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21 October 2005
Home of the Free
Have to thank Peter for great service picking up the 02 rear valance again. He knew I was getting in town at 6am and was there at 6am to meet me at the shop and have me pick up the part so I can get on the road faster. Great service, good prices, good guy, good company. Can't beat that...
Update on this I am sorry to say DownForce is just like everyone else just to make a buck and make false promises....They are falling behind in all thier all operations and expect the customer to pay for it. Peter and his friend sold me a part with the vin number sprayed painted and scratched ( i wonder why:confused: :mad: Stolen???) They doubled thier price on me on the last second when I had the shipping guy allready their to pick it up and had me wait 3 weeks with so many calls to them with no call back. The girl gina or whatever that answers the phone always lies and says Peter is not there when he is. So I brought this up to her attention and told them I didn't appericiate this I am not sure why he would tell me all about his good friend and how cheap he will let go of this part in good condition since its just sitting there and now no answer on whats going on. Than the one available locally I was going to get goes sold waiting for him and his friend and one delay after another for weeks with no more options now for me I had to put up with thier little games for a month. Since they took me for a ride and I couldn't get off.
Peter wasnt even man enough to talk to me and tell me whats the delay and had Sam call me back. When I asked to speak to him about these changes that keep happening Sam told me Peter is not capable of handling his affiars and he need to do it for him so he will be handling all of peters affiars. He had me go through a third party who doesnt even works there, just helping him out, his name is Sam.
He even said to me this is not right Peter promised something and he needs to take care of it and he said he will talk to Peter. Sam himself said Peter business isn't doing well because he is not good at comunicating.

Sam kept telling me how Peter made a lot of promises to a lot of people he can't keep but he is there to help Peter and will try his best.
Everytime I called all of sudden Peter is running errands all day and never called me back for 3 weeks + and had me go through Sam the whole time who kept giving me the same run around. MIND YOU MY CAR IS IN THE SHOP WAITING ALL THIS TIME AND ME AND THE BODY SHOP ARE JUST TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO:mad:
SAm kept telling me the shop is going under they will be lucky if they stay open another month and he is sorry that Peter is incapable to do things he said he can. He said I am not the only one they are quite a few people in the same situation with Peter but offcourse those members are scared to bring up the name of vendor here incase they need them again. Not me if you are good I will priase you forever if not I will not forget ever. Fair is fair i spend too much money and time to deserve putting up with these types of deal.
11/13 First thing I did was praise him as I went all the way to LA to get the part from him and I thought he was a good guy trying to help me but just another big promise looking that came short
What it all comes down to is Peter/Down Force is not reliable as they are having issues which is not the customers problem. The customer service needs major improvements and they need to take in what they can finish whats on thier plate first, instead of filling up the plate when you are allready full.

To be honest I really think nsx and prime is going down hill maybe its all the young ones getting the car since its more affordable. But whatever it is it doesn't look good for old timers like me. I definetly not gonna think it is like it use to be where you can trust almost anyone on prime because we use to take care of each other. Anyway another lesson learned in life....
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Thats funny to target Porche and Ferrari now.... Last time I spoke to Peter and Sam (2 months ago) they said the business is going under and just barely surviving:confused: Just trying to make rent. Sam was telling me how Peter made all these promises to deliver and He (Sam) is there to help him through it because according to Sam, Peter isnt capable of doing it himself and needs help. And now Sam is the general manager and talking on new cars... Well goodluck hopefully it works out for you guys.....Sounds like things are turning for the better..good job Sam.
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Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Thats funny to target Porche and Ferrari now.... Last time I spoke to Peter and Sam (2 months ago) they said the business is going under and just barely surviving:confused: Just trying to make rent. Sam was telling me how Peter made all these promises to deliver and He (Sam) is there to help him through it because according to Sam, Peter isnt capable of doing it himself and needs help. And now Sam is the general manager and talking on new cars... Well goodluck hopefully it works out for you guys.....Sounds like things are turning for the better..good job Sam.

Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche


might not have been the best idea to tell everybody about it, but i'm sure he didn't mean any harm by it. (he didn't mean that it's funny that they are having trouble.)

i hope DF rebounds quickly. they are very good to us. hopefully this new stance in the business will help bring them back up.
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Thats funny to target Porche and Ferrari now.... Last time I spoke to Peter and Sam (2 months ago) they said the business is going under and just barely surviving:confused: Just trying to make rent. Sam was telling me how Peter made all these promises to deliver and He (Sam) is there to help him through it because according to Sam, Peter isnt capable of doing it himself and needs help. And now Sam is the general manager and talking on new cars... Well goodluck hopefully it works out for you guys.....Sounds like things are turning for the better..good job Sam.

might not have been the best idea to tell everybody about it, but i'm sure he didn't mean any harm by it. (he didn't mean that it's funny that they are having trouble.)

i hope DF rebounds quickly. they are very good to us. hopefully this new stance in the business will help bring them back up.

