PS2 GAMES Cell shaded or Realistic

3 January 2003
I have a question that I want to ask all of you guys that play games. I work at a game company and we are working on a game obviously. I just want to know what you guys rather have in a game Cell Shaded which is a game that look like its 2D for example Jet Grind Radio or one realistic like for example Resident Evil .

cause I am trying to make a point at work cause personally I like it to look realistic. I would like to know what you guys like more.

[This message has been edited by VampNSX (edited 30 January 2003).]

[This message has been edited by VampNSX (edited 30 January 2003).]

[This message has been edited by VampNSX (edited 30 January 2003).]
I'd have to say it depends on the subject matter. A game that strives to be a realistic simulation of a real world environment like a football game just wouldn't work with a cel-shaded display engine. On the other hand, games like Sly Cooper and especially Robotech lend themselves very well to cel shader engines.

(I'm still waiting for Capcom's Auto Modellista. I'm a bit wary of a racing game being cel shaded, but I think with the influence of Initial-D, the buying public might go for it. I guess we'll have to see.)

1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
1992 SC400
2003 Chevy Suburban LT
well you have a point. Well lets say the game has lots of blood and is based on a movie I wish I could tell you the name of the movie the game is based on but I cant since the movie is not even out yet. But lets say it was THE MATRIX would you like to play that game in cel?
If it's a live action movie, then that's a definite "Negative". It shouldn't be using a cel shader. JMHO.

1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
1992 SC400
2003 Chevy Suburban LT
The "cel" versus "realistic" is a tough issue.

Many games are going "cel" purely as a tech gimmick...and not everyone is doing a good job with it.

On the other hand, even more games are aiming for the "realistic" look...which tends to make the majority of titles look similar and bland.

I tend to prefer games that push for a unique style in their presentation...with the exception of straight up simulations (Gran Turismo's appeal is how realistic the cars look and behave).

The MATRIX is an interesting example because it is a hyper-real live action flick with a look that is dripping with anime and comic book influences. Even the storyboards look straight out of a graphic novel. In other words, I could see a MATRIX type game go cel or long as the presentation is stylish, consistent, and thoughtfully directed.

'00 Acura NSX-T (red/black), '97 Honda Civic HX (black), '01 Lexus IS300 (black/black)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 30 January 2003).]
not being into 3D heavily for a couple years...but very into gaming...and having a close friend working at a gaming company... I would like to weight in.

I agree with Eric... he has a point about style. So why doesn't your company hire me, I'm tired of contributing to the building of ballistic missles
and I will make all the decisions for you as art director.

edit: Figured my idea was too good to make public

But yeah I agree with Eric...a unique style in line with the movie you are creating a game for would be perfect.

Personally I like cell shaded games...and in the doesn't matter. If the game is good it will be good regardless of look. If it sucks...all the fancy crap goes right out the window.

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 31 January 2003).]
Personally I like cell shaded games...and in the doesn't matter. If the game is good it will be good regardless of look.

I should add that I'm one of those guys who rarely likes games that don't look good. I don't care how well they play...if they look like crap, I won't buy them. Of course, if they play like crap, I won't buy them either.

I often say that Sly Cooper was my favorite cel shaded game last year...but it is not truly cel shaded. Either way, I haven't had a chance to play it yet...but it IS in my collection because I love its stylish presentation.

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 31 January 2003).]
Well like akira3d was saying if a Game look good you want to play it. In E3 for example the games that have the most people wanting to play are the ones that look realistic cause most of us don't want to be a Cute little Character we want to be a Bad Ass character like in GTA Vice city. Would and one have like Gran Turismo if it look cel and all cartoon like?
Hey VampNSX, i might be able to help... i'm IT but seriously into film/multimedia, and i'm a heavy gamer.

About your Matrix game; it would rock in both 3D and cell-shaded. (not just coz i'm neo
) For 3D, look at Max Payne... the environments were very realistic, and they storyline was too! (very important) For cell-shaded, you'd want an anime look & style (i think they making Matrix Anime called 'AniMatrix' or something like that). But the Matrix has a real-genre style about it which goes beyond its looks.

GTA3 was a good example of using cell-shading on titles & stuff. Drawings have the advantage of making violence look ok. (eg. a cartoon drug-user looks more acceptable than a photorealistic drug-user) Cell shading also stands out from the realistic looking games coz there aint so many ('Sam&Max' was a GREAT cell-shaded game). But then at the moment it might been seen as 'another GTA3' (not a bad thing looking at it's sales)

However, If you want something that sells... go realistic. go ultra-realistic. that's what I want. Most 'realistic' games these days disappoint me coz they fail to use lighting/shading projecting on characters & the environment... maps are mazes of unlockable doors & crates... weapons are not realistic or to scale (and their power is often toned down)... environments are not always FULLY interactive. Hopefully the next wave of games using the Unreal2 engine and DoomIII (if it ever materializes) will push in this direction.

ah man... my 2nd long post today... hope this helps u.

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 31 January 2003).]
I thought Dave Perry and Shiny were working on The Matrix game for Infogrames (who spent bucks to take Shiny away from Interplay).

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 04 February 2003).]
Originally posted by akira3d:
I thought Dave Perry and Shiny were working on The Matrix game for Infogrames (who spent bucks to take Shiny away from Interplay).

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 04 February 2003).]

I guess so. I was going to work at interplay way back like 2 years ago and that was what they were talking about. I never did fallow up on that.
Originally posted by NeoNSX:
nope... but i'm in the game...

thats cool

I am putting my car in the game i am working on but it will be Cel. I just wish that the publisher would stop pushing cel cause its not going to look good with this game. The reson they want Cel is cause they just think that it will mak eit sell more but evry one in the company thinks that the kind of movie this is will not go along with cel. who are you in the game?
Originally posted by VampNSX:
I am putting my car in the game i am working on but it will be Cel. I just wish that the publisher would stop pushing cel cause its not going to look good with this game. The reson they want Cel is cause they just think that it will mak eit sell more but evry one in the company thinks that the kind of movie this is will not go along with cel.

It's things like this that makes people leave the company and start their own... (i'm not suggesting you do this though

sad to hear the main motivation is to make money; not to make a superb game (which inherently makes money!)

Who are you in the [Matrix] game?

Take a look at my username... i'll give you three guesses.