should I get a 91NSX W/85k miles... 04' s2k... 06' evo9 (not MR)

The Kid said:
Thank you, come again. I remember my first post, "Im looking for an NSX...yada, yada yada."

Not "I make XXXX a month and so forth", not bragging, not being a jerk. Just introducing myself in a kind manner and hoping to be accepted into this great community. I will do anything for anyone, and am more than willing to help any potential owners but its all about how you come off.:wink: Try just being yourself. Too many people sign up and pretend to be someone your not or try to steal the limelight. Act your age, know your spot in line and respect others...especially other NSX owners, current NSX owners who will give you solid advice. Didnt mean it come off like a prick, just trying to help.:wink:

just tryin to help?
didnt help to much boss. and I wasnt trying to show off to anyone. there was to many people telling me to save my money and I was explaining to them why I can afford to get a nice car and still save plenty of money.
Distance Runner said:
I was defending your position, and feeling your pain, until I read this.

You need to go to college, because your grammar is terrible. This is not some teenage chat forum. Type in sentences, so we can understand you. Besides, your communication skills reflect a great deal about you. Because you communicate like a kid, you are being treated like one.

You are being flamed for many reasons, one of which, is because the impression you are giving is one of immaturity.

I am not attempting to pile on here, just explain some potential perceptions.

At first I started a friendly thread so people could give me advice on which car to get. not how to plan my whole damn life out! It all just got out of controll for a simple question. The reason my typing was not to great was because I was at work and was not really concintrating on my grammar.
I second the motion that you buy a daily and NSX since you make pretty good money. Good luck in however you go about it.
NSX_BOB said:
welllll for starters I probably make more money right now than you do now or probably ever will.... but other than that? hmmmm

stop treatin me like a child everyone thx

Your Right...:confused: :biggrin:
ediddynsx said:
I second the motion that you buy a daily and NSX since you make pretty good money. Good luck in however you go about it.

Thank you
I will probably do that
NSX_BOB said:
I was at work and was not really concintrating on my grammar.

Concin....What? LOL!

Don't worry, in 7th grade they will teach you how to spell it.

Here is what you need to know...

Get a beater and NSX. Drive the NSX sparingly, to safe locations and car events. Drive the hell out of the beater, on a daily basis.

Skip the Evo. Consider the S2000.

Why am I so definative on this? I go to car meets regularly, as well as car shows. Noboby walks by my NSX on there way to look at an Evo, but most everyone walks by an Evo, to look an my NSX. Everyone wants to talk about it, and it is fun to do so.

This past weekend was a 150 or so, car meet in Orlando. There must have been 10-15 Evo's, but only 3 NSX's, of which I coordinated with to attend.

What cars was everyone photographing? The NSX's, because they are rare, and appreciated. Evo's are everywhere now.

If you are going to be involved in an Evo club, then get the Evo. If its just a car club of friends, then shop for the NSX!

Just plan for an extra 10 minutes at each gas fill-up or each time you take it out, because people will ask you about your NSX. Who's going to ask you about your Evo family looking car? In fact, if the Evo was slow, and handled badly, it would be really ugly! It's funny how performance improves the appeal of a car, huh?:smile:

The NSX will get tons of attention, questions, and appreciating from all age groups. The Evo will appeal to the 19 year olds.

Besides, like the old Eclipses, in 50,000 miles, will that Evo still be running?

NSX's are dependable as hell!

Just my $.02, if it's helpful...
This might sound wierd, but get a beater. Just a fun one too. Say a 98 Ford Contour SVT. I found one locally for $1600 with 122k. Not the best condition, but fun and a beater.

Personally I can say much. I am 25, drive the NSX every day. Its a 97 and has 136k miles. I bought it with 102k 2 years ago. I have other cars in the family I can drive when I need to take more then 1 other person somewhere. My family is well of, and I am independant. But I still would not buy an NSX until I was out of college. I love to drive as well, but the reason I'm decently well off is cause I didn't splurge in college besides on one thing (the M3.)

With the said, Its your money.. just count the insurance, gas, parking money, care, maintenance, etc. Tires brakes and all that stuff isn't exactly Honda Civic money.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Or you could be one of those people that takes student loans to buy a car lol.

I wouldn't judge until you're poor and can walk in their shoes.

I havent done it, but a friend or two has. When that's the only way to commute to school - some people have little choice. Student loan a car - or not go to school altogether...?? I'd say it's the better choice.
NSX_BOB said:
At first I started a friendly thread so people could give me advice on which car to get. not how to plan my whole damn life out! It all just got out of controll for a simple question. The reason my typing was not to great was because I was at work and was not really concintrating on my grammar.

I think the reason they are giving you life advice, is because you are very young.

I wouldn't get too cocky about your "$120,000 a year" stuff. Millionaires go bankrupt everyday. You're nowhere near that rich, and your job can go away tomorrow. You could get injured doing something and not be able to work... your company could go under, or be bought out and you get fired. Making alot of money doesn't make you well off. If you make 100,000 and blow it all - you're still broke. You have a great opportunity to be TRULY wealthy, if infact you make the huge amount of money you claim to. Making that much that early in your life affords you great saving opportunity... and down the road you wouldn't have to decide NSX or Ferrari or Lamborghini... you could just buy all 3. Sounds ridiculous, but with that much disposable income... you could do very well if invested correctly and saving it.

