care for the big wing or the tall bumper. Many cars now have a flush rear bumper so I think the way you had it before is fine. And the headlights does look like some James Bond weaponery. I prefer your original. Besides, pop up are likely a thing of the past due to pedestrian impact standards.

Hey, send in what you had before. Print it out and send it to Honda at the address below. I ran a google and came up with this:

Hirohide Ikeno, President of Honda R&D Americas
Honda R&D of the Americas Inc.
1900 Harpers Way,
Torrence, Ca. 90501

If you want Mid-engine. This is your time folks. Write them, everyone of you and tell them what you want.


I appriciate your comments and belief that maybe sending them a design or a letter would help sway them into making the follow on car after all.

Sadly you must know that it would probably accomplish nothing.

Those were glory days for Honda when they concieved the original, Senna was a Rockstar. I don't think the same inspiration exists today.

Can't say that I disagree with most of the rest of your post... but you've totally lost me here:

If the majority of the members of this forum liked the ASCC, Honda would likely reconsider and change the ASCC. Honda, by seeing that the majority of the current NSX owners dislike the ASCC, are probably congratulaing themselves for visualizing a car that the kind of customers they are going after would actually like.

People truely underestimate the power of brand loyalty - and if what you say is true, Honda surely has completely lost sight of its value.

This whole ASCC business, associating it with the NSX has really hurt Honda in my eyes. They made the mistake of tying the two together - it's as simple as that.

For the record. I had a 91 integra before i bought my 99 NSX. A year later I replaced my Integra for a 2006 Honda Civic SI. I was with all intent planning to purchase the NEXT NSX - A BRAND NEW ONE. Is that going to happen now with this ASCC on the horizon? Very very unlikely. Am I going to continue my loyalty toward honda if theres any truth to how you believe they view their NSX customers? Of course not. I mean, the day after I saw the ASCC, I started wondering what I could replace my Civic with - just doesn't seem so shiny now. Honda seems almost as generic as any other car company now.

They did at one point seem to care about NSX owners contrary to what you seem to think.
I tweaked both a little :biggrin: (2 min. no talent hack job)

Nice work

Thx and It's really a pleasure to do these. With you guys egging me on I've learned more in a week than I would have in year as you can see buy the proportional realism of my first drawing compared to the most rescent.

I hope I'm not overdoing it also cause once you start drawing cars, it's very hard to stop lol. the possibility's are endless.

That was a good comparo Bat, That thing looks so depressing next to the Happy, colorful new generation NSX's.

The Death of good looking sports car came from the Mazda RX8
Whats with the front wheel fender arches, straight from a SUV or truck?

It seems every modern design contest, and design college...now features- fat looking cars with the "Bulky" look that makes me think SUV design traits have been carried-over into sports cars.

Not bad. The tail is a little long for the Canopy. I think the canopy need to be extended in the rear. Due to the length of the mid-rear section, either you got a long engine in there or one heck of a trunk. Could you reverser the angle of the B-pillar

Just to voice my opinion - I suppose I'm one of the few who *did* like the inverted b-pillar angle on the HSC. The latest renditions here just look like an NSX - which is not what I want - I already own an NSX. I want a new design that has some radical yet similarities with the nsx - the HSC was very close to that goal - and even spooler's earlier splicing of HSC/NSX were more in the right direction than the over-designed/reduced one spooler last produced on here.

The rear-window of the NSX (bpillar being part of that form) is one of my least favourite parts of the NSX, it's what dates it the most. When I look at it I unfortunately see too close of a resemblance to a 80s-model camero or transam.
Just to voice my opinion - I suppose I'm one of the few who *did* like the inverted b-pillar angle on the HSC. The latest renditions here just look like an NSX - which is not what I want - I already own an NSX. I want a new design that has some radical yet similarities with the nsx - the HSC was very close to that goal - and even spooler's earlier splicing of HSC/NSX were more in the right direction than the over-designed/reduced one spooler last produced on here.

The rear-window of the NSX (bpillar being part of that form) is one of my least favourite parts of the NSX, it's what dates it the most. When I look at it I unfortunately see too close of a resemblance to a 80s-model camero or transam.

I agree the latest renditions look too much like an NSX now. Start with the HSC and go from there. First thing I would do is enlarge the side intake.
I agree the latest renditions look too much like an NSX now. Start with the HSC and go from there...

I reckon someone already have.....

-Courtesy of Lineale Design-


  • HSC Lineale Design sketch New NSX replacement.jpg
    HSC Lineale Design sketch New NSX replacement.jpg
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I reckon someone already have.....

-Courtesy of Lineale Design-

That's a nice one. Do you have side profile? If not ,going to try and Draw.

Neurobound, your right..it does look quite familiar . The Hsc's canopy is a needed departure and while rearward vision does seem compromised, Video mirrors should take care of that. OTOH side inlet's must stay imo.

This closer to HSC but unmistakably NSX.

Everthing shortened this time, bumper's ,wheelbase, spooler inlet's remain, Shaped rear end.

Would refine it more but my eyes bout to fall out lol.

orange has more accurate HSC window and pillar. HSC actually has slightly flatter roof than shown. will modify .


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judging by this thread http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83246
I guess I wasnt the only one to think the car was ugly.
Amazingly it has less votes than the ASCC.
Although I am certain that it will change after crossposting that thread here will motivate some here to pump it up.

I, myself, would not be bragging about how *my* painstaking work is "only second to last" beating out a guy that spent an hour with photoshop, by your one vote no less.

Audi wins. Honda loses. Period. I'm never selling my 2005 though.
i am merely pointing out that most users do not prefer this new mutation on the nsx. I for one will wait until Honda releases the official ASCC to make up my mind, in fact i will get a chance to see it on Monday at the Chicago auto show.
It wasnt meant as a post to bash.
Obviously there are plenty of 'sensitive' people here
i am merely pointing out that most users do not prefer this new mutation on the nsx. I for one will wait until Honda releases the official ASCC to make up my mind, in fact i will get a chance to see it on Monday at the Chicago auto show.
It wasnt meant as a post to bash.
Obviously there are plenty of 'sensitive' people here

Are you the designer of this ASCC monstrosity or not? (or at least the chief designers coffee boy)