Mr Vance- Dude take a chill pill... I didn't mean any harm by it and I wasn't saying its funny that they are strugling financially, I thought it was weird that they are getting into new ventures when according to them they don't have a handle on whats allready on thier plate. Which is fair to disclose as I was affected by it so I have a right to talk about it. Did you read the rest of my Post I said "GOOD JOB SAM" for talking controll of the situation and moving the company to a new direction.
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Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Thats funny to target Porche and Ferrari now.... Last time I spoke to Peter and Sam (2 months ago) they said the business is going under and just barely surviving:confused: Just trying to make rent. Sam was telling me how Peter made all these promises to deliver and He (Sam) is there to help him through it because according to Sam, Peter isnt capable of doing it himself and needs help. And now Sam is the general manager and talking on new cars... Well goodluck hopefully it works out for you guys.....Sounds like things are turning for the better..good job Sam.

I think your choice of words might have been a little unprofessional..
Peter is a very capable person He is incredibly smart. As the only thing I meant was that his company was to big for himself or any single person to handle. And as a business move I think going from a market of estimated 7 thousand cars total in the us "NSX" to estimated 30 thousand cars sold in one year "Porche" will be a good market to chase. As for anyone that has ever ran a business its not to uncommon to go through hard times. I would not be here with Peter and DOWN FORCE if I did not see a huge opportunity.
thanks for your opinion as we know you meant no harm.
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Yeah I was just quoting you (Sam) and didn't see a reason to sugar coat it if its true. But eitherway Goodluck on your new venture............

Thats funny to target Porche and Ferrari now.... Last time I spoke to Peter and Sam (2 months ago) they said the business is going under and just barely surviving:confused: Just trying to make rent. Sam was telling me how Peter made all these promises to deliver and He (Sam) is there to help him through it because according to Sam, Peter isnt capable of doing it himself and needs help. And now Sam is the general manager and talking on new cars... Well goodluck hopefully it works out for you guys.....Sounds like things are turning for the better..good job Sam.
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Mr Vance- Dude take a chill pill... I didn't mean any harm by it and I wasn't saying its funny that they are strugling financially, I thought it was weird that they are getting into new ventures when according to them they don't have a handle on whats allready on thier plate. Which is fair to disclose as I was affected by it so I have a right to talk about it. Did you read the rest of my Post I said "GOOD JOB SAM" for talking controll of the situation and moving the company to a new direction.

Chill pill? Now I know what kind of idiot you are. THAT'S BRILLIANT! Not only you didn't offer an apology to DF for making that stupid statement, but now you are showing your sarcasm towards me because you have no professionalism.

And what does Sam has to do with Peter and DF? Sam is a employee, currently the customer service of DF, but he does NOT represent everything about DF (No offense to Sam). DF has over 8 plus people in the company and Peter is trying very hard to make a company operating properly. THEREFORE, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK IT WAS SAM'S DECISION TO MOVE Downforce INTO A DIFFERENT DIRECTION? ARE YOU MAKING SHIT UP AS YOU GO? :mad:

Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Thats funny to target Porche and Ferrari now.... Last time I spoke to Peter and Sam (2 months ago) they said the business is going under and just barely surviving:confused: Just trying to make rent. Sam was telling me how Peter made all these promises to deliver and He (Sam) is there to help him through it because according to Sam, Peter isnt capable of doing it himself and needs help. And now Sam is the general manager and talking on new cars... Well goodluck hopefully it works out for you guys.....Sounds like things are turning for the better..good job Sam.

I am going to guess you are Sonny and this is very disheartening to me after reading your comments. When your car got rear ended I have done what I can to help you out. I even sold you my parts below what you were asking for; just to help you personally as a NSX owner to another. The end result is that I got screwed over by you. I hope you know that I didn't make a dime on the rear frame that I picked up for you; so that chargeback you pulled on me end up costing me.

I guess the worse part of this is that I wasted my limited amount of time that I get to spend with my family on the weekend. I practically wasted my entire Saturday getting that part for you. If you don't like the part why don't you return it and you can get a refund, why do you pull such a dirty tactic? If you can't use it return it! Now you go further to mock me and my business.
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Vance- You area joke, your life is your car and that all you have to show for it, so excuse me if I don't bother to listen to your rambling. You post picks of girls you know like you are actually going out with them SO LAME.
You always get your panites in a bunch when down force is brought up. You talk like a big man do you walk the walk??? I will see when I see you I ll come by your hooka shop in 3 weeks you can tell me all about it.

