should I get a 91NSX W/85k miles... 04' s2k... 06' evo9 (not MR)

Distance Runner said:
I bet the average of all NSX owners on this forum is something of about 6 years of college education, or equivilent to a Master's Degree. Therefore, it is expected those who post on here will demonstrate good communication skills. Frankly, you are not doing so. As I posted earlier, if you post (and act) like a teenager, you will be treated and flamed for doing so.

I dont think thats accurate, but it would be interesting to find out. I barely graduated high school, went to 3 different colleges and still havent finished. I hated school and ill never go back.
comtec said:
So do you go to school at night or are you a part time student? Since loan officers work during the day there is no way you could make $10k a month working part time. Unless your dad owns the company.

Since my spelling sucks i won't comment on yours. :smile:

I take 3 night classes, 2 at CSUF and 1 at saddleback.
and yea I work fulltime just about 40 to 45hrs a week. depending on how buisy it gets.
Firstly, assuming what you are saying about your financial situation is true congratulations!!!!! I'm jealous (and not afraid to admit it :smile: )

Now, regarding the choice of car, I'd say that if you have the opportunity to enjoy an NSX at the age of 20, go for it. Why wait untill you are older? You have earnt the money yourself so have some fun with it!!!

For me, one of the biggest advantages of the NSX is the fact that it can definately be considered as a daily driver. My attitude might be a little different from some here, but I wouldn't buy one unless I could use it every day. The only thing that is a concern for me is the little bumps and scratches that you inevitably end up with. (people opening their doors and hitting your car, etc)
The NSX can be repaired just like any car, but dent removals and touch ups can be more difficult and expensive due to the aluminum panels.

Buying a 91 (like I did) is a great idea IMO, as you really do get good "bang for buck". As you probably are aware, the car can be updated visually to the 02+ fairly easily and would be a nice way to freshen the car up a little after a year or two of daily driving. :cool:
NSX_BOB said:
I take 3 night classes, 2 at CSUF and 1 at saddleback.
and yea I work fulltime just about 40 to 45hrs a week. depending on how buisy it gets.
Now there is some useful information. First off don't let what people here say stop you from getting what you want.

Since you are not a full time student and can afford it . Buy an NSX. Keep whatever you now drive and use it for school, rainy days and if more than two people want to go somewhere. Drive the nsx to work and play :smile: . I might have driven the car to school in the daytime but not at night.

btw. alot of people said buy a beater to drive to school. Make sure you don't purchase two 2-seaters. There is always a need for a car with more room.

Good luck
NSX_BOB said:
20... I make 10k a month. saving? dont wory about it. i save plenty...

at 20 yrs old 10k a mth probably seems like all the money in the world. Wait until you have a nice fat mortgage and probably a wife and new child.....that 10k isn't going to seem like will be broke. Let's see 10k means that you take home probably about 6500 a mth.

MTG- 2500
NSX (financed) - 600
elec, cable, tele - 500
entertainment- 500
misc 500

now your down to only 1900 mth to save/invest and that goes away if you get married.

Your probably an LO at a mtg shop? Knowing a thing or two about the business, you would be wise to save as much as possible for a rainy day that will come.

BTW.....out of those cars the NSX is the way to go hands down.
satx said:
at 20 yrs old 10k a mth probably seems like all the money in the world. Wait until you have a nice fat mortgage and probably a wife and new child.....that 10k isn't going to seem like will be broke. Let's see 10k means that you take home probably about 6500 a mth.

MTG- 2500
NSX (financed) - 600
elec, cable, tele - 500
entertainment- 500
misc 500

now your down to only 1900 mth to save/invest and that goes away if you get married.

Your probably an LO at a mtg shop? Knowing a thing or two about the business, you would be wise to save as much as possible for a rainy day that will come.

BTW.....out of those cars the NSX is the way to go hands down.
Yea investing is definately the way to go. My buddy is a wholesale broker and i bought 6 Playstation3's from him for 500 each!! just go look at what there goin for on ebay now, and its just gona go up considering christmas is commin. Its nice quick investment. If anyone of you people have an oppertunity to get multiple ps3's i sudgest you DO IT! easy and fast money. but yea i got other small investments goin also... last year i started my ROTH IRA
As you probably are aware, the car can be updated visually to the 02+ fairly easily and would be a nice way to freshen the car up a little after a year or two of daily driving. :cool:
accually I kinda enjoy the 91-01 look because it looks verry classic japaniese if that makes any sence. I would probably get some fixed headlights, 3pc wheels and fully adjustable suspension.
Or better yet be like my brother and pay 50 homeless people 100$ to stand in line and then list them all on E-bay, quick 25k+

