Scariest movie you've seen

I think it is pretty clear that as we age the movies lose thier shock/fright/disturb quotient.Of course other movie topics do improve as we age, like comedy,tradgedy/romance/oh and good porn!lol
American Werewolf in London. Hands down. I didn't sleep for a week and I STILL get the creeps when I see ANY movie related to werewolves.

Recently, SAW was scary because it's "real"... meaning it's stuff that could actually happen, unlike AWiL or any of the many vampire movies.

And another that freaked me out as a kid: The Fly
American Werewolf in London. Hands down. I didn't sleep for a week and I STILL get the creeps when I see ANY movie related to werewolves.

Good addition to the list. Werewolf movies still scare me too. I don't know what it is about werewolves...they are just plain scary.
Movies haven't really been able to scare me. Now there's a few video games that I can't play without someone there with me. Resident Evil 4 is one of those games. Playing that game at night, alone, with the lights off is pure torture.
HAHA. Same here, my aunt took me to see the first Alien movie and I wasn't even 5. I remember being terrified, I ought to thank that bitch!

I was 12 when I saw The Exorcist. That's the scariest movie I've ever seen to date, probably because of the way the movie was shot and the mood it projects. Very haunting and I love how every character is well developed and suffers the same because of the girl.

Right now, nothing in movies can scare me. There has not been one "horror" movie in the last 10 years or more that looked appealing to go and see. I'll give an honorable mention to "House of 1000 Corpses" but that was a slasher movie and I really don't see what's scary about seeing someone get chopped into bits...

"Scary" movies rely too much on two things these days:
- Overfilling movies with scenes that will get you to jump out of your seat, which is the oldest formula in the book. At this point it's ridiculous.
- Gore, blood and a seemingly indestructible psychopath. Scary blood huh?? I'd be scared if i've never had a nosebleed before. You've seen one, you've seen them all - Jason, Freddy, "Halloween" movies, "TX Chainsaw", "Saw" movies, "House of Wax". I didn't see that last one though :) but you get the point, right? A generic revolving plot.

I liked the first "Saw" because I felt it was well written and had great twists and mind games in it. But the sequels were just unnecessary!

Sorry about a long rant but Hollywood has been quite disappointing in the last few years!

If you want scary go rent The Eye (Hong Kong version -Chinese with English Sub titles) there is a new movie (copy) with Jessica Alba out next month.
1408 was pretty good, Its with John Cusack and Samual L. Jackson. Scary as hell. The Saw movies were pretty good, The Shining, and Alien all scared me pretty good.
If you want scary go rent The Eye (Hong Kong version -Chinese with English Sub titles) there is a new movie (copy) with Jessica Alba out next month.

I love Hong Kong cinema, as well as Japanese, dad used to watch lots of Asian made martial arts movies when I was a kid. I've been meaning to see that one. I doubt the Hollywood version will be any good though, especially since they threw Jessica Alba in the lead role.

Someone told me the original Japanese version of "One Missed Call" was pretty good. The Hollywood vesion is currently at 0% on Rotten Tomato!

Check out Versus. One of my favorite Japanese movies, it's gonna make you think you are on acid! :biggrin:
Anything with Nick Cage... the guy is the ultimate movie zombie... no facial emo.... and absolutely NO acting ability....

The last GOOD horror/suspense movie I saw was The Return of Dr Phibes... The world lost an amazing actor when Vincent Price died.

Hollywood seems to think horror = blood/special effects... not so, some of the scariest movies I have seen relied on scene setting and subtle build-up... Exactly what Hollyweird has forgotten how to do.

I balme Hollywood for the dumbing down of America and other countries stupid enough to buy into the hype...

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire... look at America now... bread and circuses anyone? Meanwhile, the leaders (industrial, not political) are selling your honour down the river...

If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire... look at America now... bread and circuses anyone? Meanwhile, the leaders (industrial, not political) are selling your honour down the river...

If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.

Hey! Some of us are trying to keep our heads in the sand over here!

And Signs was pretty good, btw.
The scariest movie I saw as a kid (which logically scared me because as kids were wusses) was "The Thing". I always thought it was a nice classic horror film.
Cujo.....scared the fvck out of me.

+1 !!!

My kids asked to get a St Bernard a few years back.
Ummmm... DONT. THINK. SO.

American Werewolf in London. Hands down. I didn't sleep for a week and I STILL get the creeps when I see ANY movie related to werewolves.

