power steering

Its a non-issue for me. If you have it, great ! If you don't, who cares! As long as your rolling when you turn, you don't really notice not having it. I have driven both. Lets put it this way, without it, you won't be at a dead stop and be cranking the wheel without using some muscle. What the heck, it helps keep you in shape.:smile: just like walking from the back of the parking lot to stay away from those dreaded door dings.:wink:
I just bough my 95 NSX and it feels like it does not have power steering when compared to my 92 Prelude with 4-wheel electronic steering. So, it is relative, depending on what you’re accustomed to!

However, I'm definitely going to have to pump iron to handle my NSX, particularly at speed.

i've driven both, but my preference is still 'no PS vs. PS'. it feels more raw like a real race car. PS feels very light, especially if it cuts off @35mph, taking corners doesnt feel as involved. less feed back vs. non PS.