San Antonio Monthly Coffee and Rides Meet

I'm a new owner and I'll be there.

This Saturday at the new parking area.
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Any San Antonio NSXers planning on attending Nov. 27th C&C car meet? I will be coming in from Houston for the holiday break. I am seriously considering driving the NSX down as well for the meet.
Any particular place or designated area for fellow NSXers to park as a group?

They have cancelled (November's at least) Houston's Coffee and Cars meet due to being kicked out of the retail shopping strip. :mad: Supposely they are looking for a new sight.

It will be great to make this one though.

If you come down for the November C&C meet, let me know... I will bring out my NSX also..
I missed last months C&R. But will be at the C&R this Saturday. Is anyone else going? If so bring an unwrapped toy as the Marine's will be there collecting donations for Toy's for Tots.
Missed last month, but plan on being there this month.
I'm usually there between 7:30 and 8:00. I eat breakfast at Panera Bread though.
What time is everyone headed over, 4 reds so far.

1. Lostbuckeye
2. red-nsx
3. 95NSX13
4. Moses (Maybe)

I will be there, if the weather permits...looking like a 40-60% chance of rain..between 7am and 12pm. Hopefully it wont hit.

Moses, you wanna meet up if its clear?
If it's wet I won't be there. My car doesn't like rain err.. I don't like my car in the rain. The car doesn't really care. But, if the weatherman is wrong, we could meet in the appropriate lot or at Panera Bread then look for a place to park together.

Some of us were able to make it out and donate toys to the Marines for Toys for Tots.

We normally do not meet in December because of the Christmas and New Year's Holidays, this year the last Saturday falls on December 31st.
I received a Facebook post that Coffee & Rides is on for Sat. the 30th. The forecast for that day is sunny and 74. Is anyone else planning to go?

In my sailboat racing days, we always sailed on New Year's eve to end the year right and on New Year's day to start the next one right. I plan on keeping that tradition with my new hobbie.
If the weather is as nice as it is supposed to be, I will be there.
Ill be there, Anyone wanna meet up prior to going in? Austin/Dallas/Houston NSX'ers let me know if you wanna meet.

1. 95NSX13
2. Austin (91 NSX)
3. lostbuckeye
4. Chris (Black NSX)

Meeting red-nsx and possibly Moses at meet

Thats possibly 6.. Anyone else??

Meeting at 410 and Blanco, at 0745 at the citibank parking lot.
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1. 95NSX13
2. Austin (91 NSX)
3. lostbuckeye
4. Chris (Black NSX)
5. anomaly
WOW....i haven't had this much fun since nsxcraze earlier this year...zipping down I-35 with 12 MOPAR cars and an insanely fast supra at the crack of dawn was fun and it was great to see so many nsxs turn out (from SA - WTF AUSTIN!??), but honestly, the spirited drive to the lake house and having the opportunity to relax and get to know other members was the highlight of the day...Thank you for remembering us up north Brent, and thank you Austin for your hospitality at your beautiful lake house....Next time, ko-nsx and i will try to get more people to make the drive down :wink:

we'll keep you guys posted of any events in our to be posted soon, but for now, this bottle of vodka is beckoning :biggrin:
Hey guys thanks for coming to Coffee and Rides. Apparently someone complained about a few NSX drivers revving their engines and racing through the lot. I didn't see it or hear it but if it did happen all we ask is to please not do that stuff in the parking lot, we really don't want to get kicked out and have to find a new location for this meet up.
WOW....i haven't had this much fun since nsxcraze earlier this year...zipping down I-35 with 12 MOPAR cars and an insanely fast supra at the crack of dawn was fun and it was great to see so many nsxs turn out (from SA - WTF AUSTIN!??), but honestly, the spirited drive to the lake house and having the opportunity to relax and get to know other members was the highlight of the day...Thank you for remembering us up north Brent, and thank you Austin for your hospitality at your beautiful lake house....Next time, ko-nsx and i will try to get more people to make the drive down :wink:

we'll keep you guys posted of any events in our to be posted soon, but for now, this bottle of vodka is beckoning :biggrin:

what he said:smile: