Random NSX pictures that don't each deserve their own thread



Simon, it was great meeting you. Keep waiting, the right NSX will show up and you just got to be ready. I'm always down to check out the cars with you and hook you up with Honda parts. Sean and Mike, you guys should trade me your cars. LOL! I want 997 or NA2 so bad... I still need to drive Mikes car!!!
<a href="http://s586.photobucket.com/user/sublyminal7/media/NSX-IA_zps01a2efe0.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss301/sublyminal7/NSX-IA_zps01a2efe0.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo NSX-IA_zps01a2efe0.jpg"/></a>
Yep, I found it online while looking for something else. We should definitely go to the next one though bro!
Thanks everyone for the positive comments.

synth19, thanks a lot! your NSX has been an inspiration, but I've actually decided I want to go with 17" fronts and keep the 18" rears. I really am not a big fan of the spokes being completely different between 18" and 19" TE's.

I actually think you took this pic of my S2000 last year at Import Fest Toronto.


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Unveiling the Concept 2015 <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23AcuraNSX&src=hash">#AcuraNSX</a> Honda Acura NSX <a href="http://t.co/R0WFnjZ9zg">pic.twitter.com/R0WFnjZ9zg</a></p>— Skull & Wrenches (@SkullWrenches) <a href="https://twitter.com/SkullWrenches/statuses/402587537186623488">November 19, 2013</a></blockquote>
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