should I get a 91NSX W/85k miles... 04' s2k... 06' evo9 (not MR)

31 October 2006
So Cal
Thank God im lucky enough to go on a cruise this weekend and I get to take my mind off which car to get because its litterally giving me a headache

Soooo while im gone, can you guys help me decide which car I should get???

some backround info on me which mite help with insightly info...

im 20yr old guy that commutes to college about 4 or 5 miles...

I love driving... its one of my passions... even if im in traffic, as long as im in a car that i love(I know... im a wierdo haha)

I live with my family and probably will continue to live with them for a few more years till i graguate and get on my feet.

3 of my friends already have Evo9's errrrr

Noone I know has an NSX but it mite not be practicle for me

noone i know has an s2k either but at the same time i wan be able to keep up with my evo friends...


Thx for the help!
Cynical side in me says, get a car like below and learn the value of dollars first before throwing your parent's money away.


But otherwise, I'd say NSX. Why? Because you are asking on a NSX forum.
Mine's a 91 with 101K and I wouldn't trade her for the world. As far as I see it, she's just starting to get broke in.

Take a look at my gallery if ya' don't believe me:biggrin:
Maybe get one of each:biggrin:
NSX_BOB said:
Thank God im lucky enough to go on a cruise this weekend and I get to take my mind off which car to get because its litterally giving me a headache

Soooo while im gone, can you guys help me decide which car I should get???

some backround info on me which mite help with insightly info...

im 20yr old guy that commutes to college about 4 or 5 miles...

I love driving... its one of my passions... even if im in traffic, as long as im in a car that i love(I know... im a wierdo haha)

I live with my family and probably will continue to live with them for a few more years till i graguate and get on my feet.

3 of my friends already have Evo9's errrrr

Noone I know has an NSX but it mite not be practicle for me

noone i know has an s2k either but at the same time i wan be able to keep up with my evo friends...


Thx for the help!

Parking an NSX at school is generally not a good idea. It will definitely attract attention. It's the unwanted attention that you're going to have to worry about (vandalism, theft, etc.).
ak said:
Cynical side in me says, get a car like below and learn the value of dollars first before throwing your parent's money away.


But otherwise, I'd say NSX. Why? Because you are asking on a NSX forum.

LOLLL i make my own money buddy and let me tell you what my first car was.
92 mercury cugar:biggrin: and no my mommy and daddy didnt pay for that either. then i had a g35 and no my mommy and daddy dindt pay for that either. then i had a bmw z4.3.0 and nope they didnt pay for that either
Im independent beyond my time
The NSX ONLY if its not your only car. Get a beater car to be your driver and take the abuse a college car gets.
Beater car! Put the money you would have spent on the NSX or Evo into a Ameritrade or Etrade, etc every month... by the time you graduate you can then either buy a really nice NSX or have change to buy the Comptech SC and other go fast items.

You are 20! You may be independent, but you are not wise... ask any person over say 30 and they will give you the wisdom that only comes from hindsight. I know you WANT an NSX or Evo, but it is not the wise thing to do!

For the record... I am 37 and just bought my first over $50k nice car - 2000 NSX. Priorities - pay for college, pay off any/all debt, buy house, then get the nice car.

If you are living at home (ie you don't have your own house) then you need to graduate, buy a house and then decide which car you want. Just because your friends have nice cars doesn't mean they aren't idiots!

Start by learning about appreciating vs. depreciating assets. Until you have enough of the former, I'd skip the latter. If you're already there at 20, you've got enough sense to pick the right car yourself.
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CL65 Captain said:
Beater car! Put the money you would have spent on the NSX or Evo into a Ameritrade or Etrade, etc every month... by the time you graduate you can then either buy a really nice NSX or have change to buy the Comptech SC and other go fast items.

You are 20! You may be independent, but you are not wise... ask any person over say 30 and they will give you the wisdom that only comes from hindsight. I know you WANT an NSX or Evo, but it is not the wise thing to do!

For the record... I am 37 and just bought my first over $50k nice car - 2000 NSX. Priorities - pay for college, pay off any/all debt, buy house, then get the nice car.

If you are living at home (ie you don't have your own house) then you need to graduate, buy a house and then decide which car you want. Just because your friends have nice cars doesn't mean they aren't idiots!

what he said
NSX_BOB said:
LOLLL i make my own money buddy and let me tell you what my first car was.
92 mercury cugar:biggrin: and no my mommy and daddy didnt pay for that either. then i had a g35 and no my mommy and daddy dindt pay for that either. then i had a bmw z4.3.0 and nope they didnt pay for that either
Im independent beyond my time

How old are you? :confused:
NSX_BOB said:
LOLLL i make my own money buddy and let me tell you what my first car was.
92 mercury cugar:biggrin: and no my mommy and daddy didnt pay for that either. then i had a g35 and no my mommy and daddy dindt pay for that either. then i had a bmw z4.3.0 and nope they didnt pay for that either
Im independent beyond my time

and you're 20?!

share the knowledge my friend. I'm 22 and broke.

OH - my vote is a used S2000. One in the $15,000 range. The cheaper the better. Don't waste money yet.
Yeah, get something cheap first. Besides, you're only going to have a lot of haters at college riding around in the NSX.

Get a house first. THEN get an NSX.

If I can do can you! And trust me, I almost went for the NSX first, but I'm pretty sure I'll appreciate the house a little more than an NSX first. Oh, and I just turned 22. :D
NSX_BOB said:
LOLLL i make my own money buddy and let me tell you what my first car was.
92 mercury cugar:biggrin: and no my mommy and daddy didnt pay for that either. then i had a g35 and no my mommy and daddy dindt pay for that either. then i had a bmw z4.3.0 and nope they didnt pay for that either
Im independent beyond my time are you independent beyond your time if you still live at home?
I had friend in college that had a step van (I think it was an old Wonder Bread truck)... it had a mattress, a big tub for ice and a keg and a cutout trap door in the front floorboard where he could drop the bong when he got pulled over. :rolleyes: Great college car! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: BTW: The matrress got alot of use.... I never figured out how he got girls to bang him in "the van" but he did.... quanitity over quality.:biggrin: Now try and do that in an NSX! :biggrin:
If I were going to rattle off a list of cars that I purchased by myself; I probably wouldn't want to admit to the '92 Cougar.
Well I think you already received enough financial and fatherly advice so I won't repeat... but if you are going to make the decision, then get the car that will cost you the least over the time you will own it. The NSX has hit its low and won't depreciate much more, the S2K is second, and the EVO a far third. Get a piece of paper and figure out maintenance costs, insurance, depreciation, loan rates (used is higher than new), repairs, gas costs, etc.

Find out which will cost you the least over the next few years. My guess, is that it will probably be the S2K or the NSX. The S2K will still have some warranty and mainetenance will be a lot lower than on a higher milage NSX. But all that may not outweigh the depreciation which is almost zero on the NSX by now.

The Evo is a nice 4 seater, more practical... but it will lose more than the other cars over a couple of years... the NSX is the most exotic by far and I know its probably tugging at your heart strings, but its not the cheapest car to maintain should you have a problem. Be prepared. The S2K is a nice compromise, if you find a clean one under warranty it may be the most economical. And that's what you should have when you are in college.
When I was in college, I drove a 7 year old Toyota Camry (4 banger). I'm actually glad that's what I had since it had 4 doors (could carry friends) and also we did a lot of partying so there were quite a few throw ups that occurred in my car.

Unless you have 2 cars in college, there is no point in getting something nice. I loved that POS Camry since I didn't care what happened to it and it got me from point A to point B with almost zero cost in maintenance other than oil changes.
Just my $0.02