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SOS - why is your shipping so high?

I was going to purchase new RB rotors from SOS, but noticed that shipping was $70. Checked RB's site and it's $28.

Now this isn't an isolated instance, as I had pads shipped to me from SOS and they were $28.... I since sold them and shipping at the UPS Store (which charges a premium over UPS) was $12.

I was just curious why almost everything I buy from SOS has such bloated shipping charges?

Thanks for posting this and bring this to my attention. I usually pay attention to what vendor's are charging for shipping fees, and now I will pay closer attention.

This is what makes Prime such a great forum. People post questions like this so the community gets smarter and less scams are successful. (not that this particular issue is a scam.)

GREAT QUESTION (and don't listen to the haters.)
The rule of a free a market has always been - If you don't like the price, go somewhere else.

I disagree with this statement. I disagree as a merchant and disagree as a consumer.

As a merchant, I would hate to see any of my customers go away unhappy. I would never tell my customer to go shop somewhere else. I am only in business to serve my customers, what good will that do if I told them their business isn't welcome here. I know customers are difficult to deal with, but to make this statement sends the wrong message to the customers. Instead, as a business owner you can look to improve your pricing by making your business more efficient, thus lowering your operating costs. Or you can tell your customer the more you purchase the cheaper it gets. Etc... I would fire any of my employees on the spot if I overheard them use this statement. There are always more customer friendly ways to handle this situation.

As a consumer, why should I just leave to another store. Maybe the owner or management is similar to me and genuinely appreciates all comments about the business, good or bad. Maybe they are willing to do something about it, maybe not at first but eventually. One could make the same comment about problems in the US. Should you simply leave to another country because you don't agree with some of the things here, or should you voice your opinion and be heard.
I cannot speak for SoS, but as for us, we already lose money on shipping. We actually charge for FedEx shipping on many items, but still ship by freight truck because they do not damage our shipments.

Obviously, we do not ever want to lose customers, but we have to draw a line somewhere. :)

I won't lie, I have told a customer or two to go elsewhere. If a customer is abusive to me or anyone else here, we have the right to refuse to business with them. Just because we are vendors, does not give people the right to be abusive to the sales staff. I will always side with my co-workers/employees if the customer is abusive.

I'm happy that most of the people in the NSX community have been easy to work with.
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I disagree with this statement. I disagree as a merchant and disagree as a consumer.

As a merchant, I would hate to see any of my customers go away unhappy. I would never tell my customer to go shop somewhere else. I am only in business to serve my customers, what good will that do if I told them their business isn't welcome here. I know customers are difficult to deal with, but to make this statement sends the wrong message to the customers. Instead, as a business owner you can look to improve your pricing by making your business more efficient, thus lowering your operating costs. Or you can tell your customer the more you purchase the cheaper it gets. Etc... I would fire any of my employees on the spot if I overheard them use this statement. There are always more customer friendly ways to handle this situation.

As a consumer, why should I just leave to another store. Maybe the owner or management is similar to me and genuinely appreciates all comments about the business, good or bad. Maybe they are willing to do something about it, maybe not at first but eventually. One could make the same comment about problems in the US. Should you simply leave to another country because you don't agree with some of the things here, or should you voice your opinion and be heard.

In this case, you’re the righteous vender who cares about your business and customers.

In this particular case, the example used – The shipping cost and the reason given, is what got people thinking/discussing. If the manufacture can ship the product for $28, SOS is charging almost 3 times the price (according CL65Captan); therefore, is the “labor cost” of the shop constitute such a large gain in shipping price?

Also, if people other than the thread starter - point out similar problem faced, perhaps the vender is trying to “gain” from the business practice.

In your argument, you mentioned, “Maybe they are willing to do something about it.” I would have agree with you if this was an isolated incident, a pricing mistake on one item.

But according to other Prime members,

The incident was not isolated, “maybe” it is part of the business practice.

Only one person knows the truth...
To the OP:

Seems simple. Call SoS and discuss it.

Likely they can address the situation better than us.
I cannot speak for SoS, but as for us, we already lose money on shipping.