I got ripped off by Peter for more than $500 so I have all the right to say it how it is. Peter is incapable of customer service and shouldn't make false promises. He and his friend sold me a stolen ( then vin was sctrached off) used part and than when the shipping guy came to pick it up they raised the price from
$350 no shipping included to $500- 750 and than made me pay the shipping guy since he couldn't pick it up because I refused to pay the extra cost for without a reason.
Peter was such a pu$$y that after he raised the price without any reason he for the next 3 weeks never got on the phone and had Sam deal with me the whole time. Mind you my car is been in the shop waiting for this one part and I allready missed out on the local one for sale. kept asking "wont it be easier if I deal with Peter who I began the deal with?' I was told Peter is so busy he spent the night at work and now chasing down parts. I was told this for a week and I gave up on Peter and started dealing with Sam. At that time I asked Sam whats Peter's problem and why is he playing these games? He said Peter is hiding out because he made alot of promises to a lot of people and is trying to stay upfloat and keep the shop open. He said Peter can't make anymore decisions and that HE will make the decisions for Peter till his business is back on its feet. He said Peter is incapable of making the right decisions so Sam would have to make those decisions for Peter. So the price raise is because Peter cant do anythign anymore if its not making him a big profit. I was like WTF:confused: I explained I spent a lot of money with Peter and he told me himself its not a problem and I told him I would pay him $100. At this point I would pay twice as much just not to deal with DF any further but I had no other place to get it and I MADE A MISTAKE LETTING PETER KNOW THIS because since that day he is been playing these keep raising the price game.

Can you imagine that you go to LA to pick up some parts and go by DownForce meet Peter in person ( I thought he was a good guy at first meet I even posted in the buyer seller experience about it title saying Peter/DownForce Excelent Service and thanked him for finding the part I needed on the same day)
I picked up my second set of 02 rear end and wanted to buy a used part in his shop. He told me his friend has one laying around he would let go for cheap. I told him I still have to go pick up the 02 Type R hoood and than I can pick it up from his friend place before I drive back to Northern Cali. He said it would be like $350 since he has no use for it and its been laying around in his garage for years. (it was cheaper because its stolen the vin was scrached off I ws not aware of that)
I said thats a better price than back home I can pay you for it right now. Peter said he would call me so I can come back and pick up the part before I go back to the Bay Area. At this point I am think great this guy Peter is so helpfull and I have to let everone know about it so on my cell phone I go online and thankhim in the buyer and seller section for selling me the 02 rear end and the other frame type part I needed. From that day on Peter kept saying he will go pick it up and ship it to me ( because I told him earlier I would pay him his cut $100 for just getting it for me and shipping it, I would pay shipping also ofcourse) Damn weeks go by and he still haven't picked it up yet. So I patiently wait as my first impression of him was good so I had no reason to doubt him. 3 weeks go by and I havent got a hold of him because the girl that works there keeps saying he isnt there when I can hear him whispering to her what to say. So I call and leave a message for him saying that I thought he was a good guy but I don't understand whats going on its been weeks I lost out on the local seller and I need that part to complete my install and that all this time my car is been in the shop waiting for this sinngle part so they can do the rest. I had Sam call me back and took care of the situation and another weeks that took. Sam finally did get me the part weeks later but not before raising the price on me at the last second 2-3 times I ended up paying $1000 for something I ws told would be $350 than $500 than $750 shipped to all the way to $1000. AND ALL THIS TIME I NEVER SPOKE TO PETER BUT KEPT GETTING HIS DECISIONS THROUGH SAM. Do you know how difficult it is when something wierd is happening and only person who knows whats going on is such a pu$$y that he has to go through a third person and after I asked again and agian to speak to him to see what changed since we spoke last No luck. So I HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY PETER IS JUST AS HIS EMPLOYEE'S SAY HE IS INCAPABLE OF RUNNIG HIS OWN BUSINESS AND NEEDS OTHERS TO STEP IN. Isn't that how you came into the picture?
Like I said let this online crap die and I will be there in Orange County and DF also at your hookah place and we can discuss the rest than.