These guys are smart, and grown up, and very successful. I would consider some of their advice.

And yea - use grammar. Having money doesn't get you respect. I make about $6,000 a year as a student, and will command more respect than you will on this board because I don't sound like a 13 yr old.

Good luck with your decision dude. I wish I had that kind of decision to make.
Personally, between an S2K, and a 1991 NSX, it would be a toss up. (I wouldnt even consider a mitsubishi evo).

The S2k is new, and its under warantee. Although it is just a normal car that does not turn heads or inspire strangers to walk up and want to take a picture.

My advise would be to drive both. Either is a good choice.
Well, if you make 120k and live at home, you should be able to write a check for whatever you decide on. So, that's good. Others' advice on the complications of NSX are entirely true -- parking, no backseat, unwanted attention are only that much more of an issue in college. S2000 is my vote entirely.

Also, congrats on being in the right place at the right time, but study hard going forward. Loan officers don't make 100k a year outside of bubbles - its a secretary job. You shouldn't make real estate investments given your occupation.
Ski_Banker said:
Well, if you make 120k and live at home, you should be able to write a check for whatever you decide on. So, that's good. Others' advice on the complications of NSX are entirely true -- parking, no backseat, unwanted attention are only that much more of an issue in college. S2000 is my vote entirely.

Also, congrats on being in the right place at the right time, but study hard going forward. Loan officers don't make 100k a year outside of bubbles - its a secretary job. You shouldn't make real estate investments given your occupation.

Family and God is always first ofcourse.
Then school
Then friends
Then cars
Then girls lol

But yea I Totally understand where you are commin from on that
rickysals said:
And yea - use grammar. Having money doesn't get you respect. I make about $6,000 a year as a student, and will command more respect than you will on this board because I don't sound like a 13 yr old.

Good luck with your decision dude. I wish I had that kind of decision to make.

I just wanted some questions answered. Im not lookin to gain anyones respect on the internet, that dosent madder to me rite now. Family, school, work, cars... thats wat madders to me.
He is talking NSX not beeter. So your friends bought a NSX with student loans? then I would call that stupid, getting a 2k beeter to get to school is not dumb.

rickysals said:
I wouldn't judge until you're poor and can walk in their shoes.

I havent done it, but a friend or two has. When that's the only way to commute to school - some people have little choice. Student loan a car - or not go to school altogether...?? I'd say it's the better choice.
Pccw said:
i would suggest u join here
before getting a car
spend your money here will help u, for life!

That's a good suggestion for NSX_BOB. Another great place is He can go there and post as many lies about himself as he wants and people won't question it like we do on Prime. :wink:

It scares me to think about about the quality of students colleges are pumping out these days - this guy is 20 y/o and still hasn't passed English 1A.
mickeylex said:
That's a good suggestion for NSX_BOB. Another great place is He can go there and post as many lies about himself as he wants and people won't question it like we do on Prime. :wink:

It scares me to think about about the quality of students colleges are pumping out these days - this guy is 20 y/o and still hasn't passed English 1A.

wowww... so many assholes out there on the forums...
its a shame
NSX_BOB said:
wowww... so many assholes out there on the forums...
its a shame

It's not that they are being assholes, it's just that this site is not your typical idiot forum dominated by teenage lingo, slang, and grammar. It is bothersome to read poor punctuation and grammar. The average education on this forum is quite high, so the demand for reasonable, and proper communication skills is also high.

I bet the average of all NSX owners on this forum is something of about 6 years of college education, or equivilent to a Master's Degree. Therefore, it is expected those who post on here will demonstrate good communication skills. Frankly, you are not doing so. As I posted earlier, if you post (and act) like a teenager, you will be treated and flamed for doing so.

That said, I am understanding of your car debate, so good luck...
Distance Runner said:
It's not that they are being assholes, it's just that this site is not your typical idiot forum dominated by teenage lingo, slang, and grammar. It is bothersome to read poor punctuation and grammar. The average education on this forum is quite high, so the demand for reasonable, and proper communication skills is also high.

I bet the average of all NSX owners on this forum is something of about 6 years of college education, or equivilent to a Master's Degree. Therefore, it is expected those who post on here will demonstrate good communication skills. Frankly, you are not doing so. As I posted earlier, if you post (and act) like a teenager, you will be treated and flamed for doing so.

That said, I am understanding of your car debate, so good luck...

fair enough
So do you go to school at night or are you a part time student? Since loan officers work during the day there is no way you could make $10k a month working part time. Unless your dad owns the company.

Since my spelling sucks i won't comment on yours. :smile:
Distance Runner said:
I bet the average of all NSX owners on this forum is something of about 6 years of college education, or equivilent to a Master's Degree.

Wow, an average education of a Master's is quite high. I remember reading an issue of forbes saying that Seattle, being the highest educated city in the whole America, has 1 out of 2 residents possessing at least a bachelor's degree, while San Jose being the highest paid and 2nd highest in education.

Claiming the prime has an average education of a Master's degree must means that there is quite a few doctors here, right?

edit: I remember driving to the University of BC one day pulling up right next to an identical black '91, all stock, who appears to be someone working in UBC, possibly the hospital, don't know if he is part of prime.