Rant-who are these people??

18 July 2005
Selling a couple of cars on ebay....I get this email from a "potential" buyer for the Lexus.

Very interested in your car.
I have some questions about the car.

1) Are you are dialer or owner ?
2) Does the car have any mechanical difficulties?
3) How thick are the break pads in inches?
4) Is the tail pipe and muffler in good condition?
5) Has the timing belt been replaced?
6) Have any of the parts or upholstery been replaced?
7) What is the lowest you will sell the car for. I live Indianapolis, and if I come to see the car, I'd basically come to test drive once and if I like it, I'd take it.
8) Are you the first owner and if not, where did you get the car from?


Now....ignoring the multiple grammatical and spelling errors in that message I responded:

"I'm the owner...i'm not sure what a dialer is. The car has no known difficulties. Brake pads are brand new....don't know the thickness in inches. Tail pipe and muffler are in great condition. Timing belt has not been replaced. No upholstery has been replaced. Lowest price i'll sell for is $*****. I'm second owner...first owner was an older gentleman."

To which he/she responded

Could you please send me pic of the engine and close up dash. Is that car has cd changer ?
Do you have time to show me the car on Friday ? And what time ?
I have cash on hands. What will be cash price ?

Once again ignoring the atrocious grammar and spelling, not to mention the inexcusable ignorance I reply:

I really don't have time to take more pictures of the engine....it looks like every other es300 engine bay, but cleaner. As for the dash, I gave a very close up picture of the dash in the listing. Yes, the car has a CD changer, this is also noted in the ebay listing. I cannot show the car on Friday, but I can on Saturday afternoon. The price is the same figure I sent you this morning. I don't know why paying with "cash" would change the price, what were planning on paying with otherwise?

I'm just shocked at how uneducated people can come off as over email. I'm also irritated at how much time was wasted by this person by not fully reading the item description. This happens all the time. Just wanted to rant.

Rant over. Flame away.
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Maybe those people are of a different nationality and English is their second language. I had a guy who looked at my amigo and he only lived in the US for 5 months. He was originally from Japan. In any case, dialer = dealer. If you think that everyone needs to learn and speak english correctly to work/live in the US, try putting yourself in their shoes. What if you moved to a different country, like Japan, how hard would it be for you to speak, let alone write the language without any grammatical error? FWIW, I have no clue if your buyer is from another country, they might just be a redneck bumpkin with a 2nd grade education.
dainese51 said:
Maybe those people are of a different nationality and English is their second language. I had a guy who looked at my amigo and he only lived in the US for 5 months. He was originally from Japan. In any case, dialer = dealer. If you think that everyone needs to learn and speak english correctly to work/live in the US, try putting yourself in their shoes. What if you moved to a different country, like Japan, how hard would it be for you to speak, let alone write the language without any grammatical error? FWIW, I have no clue if your buyer is from another country, they might just be a redneck bumpkin with a 2nd grade education.

I'm not so irked about the awful grammar and spelling, but by the blatant disregard this person has demonstrated by not fully reading the listing to answer questions instead of needlessly bugging me. I make my descriptions very descriptive (imagine that) on purpose to avoid the need to answer a question every ten seconds.

And since we're getting political here, I DO think that people need to learn to speak and write in English if they are to live in this country. Hell, I live here and I know 3 languages. And if I were to move to a different country, I would make damn sure that I could speak and write the native tongue well enough to be understood.
Technology changes nothing. Before the internet one would put the ad in the paper. It could say "Black car, 50,000 miles" and the first 2 questions out of a callers mouth would be what color is it and how many miles.

You know how dumb the average person is? Well by definition, 50% of them are dumber than that.
SilverStone05 said:
And since we're getting political here, I DO think that people need to learn to speak and write in English if they are to live in this country. Hell, I live here and I know 3 languages.

Interesting but unless you live in a TeePee (ala American Indian) you have no right to tell people what they need or not need to speak. This country was formed and has prospered thru imigration . Regarding that email asking for information , the grammer was as good if not better than some on this board. :)

MiamieNeSeX said:
Interesting but unless you live in a TeePee (ala American Indian) you have no right to tell people what they need or not need to speak. This country was formed and has prospered thru imigration . Regarding that email asking for information , the grammer was as good if not better than some on this board. :)


And by this (and not to step on your toes) I'm guessing that you can't speak english well. Your misspelled words and poor grammar added to the fact that you can't spell your own name makes it apparent that you can't write it. :biggrin:

too much "grey goose?"
SilverStone05 said:
And by this (and not to step on your toes) I'm guessing that you can't speak english well. Your misspelled words and poor grammar added to the fact that you can't spell your own name makes it apparent that you can't write it. :biggrin:

I skipped spelling in school as I was still wet from rowing my raft over from Cuba so I went straight to making money. :)

SilverStone05 said:
I'm not so irked about the awful grammar and spelling, but by the blatant disregard this person has demonstrated by not fully reading the listing to answer questions instead of needlessly bugging me. I make my descriptions very descriptive (imagine that) on purpose to avoid the need to answer a question every ten seconds.
SilverStone - Speaking from experience, those types of requests come with the territory. If you don't like dealing with buyers that don't meet your personal expectations, you should have just traded the car in. :rolleyes:
MiamieNeSeX said:
I skipped spelling in school as I was still wet from rowing my raft over from Cuba so I went straight to making money. :)


Haha....you're a good sport. Nice car by the way.
I absolutely understand the need to vent, I've sold three cars in the past couple of years and each one was a huge pain in the arse! To me the most annoying question is "Whats the least you'll take for it?" Is this some new kind of negotiation technique I'm not aware of? You know the asking price so make an offer!! Gee, I don't know whats the most you'll pay for it? Alright, now you got me going on a rant :rolleyes:

Sometimes those guys are from different countries that are trying to scam other buyers. They ask for pictures that you haven't posted on the net, and use them in one of these "scam" e-bay ads or auto trader.......you know, "send me a deposite then I will ship the car".
Big_nate said:
I absolutely understand the need to vent, I've sold three cars in the past couple of years and each one was a huge pain in the arse! To me the most annoying question is "Whats the least you'll take for it?" Is this some new kind of negotiation technique I'm not aware of? You know the asking price so make an offer!! Gee, I don't know whats the most you'll pay for it? Alright, now you got me going on a rant :rolleyes:


They're making you do the negotiating for them. If you say the lowest you'll take is some figure below what you had originally quoted, it's like you've taken on the burden of offering a price that you think the buyer would be comfortable with contrary to a "normal" car price negotiation which is the other way around.
This is just a reverse Ebay scam, where they have no intention of ever even looking at your car, much less buying it, but they need more info so they can create their own fake ad featuring your car and hold a scam auction. Instead of trading e-mails with them, give them a contact phone number and tell them to call you directly with questions. That usually will cause them to seek out another sucker.
I loved Armando's post.

Also, when someone asks me what the least I will take is I give them the sale price. Then ask them what is the most they will pay? Seriously, everyone has a little give in their pricing, I tell them what I will take and if they can meet it we are all happy. If not, someone else buys the car.