NOTE- I still have to say thanks to Sam even though it was not great dealing with him in this messed up situation he was honest and did call me back and I couldn't ask more of him. SO Like I said before Vance made a big deal about it. Its great to see Sam has taken controll and the company is heading in the rightdirection. I don't wish anything bad on anyone no matter how much I like or don't like them. I just take life in as it goes and sometime I am too honest but I feel its necessary to be that way..
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Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

I am going to guess you are Sonny and this is very disheartening to me after reading your comments. When your car got rear ended I have done what I can to help you out. I even sold you my parts below what you were asking for; just to help you personally as a NSX owner to another. The end result is that I got screwed over by you. I hope you know that I didn't make a dime on the rear frame that I picked up for you; so that chargeback you pulled on me end up costing me.

I guess the worse part of this is that I wasted my limited amount of time that I get to spend with my family on the weekend. I practically wasted my entire Saturday getting that part for you. If you don't like the part why don't you return it and you can get a refund, why do you pull such a dirty tactic? If you can't use it return it! Now you go further to mock me and my business.

I am going to stay out of this one but I have to say one thing. That sucks he did that to you. Don't let one a-hole limit the chance of you doing something helpful in the future.
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

If the item is stolen please report to the police. Otherwise return the item and get your money back. This rear frame is not mine and I pay in full for it. I have all emails corresponding to this transaction along with photos before you picked up the item.

Please explain how I ripped you off by $500. The guy didn't even want to sell you his frame after dealing with you. You twisted his words and numbers around and after he refused to sell the frame to you, you started calling my business 2-3 times a day harassing Sam or Gianina. Remember this whole transaction was done as a favor to you. So how in the world did I rip you off? You filed a charge back on me for the item that I already paid in full. You agreed to pay for the item. If you don't want it, please return it so I can get my money back, and you can get your money back.

If the frame is stolen as you said then report it to the police, you have the seller's phone number go ahead and report him.

The more you write on here the more your true character will show, so I suggest you to resolve this and tell the truth.

Please resolve this now..... return the frame that you are unhappy with and get your money back.
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

I am going to stay out of this one but I have to say one thing. That sucks he did that to you. Don't let one a-hole limit the chance of you doing something helpful in the future.

You should read the whole story first before you start to make judgements on me. The reason the credit card company gave me some of the money back is because I PROVED MY CASE WITH EVIDENCE they don't just do it because they feel like it. I sent them all the emails and text messages and the Credit card company made thier descision. I still lost out on $250 even after the decsion in my favor... But that doesn't matter right? Only thing matter here is kissing the vendors a$$.

WOW what a HONOR I get to speak to Peter himself..
Hello Peter can you answer a few questions why couldn't you handle this situation your self?
Did I do something that I don't deserve a call back at all for weeks? Actually you never called me back at all it was SAM.
I have no way of getting hold of your friend and don't even know if he exists.
Its could be stolen I because the numbers are sctrached off. I wish I can return it to you but I lost out on the local one for sale because of you. You told me not to worry its a for sure thing. I cant keep my car on the operating table for a year just so you can go back and forth. I wish I never meet you my car would be in my hands months ago. My car is still in the shop because you put me behind 2 months and now the body shop wants to take thier time as they think I took my time getting the parts to them.
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Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

You should read the whole story first before you start to make judgements on me. The reason the credit card company gave me some of the money back is because I PROVED MY CASE WITH EVIDENCE they don't just do it because they feel like it. I sent them all the emails and text messages and the Credit card company made thier descision. I still lost out on $250 even after the decsion in my favor... But that doesn't matter right? Only thing matter here is kissing the vendors a$$.

WOW what a HONOR I get to speak to Peter himself..
Hello Peter can you answer a few questions why couldn't you handle this situation your self?
Did I do something that I don't deserve a call back at all for weeks? Actually you never called me back at all it was SAM.
I have no way of getting hold of your friend and don't even know if he exists.
Its could be stolen I because the numbers are sctrached off. I wish I can return it to you but I lost out on the local one for sale because of you. You told me not to worry its a for sure thing. I cant keep my car on the operating table for a year just so you can go back and forth. I wish I never meet you my car would be in my hands months ago. My car is still in the shop because you put me behind 2 months and now the body shop wants to take thier time as they think I took my time getting the parts to them.
Sonny after all the of the time you waisted for DF and you begged and pleaded quote "sam please please do whatever you can I will pay what ever you want I"ll pay 1,500.00 I really need that part" I even had you on speaker phone so Gianina could hear you speak to have proof of my conversation with you. In a professional manner I would like to tell you that you are a devious malicious human being I knew I should have not done any business with you
I honest to God spent more than 5 hours dealing with you instead of concentrating on our real customers. at this point Sonny I am suggesting to watch your words and stop filling this thread with your childish comments or I will make this a legal matter you have been officially warned.I will be making a call to you right now.
There are a lot of business owners here on Prime and you can't fool them because no matter how ridiculous the claim the credit card company will always allow a charge back and hold the funds. This settlement is still under investigation and yet you write down that the credit ruled in your favor?

