he doesn't have the NSX-R hinges and bolts for the mesh engine cover either :tongue:
or the Type R input shaft for the twin disc clutch conversion :biggrin:
Don't hate:biggrin:
I have always been a little skeptical about my 302 dyno'd number from Autowave. So finally, I had the chance to redyno my car by using Dynojet.
Autowave used Dynodynamic. They are located at Sea Level, and the previous dyno was done in April of 06. The result was 302 (best run).
Now I have a more clear number from SR Motorcars. The car was dyno'd on a Dynojet system, and was done yesterday. I was surprised by the result.
The shop is in Gardena California, which is above sea level, and the temperature was about 15 degree hotter than my previous dyno at Autowave.
295 rwp was what I got.
So regardless what the true number it is, the car definitely have around 300-ish rwp. Therefore, for those who questioned Autowave's number, I think they should be very accurate. NA application. If you read my autowave dyno, the VTEC was stronger. Regardless, I'm happy. I do however, believe the engine can achieve 320rwp. Port polish and perhaps ITB?
BTW, there was a NA1 NSX with Taitec exhaust, which dyno'd at 250, which is consist with what I have seen from dynos from all over the country. Use that as bench mark, I think Dynojet is a very good system.
NSX1/Steve got 295 rwp for his late model 02 through autowave dyno. And it is with Comptech header exhaust system with Cats.
Also, thanks to RJP, I got my final piece of NSX hardware. The front metal under cover. Thanks!!!