San Antonio Monthly Coffee and Rides Meet

Anyone else going to C&R Saturday?
Any San Antonio NSXers planning on attending Nov. 27th C&C car meet? I will be coming in from Houston for the holiday break. I am seriously considering driving the NSX down as well for the meet.
Any particular place or designated area water delivery san antonio for fellow NSXers to park as a group?

They have cancelled (November's at least) Houston's Coffee and Cars meet due to being kicked out of the retail shopping strip. :mad: Supposely they are looking for a new sight.

It will be great to make this one though.

hell ya it'll be a lot of fun :smile:
I'm going to Coffee and Rides Saturday. Is anyone else?

For once in a million years I'm off on a Saturday that coincides with a C&R. So, in a nutshell, I'm planning on attending. This will be my first meet. What time do you get there? Is there a specific place where NSXs park?


Welcome. We usually try to get there by 7:30 am so we can all park together and eat breakfast at Penara Bread. It looks like it will be 4 of us. All red. I invited Demigod who has a white NSX but haven't heard from him. Just look for one of us and that's where we'll park.

Look forward to meeting you,

Thanks. All red, eh? Big surprise there. I'll try to make it for breakfast. I'm coming from Canyon Lake so it should be a pretty nice drive.


A whole hour, huh? :wink: I'm working 8-6 Saturday so I'm out. Maybe next month. Hopefully the weather will be better than last month's meet.
Will be there this Saturday. Looks like the weather should be better than last month.
From what I hear, Coffee and Cars at the Vinyards has been cancelled because of some inconsiderate driving by some attendees. Anyone looking for an alternate sight? Too bad to lose this, it was better than a lot of formal car shows I've been to. Most of the attendees understood proper public etiquette, but there's always a couple of guys with small brains and big egos that can't behave and give high performance cars a bad name in the publics view.
From what I hear, Coffee and Cars at the Vinyards has been cancelled because of some inconsiderate driving by some attendees. Anyone looking for an alternate sight? Too bad to lose this, it was better than a lot of formal car shows I've been to. Most of the attendees understood proper public etiquette, but there's always a couple of guys with small brains and big egos that can't behave and give high performance cars a bad name in the publics view.

Is this the 1604 and Blancho one? Bummer if true.
Well sadly all good things must come to an end.

I received a call from the manager at the Vineyards and she informed me that we cannot use their parking lot anymore. It seems a couple of idiots were "doing donuts, speeding through the lot and almost hit some children". Once again the few ruin it for the many.

At this point we have no other location and as of now there are no plans to find another location for Coffee and Rides.

Thank you to everyone who supported this event and a very special thank you to those who were with us since 2009.

Luis C.
Well...this really stinks. I know I could never make but one of these meets in a blue moon but's nice having the option. Perhaps this will motivate us NSX owners to do more on our own. As noted, Saturdays hardly ever work for me but I'm off every Sunday. Thoughts?