I am lucky, my daughter is abnormally good ALL OF THE TIME! But I do have 2 step children, that I feel need it sometimes! I am in an awkward situation, being a stepdad. I CANNOT smack them even if I wanted to! I can yell, give them time outs etc, but they would run to pushover Mom, and get away with murder. My wife has come a loooooong way since we were married. We have had many a discussion on how to and how not to raise and punish. She has started punishing more severely, but still does NOT smack ot grab an ear or arm. I think it was needed sometimes in the beginning, she didn't. Well I guess my ex and I did a good job from day 1, and her ex and herself allowed the kids to call the shots too much. So the point is, if some bad habits are picked up by children, and you want to rewind them, 10 min timeouts alone don't cut it. And my wife won't allow force, so our joint compromise is her "grounding" with my "rules" I actually made up a rule list in priorities with consequenceson the fridge! Instead of the same 5 min. time out for everything from sassing back to hitting a sibling no matter how many times a week it happens, I have a progressive punishment. Heavy fines for repeat offenses. Sass back once, and a time out. Do it again during the same arguement, and there goes Playstation, again, and now no friends over, again, and you lost a favorite Playstation game for a month. etc etc. On top of the punishment, you need to have a discussion explaining what they did wrong, and that it will NOT be tolorated, and if done again next week, they will know what will happen ahead of time<---- fear.
Also key for this to work, is that when they are good, you need to reinforce that they are good, make them feel loved and appreciated etc. You have to have them know that you truely love them, so when they get punished, they won't hate you, they will hate themselves for acting so stupid.
I act just like a kid with the stepkids, and they love me to death, sometimes even more than their own Dad. So when I do get upset, they feel that they let me down, and they listen, oh boy do they listen!
The only kids that need smacking, is the ones who have parents that let their children make the rules for too long, and now they are out of control.