Might just be me but I actually found this movie funny. There were a few scarey scenes but the humor of the guys victims following him around telling him to kill himself seemed to even it out. :biggrin:
Might just be me but I actually found this movie funny. There were a few scarey scenes but the humor of the guys victims following him around telling him to kill himself seemed to even it out. :biggrin:

I couldnt elaborate for even 30 seconds on the plot, characters, or story line. I was maybe 5 when I saw it and it scared the be-jeez-us out of me. :eek:

I guess I could watch it again to see if I've been desensitized from it, but....
Uhhh... I'll pass. :biggrin:
I love Hong Kong cinema, as well as Japanese, dad used to watch lots of Asian made martial arts movies when I was a kid. I've been meaning to see that one. I doubt the Hollywood version will be any good though, especially since they threw Jessica Alba in the lead role.

Someone told me the original Japanese version of "One Missed Call" was pretty good. The Hollywood vesion is currently at 0% on Rotten Tomato!

Check out Versus. One of my favorite Japanese movies, it's gonna make you think you are on acid! :biggrin:

The Eye Trailer:

wow I just got goose bumps watching the trailer.

Hong Kong Original :
I'm not the biggest gore movie fan, but the scariest movie that I can remember seeing considering my age at the time (11) was Alien. I remember seeing it with my father while we were on vacation at Nantucket and we had to walk back to the marina at night. Holy $hit did that movie scare the fvck out of me!

I saw Alien a little younger at the movie theatre and it gave me nightmares until I was almost 20. Funny thing is Aliens , Alien 3&4 didn't scare me at all.

My wife and I watch scary movie all the time as it's really the only medium we can agree on.

Last movie that kinda got me was "Dead Mary". "Haunted" was a good one to a little old though. If it helps any of you Kate Beckinsale was nude in it.

Here's a list of classics for you light weights to check out if your brave enough!

1. In the mouth of Madness
2. Haunted
3. The Car ( Don't even mention Christine if you haven't seen this! )
4. Shining ( TV adaptation blows the crap out the movie )
5. Rest Stop
6. Children shouldn't play with dead things
7. 13 Ghosts
8. The Abandoned
9. Grave Dancers
10. Jeepers Creepers
11. Lair of the White worm
12. LifeForce
13. Phantoms
14. Hideaway
15. New DR Who episode called "blink"
16. White Noise
18. The Blob 1987 remake
19. Event Horizon
20. Prophecy ( 1979 )

There's more but I'll cut you guys some slack .. LOL
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I throw in Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2) and Ginger Snaps. They are newer movies, but well done.

The Hitcher circa 1987 hasn't been mentioned yet.

The slasher flick with the guy killing the sorority girls with the corded drill isn't very good, or scary.

Ko, How's life in the Panhandle? Are you looking to host a "Scary Movie Marathon" one weekend?

10. Jeepers Creepers

Jeepers Creepers and Fallen. Good additions to the list.

My wife and I have either Jeepers Creepers or Jeepers Creepers 2 playing in the background on the TV every Halloween. It's fun to pop back in to the family room between handing out candy and talking w/ neighboors to catch a glimpse of what's happening on the screen. Lights out, of course. :smile:
I couldnt elaborate for even 30 seconds on the plot, characters, or story line. I was maybe 5 when I saw it and it scared the be-jeez-us out of me. :eek:

I guess I could watch it again to see if I've been desensitized from it, but....
Uhhh... I'll pass. :biggrin:

Watch it again, there are parts that are funny.


The scariest movie I have seen is Monster, with Charlize Theron.

To see this beautiful woman transformed into that, well, monster, just scares the crap out of me.
To this day, I do not look at her the same way.
Fallen was very good, however I don't consider it scary.

In the Mouth of Madness.... I'm not brave enough to watch it, but I hear it's VERY good. One of my friends watched it from my recommendation, and he said it was very good also.

My GF said 13 Ghosts is quite scary, but I haven't seen it yet. Nor do I intend to, hahahah.

It's not a horror movie per say, but if you have a good imagination (I have one, which is terrible when watching horror movies) but The Cell is good.
I watched it, and stopped watching it, but my brother finished watching it. It's quite screwed up, JLo's acting is terrible, but it's artistic and violent. I think it was ahead of it's time in art direction.
To see this beautiful woman transformed into that, well, monster, just scares the crap out of me.

No kidding! It didn't scare me, per say... but about 15 minutes in I just forget that it is the same absolutely beautiful woman I've seen in so many other films. Watching the makeup footage of her is unreal.



Not for the pregnant woman to watch (which I did... duh): Rosemary's Baby

28 Days Later was spooky, not in a gross gouls and goblins way but the scenes of the empty city... oooohh. Creepy. One of those that makes me think about what it really would be like if everyone else disappeared.

Another 'it could happen' one is Seven. For some reason the movies that are actually possible... with psycho killers and weird viruses... those are the ones that freak me out.