Random NSX pictures that don't each deserve their own thread

Who says the NSX isn't a pussy wagon? šŸ˜
I took the Honda to NZ's largest Classic Car/Hot Rod Meet a few weeks back and they let us into the display area due to being a 'Classic Supercar'. I was surprised at the response from the crowd, we did get heckled when driving in by the local hot rod establishment but once we parked up between a Contach and a 911, we were swamped by young ladies wanting photos and to sit in the car of which I obliged. Now who said the NSX wasn't a pussy magnet!
Ran into the "biggest NSX fan in the world" the other day and said he was an aspiring car photographer and would love to do a shoot with his all time favorite car. How can I say no to the kid?:smile:

Here is a few rough drafts he sent me so far....


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^ Not bad!

BTW, tell him he needs his camera sensor cleaned :P Notice the dark dots in second picture.

Yeah, noticed it ... 19 yr old kid with a Nikon that he's had since he was 13:biggrin: not bad though....
Yeah, noticed it ... 19 yr old kid with a Nikon that he's had since he was 13:biggrin: not bad though....

Yes, like the composition of the 3rd one a lot.
Three of us made the trip to the Santa Fe, NM cars and coffee event this morning.


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This whole scrum of people was looking at my NSX and then this admittedly cool little JDM mini-mini van backed in and they all left me.:D http://techquarium.com/gallery2z/d/59674-2/DSC_9322.jpg

You know what? Nothing pisses me off more than when some a$$hole does everything they can, like opening doors and hoods on their crappy little "lowrider", to obstruct what was a beautiful shot of a van. :mad:

The nerve of some "enthusiasts"...

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