Random NSX pictures that don't each deserve their own thread

Someone contacted me for a high res pic of one of my shots. He made it into a 24" x 36" poster.


I would put that in a frame!!!
Someone contacted me for a high res pic of one of my shots. He made it into a 24" x 36" poster.


can you post that picture up? it is definitely wall paper material ( computer wall paper at least )
7 exposures, +6, +4, +2, 0, -2, -4, -6.

Thanks for the kudos. Some people hate HDR photos, some love it. It depends on the shot and how overdone it is. I have some clients who think this is amazing photography and some who think its digital art. It is kinda both!

What do you use for software? I have been using photomatix pro
7 exposures, +6, +4, +2, 0, -2, -4, -6.

Thanks for the kudos. Some people hate HDR photos, some love it. It depends on the shot and how overdone it is. I have some clients who think this is amazing photography and some who think its digital art. It is kinda both!

What do you use for software? I have been using photomatix pro
very cool! almost looks like a GT5 but better!
very cool! almost looks like a GT5 but better!

Thanks for the compliments - I have been tooling around with HDR for a few months now and it takes some tweaking to get it the way you want it. I think each HDR photographer has his own "style"... which is really just a bunch of settings that take a while to get just right. Once you find your niche I think you can get repeatable results.

Here is a side shot that I modified in photoshop a bit!

a few of us at the last show







IntegraXTR: Nice pics man - I love your black mirrors and black roof combo! Your license plate shows you are a true hardcore Honda NSX guy for sure :)

Did the Tiffany wheels guy do that himself or is that a decal? haha pretty cool

How about more pics of models instead of cars next time? jk
Hey Rick...thanks! Haha yah the senna and na1 play on words worked out lol

The Tiffany color was professionally done on the te37s...paint matched by using a Tiffany's bag. The lettering on it is vinyl.
To be different I guess. The nsx is a dick magnet so to offset it a little he added that haha. Should've seen the girls crowding around the car