Skyfall - James Bond

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Who saw it?

I went last night to IMAX and really liked it. Much better than his previous bonds.
Good movie. The places where the scenes were shot were a little hokey.... What was with that "island" that looked like post war Bosnia? Keep it more real and you have a better movie. But this was the first bond movie I have seen with Daniel Craig and man... He is great. He is a perfect fit for the role. I do recommend seeing this movie.
The quality of the movie is amazing; significantly better I think than almost every Bond film previous. However I felt there was a lack of Bond pizzazz. Sam Mendes did an excellent job of making Bond more human, more introspective, more vulnerable ~ but I'm not sure if that's what we expect in a Bond film.

Overall I liked it, but not as much as Casino Royale and GoldenEye.
Not what i was expecting, but good nonetheless. The last 3 have basically told the beginnings of bond and the next one should be just as good. I've been a bond fan for years. I think they have stiff competition with the jason bourne series.
I'm a big Bond fan and loved the subtle rehash of old Bond motifs: re-appearance of the DB5 with the ejector button and guns (not just the classic cruising around on the road like the other recent bond movies). Loved the conversation with Q "you must be joking!". Lol I almost expected NewQ to reply with "I never joke about my work 007". Loved the perfectly reproduced scene of Bond standing next to the Aston. Stuff like that makes nerds like me giggle with delight.
Im afraid to see it and end up driving the NSX in a bond style of driving. End up driving to a bar, in a suit and ordering a bond drink lol
Very, very good. IMAX makes all the difference. Title song by Adele is great. Title graphics were just lush and opulent. Makes up for the so-so prior release of Quantum of Solace. Casino Royale was just a tad better in my book. Craig is easily the 2nd best Bond.
It was not a bad movie, but I had to turn off my brain for a few scenes (who plugs in a known genius hacker's computer into their secured network? :confused:) and I think it dragged on at times. Not the best Bond film from a geek's point of view, but action movie lovers will enjoy it.
It was not a bad movie, but I had to turn off my brain for a few scenes (who plugs in a known genius hacker's computer into their secured network? :confused:) and I think it dragged on at times. Not the best Bond film from a geek's point of view, but action movie lovers will enjoy it.
Funny you mentioned...I felt the same way. I liked it because it was less technological. I also hated it because it was less technological.

What happened to the awesome Q gadgets??
Took the kids last night, was not too impressed. Scenes drug on for days...And whats up with the blonde headed guy and bond having a gay moment? :redface:
I believe the story took place before Sean Connery's James Bond. My fav as well. Nice to see the original car.:biggrin:
Good movie. The places where the scenes were shot were a little hokey.... What was with that "island" that looked like post war Bosnia? Keep it more real and you have a better movie. But this was the first bond movie I have seen with Daniel Craig and man... He is great. He is a perfect fit for the role. I do recommend seeing this movie.

The island of Gunkanjima, a nickname for Hashima Island that stands for “Battleship Island,” does actually exist. It is located nine miles off of the coast of Nagasaki, and prospered in the 1950s due to the presence of coal and the Mitsubishi company.....
It was meh for me.
Like really, you have bond running accross the frozen lake, why not shoot him instead of shooting at his feet and having a long drawn out convo.
Agreed some scenes did drag on a little too much.
I actually just got done watching it, I really like it. Some things were drawn out, but the ending was left open for another 50+ bond movies :)
Good movie. The places where the scenes were shot were a little hokey.... What was with that "island" that looked like post war Bosnia? Keep it more real and you have a better movie. But this was the first bond movie I have seen with Daniel Craig and man... He is great. He is a perfect fit for the role. I do recommend seeing this movie.

You should definitely see the previous 2, he's my favorite bond.
The island of Gunkanjima, a nickname for Hashima Island that stands for “Battleship Island,” does actually exist. It is located nine miles off of the coast of Nagasaki, and prospered in the 1950s due to the presence of coal and the Mitsubishi company.....

I've actually been waiting for that to pop up in a movie and am really glad they used it. Though, apparently in fictional-Bond-world, it's off the coast of Macau??
And whats up with the blonde headed guy and bond having a gay moment? :redface:

It's supposed to make him scarier and more mysterious/unpredictable... Just like the part where he takes out his teeth. Worked well, IMO
It's supposed to make him scarier and more mysterious/unpredictable... Just like the part where he takes out his teeth. Worked well, IMO

Thats not it, we know the blonde guy is a quack. Bond gets up out of chair and says " how do you know its my first time?" Very GAY for a bond actor, usually they are bad ass ladies men.....This movie is also probably the least sexy as far as women go in a bond movie too? was the director gay or bi, and wanted to water down the women and add a gay punch line? I can see it now 3 bond movies from now he will like men......ugh :frown:

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