NSX_BOB said:
Yea investing is definately the way to go. My buddy is a wholesale broker and i bought 6 Playstation3's from him for 500 each!! just go look at what there goin for on ebay now, and its just gona go up considering christmas is commin. Its nice quick investment. If anyone of you people have an oppertunity to get multiple ps3's i sudgest you DO IT! easy and fast money. but yea i got other small investments goin also... last year i started my ROTH IRA
I have met a lot of people over the years, that have sufficient money to purchase a car that some might think is above their means. The problem is, many of them get so wrapped up in having a nice car, this becomes their number one priority from that day. In other words, having a nice car becomes more important than saving for a house, paying off college, etc...

Your 91 NSX w/ 85K miles just might turn out to be a money pit. Though the NSX is a very reliable car, when things break, they typically are very expensive. It sounds a little like you want to be different from your EVO buddies etc. That is admirable, but the NSX probably is not the car for you.

And maybe I missed it somewhere in this thread, but it sounds like you know very little about this NSX. A 91 with 85K miles can be in better condition than a 96 with 50K (for example), or this 91 might be in worse shape than a 91 with 150K miles. Either way, do your homework and good luck!
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Alternatively, you could get one of the "beater" NSXs at can be had for low-mid 20s. As long as maintenance is good, you'd be fine and you wouldn't have to worry too much about the car getting ravaged by door dings, etc. Wouldn't be much more expensive, if at all, than your Z4. A nicer, shinier one could be your graduation present.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Or better yet be like my brother and pay 50 homeless people 100$ to stand in line and then list them all on E-bay, quick 25k+
hahahahaha good idea!
nsx2tall said:
Enough talk NSX_BOB, time to buy yourself a car and choose your forum.:biggrin:
my first pick is nsx hands down...
I have started the process and im lookin at one in florida first. well see what happenes..
NSX_BOB said:
my first pick is nsx hands down...
I have started the process and im lookin at one in florida first. well see what happenes..

I always felt it was better to try to find one locally and bring it for a PPI or pre-purchase inspection first. Go cross country as a last resort and definatly bring it to an Acura dealer to be checked out before flying anywhere. Thats what I did and it saved my ass twice. I finally flew to VA and drive drove it home.

I bought my NSX when I was not much older than you and trust me, its a big responsibilty. Wait till you feel comfortable and try to ignore the thoughts of you, your new NSX and supermodel caliber chicks leaving from the hottest club in town. The car certaintly gets attention:biggrin:
The Kid said:
I always felt it was better to try to find one locally and bring it for a PPI or pre-purchase inspection first. Go cross country as a last resort and definatly bring it to an Acura dealer to be checked out before flying anywhere. Thats what I did and it saved my ass twice. I finally flew to VA and drive drove it home.

I bought my NSX when I was not much older than you and trust me, its a big responsibilty. Wait till you feel comfortable and try to ignore the thoughts of you, your new NSX and supermodel caliber chicks leaving from the hottest club in town. The car certaintly gets attention:biggrin:

hmmm.. Well im not rushing anyhting. When the right nsx comes around in my price range in socal... il take it
Ryanmcd2 said:
He is talking NSX not beeter. So your friends bought a NSX with student loans? then I would call that stupid, getting a 2k beeter to get to school is not dumb.

ahh - then that would be dumb. No NSX with student loan :p
NSX_BOB said:
hmmm.. Well im not rushing anyhting. When the right nsx comes around in my price range in socal... il take it

Thats always a good approach when it comes to buying a car like the nsx. Even though the one that I purchased was the first, out of the five I looked at. I'd like to suggest reading over the FAQ at the top and read and read. When your eyes get tired read some more. There is never too much you can absorb especially since you are new to the nsx world. Another thing you want to look at is cost and if your willing to pay.

Also if you do wind up getting a nsx I'd reccomend getting something like a four door accord to beat around campus on. You can still pack the friends into the car and go driving without having to worry about your newly purchased toy getting side swiped,keyed,have rocks thrown at it from tops of buildings,etc,etc.

Enjoy your car. whatever you may wind up getting:smile:
blackna1 said:
Wow, an average education of a Master's is quite high. I remember reading an issue of forbes saying that Seattle, being the highest educated city in the whole America, has 1 out of 2 residents possessing at least a bachelor's degree, while San Jose being the highest paid and 2nd highest in education.

Claiming the prime has an average education of a Master's degree must means that there is quite a few doctors here, right?

Well, I posted a poll to find out:

Link above: