Post a pic of your latest purchase

No, Primanti Brothers in Pittsburgh. I'm lucky that one is 3 blocks from me. Roast beef with fried egg once every two weeks...

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I looked up what a fat sandwich was. Wow, makes Primanti's sound like health food.

Ok enough non-NSX kidding around. I also just bought these for less than the cost of two cases of good beer. No NSX yet, so maybe I'll see if these fit on the Accord to replace the ones that the Pittsburgh winter road salt have chewed up. :)

Red Done.jpg
winter beater.... Red, of course! ;)
996 Turbo with GT2 kit?
Yup, the PO (it was one guy, its got 12k miles on it) took a Turbo and made it into a GT2 with the exception of keeping the 4wd - which is what makes it perfect as a winter car for me!!! (my wife said she hated my old A8 and I should get something else to drive in the winter - there were no constraints other than "get rid of that old A8!" ;) )