From my personal experience, I must say that DF has the best and lowest rate for shipping.:smile:

Hey Ben, i think you can minimise or avoid your shipping loses by sending out all the items in one shipment instead of leaving a few small items which much be shipped out later.:tongue:

But I am sure that is a thing of the past now that you are familiar with the nsx and your products.:biggrin:

I hope you won't consider me as one of your abusive customers for telling the truth.
Transparency in pricing & shipping solves the problem perfectly. I don't see anything inherently wrong with charging a premium for S&H - it's all part of the vendor's gross margin at the end of the day. If SOS wants to "sell" brake pads for $1 each online, and charge $150 for S&H - fine by me. $151 is what it takes to get to my door. Or sell them for $145 and charge $6 for S&H. I'm indifferent. But the only way for a consumer to know the "final, at my door price" is if S&H is explicitly given (before the transaction is consummated). Otherwise, the S&H cost is based on an educated guess.

So, Chris, if there is a minor problem here (not with me, but apparently a few others) - just try your best to provide everyone with an accurate S&H amount upfront. "Problem" solved, although unfortunately it sounds like that is easier said than done through the website. :smile:

Edit - In the interest of not trying to inadvertently burn someone's business, the OP should consider changing the thread title IMO. A newbie reading this in a year might get a bad impression of something that had since been addressed. Or just delete the thread since your observations have been noted by SOS. Just a thought.
I hope you won't consider me as one of your abusive customers for telling the truth.

Not at all sir.:smile:

Abusive is when a customer calls and uses foul language for no apparent reason, and demand the ability to make up their own pricing. :tongue:
I have purchased several items from Chris in the past and never paid much attention to the shipping costs once the package and invoice were received - mainly because the items always arrived early or on time. The piece of mind knowing I can forget about the order, go on with other tasks, and then receive my shipment as agreed is worth a lot in my opinion.

This thread sparked my interest to look through some old invoices. The shipping fees were actually lower than I expected to find and seem more than reasonable.

Just my .02
From my personal experience, I must say that DF has the best and lowest rate for shipping.:smile:

Hey Ben, i think you can minimise or avoid your shipping loses by sending out all the items in one shipment instead of leaving a few small items which much be shipped out later.:tongue:

But I am sure that is a thing of the past now that you are familiar with the nsx and your products.:biggrin:

I hope you won't consider me as one of your abusive customers for telling the truth.

I can confirm this.I don't have nothing to similar from the other company.
International shipping door-to-door at very low price!
Thank you Ben for the patience whit me,and for the invoice :wink: .
Also,i have buy a licence plate for SOS,the price for international shipments is
equal to other company.I have not found the great expenses.
Who cares if its 20 or 40 dollars to ship. We have few choices from where to purchase from. Chris is excellent in both product choice and customer service, I'd rather pay more and get it from him than risk paying less and not getting anything at all.


Would you feel the same way if, instead of calling it "shipping and handling", they called it "shipping and boxes/packing materials"?

Because - as someone posted earlier - in mail order you have to pay for someone's time to pack a box. But you DON'T have to pay for retail space and merchandising, like a normal retailer. Either way, it all ends up in a vendors gross or operating margin.

The reason shipping is, and SHOULD BE, a separately identified cost is because it is variable depending on customer location. Boxes are also variable. Handling is NOT variable based on customer location, it is an "Other Product Cost" and should be constant and therefore, should be factored into the sales price.

The vagaries of not knowing what the "final at my door" price are, are what irritate people, not the labels.
I'd rather pay more and get it from him than risk paying less and not getting anything at all.

Speaking of which.

Where are the parts I paid you for Armando? It's been almost a year now, and you still owe me an ECU, flywheel, clutch, and a set of rims. I figure that's at least a couple grand worth of stuff I paid for and haven't received yet. Do you have a tracking number for me yet?
This thread is BULLSHIT !!!!! If you are so cheap maybe you should sell your NSX and buy a Scion !!! I never thought my shipping charges from SOS were unreasonable.
This thread is BULLSHIT !!!!! If you are so cheap maybe you should sell your NSX and buy a Scion !!! I never thought my shipping charges from SOS were unreasonable.

Agreed:wink: I order from Chris at SOS all the time. They even have my CC# on file:biggrin: Best vendor Ive ever dealt with, hands down. I dont even look at S and H charges. Gas, Food, Booze, Chicks...does the price ever really matter?:biggrin:
I think a valid question was asked, an appropriate answer was given, and everything else is extraneous. Let's move on to better things now...

-- Chris
I agree, thanks Chris your service is great. Thanks