Please get to the point. If you are not satisfied please return everything you bought for a full refund. Why don't you just give back the items if you got so screwed? The truth is because you twist all the words around. Why complain? I'm offering full money back please give back the items you purchased. Please respond to this request.

Also if the item is stolen I urge you to call the police. If you do not, I just might do it for you. I do not want to be labeled as someone that sells stolen property.
I would have said nothing but Big Bad Vance wants to call people names. Well over the internet is not worth a penny but I did give him an option to do it in person. All I said before was thanking Sam for stepping up and taking control ohterwise I would still be figuring out what to do with the part I need,
Did I like the outcome? NO
Was it better than Peter and no contact with him ? YES
(lot of other have the same problem with Peter but don't post about it, some have but most don't)
Would I shop with Peter and DF again? NO
If Sam had a product for sale would I purchase it? YES
Do I think Vance should mind his own business? YES
Do I have anythign else to say in this matter? NO
The circus is leaving town Sorry you missed the show..............
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Sonny after all the of the time you waisted for DF and you begged and pleaded quote "sam please please do whatever you can I will pay what ever you want I"ll pay 1,500.00 I really need that part" I even had you on speaker phone so Gianina could hear you speak to have proof of my conversation with you

Thanks for providing proof that you were working me for more and more money and having a laugh at my expense. Why would Gianina have to listen in?
Please tell me again why did I start of at $350 and ended up paying $1000? ALso while you are at it why did the price go up ?? Also why was I talking to you Sam and Not Peter??
Peter said the case was closed not me I am still out of $500 because of your guys lies. Actually don't answer my questions as you said this is a open case so lets let it close first......
As Peter stated, just return the friggin' parts and get a full refund as he offered. If you truly feel bad about the transaction, why even bother putting parts on that have "bad carma". Both sides have lost time in the transaction so time to move on.

A PM from YayNSX (Sonny)
yaynsx said:
Send me your HOOkah shop address so you can personally tell me how you feel this online shit is bullshit and you have called me some names and i would like to show you how I feel about it. I bet you wont meet me how a a $100 for you just for showing up and plus you can call the cops on me like I know you will but remember I have lots of family and friends from long beach to orange county and I come back atleast a few times a year....SEE YOU SOON we lll see who is the idiot.......
My number is 650-888-8074 incase you were going to be in my area before I am in yours

You are not only now threatening me, but creating more lies, and making more false assumptions?

I'm not closely associate with DF, but I am Peter's friend. We have co-developed some products for the NSX community - For my own benefit and others.

You on the on the other hand, not only scammed others, but after the scam, you tried to hurt their business by making unwelcome comments.

After it is made public, not only you are making up additional lies, but you continue tried to hurt the same group of people further.

I'm a firm believer of Karma, and I follow my heart - To make sure I benefit from others, they will get the same in return, and vise versa.

Consequence of your action is waiting for you. It will just be a matter of time before you get it.

Looking into your own heart and seek an honest answer - Do you honest believe have bad deeds you have done can be hidden under the carpet?
Re: downforce to target ferrari and porsche

Thanks for providing proof that you were working me for more and more money and having a laugh at my expense. Why would Gianina have to listen in?
Please tell me again why did I start of at $350 and ended up paying $1000? ALso while you are at it why did the price go up ?? Also why was I talking to you Sam and Not Peter??
Peter said the case was closed not me I am still out of $500 because of your guys lies. Actually don't answer my questions as you said this is a open case so lets let it close first......

Sonny I am done waisting my time with you like always.. I tried talking to you on the phone and you said you were busy. and would call me back. You did not call me back... Like Peter told you we will refund you your money give us that part back. This will be last time I respond to this thread. Again if you think you are mature enough call me you know my cell and in case you deleted it here it is again 714-931-5810.
When will you understand that this is not my item?!?! The original owner of this item didn't even want to deal with you because you are grinding him over $100.00 before the deal went south. Sometimes there is a thing called principle and money can't buy persuasion.

The owner wanted at least $1500 originally. You were hoping to find one for $350. How did you arrive to the point where the sale price was $350?

After the rear frame was picked up, you never made a phone call to complain. Instead you waited for 30 days before filing a chargeback. You are here complaining about this deal and yet you won't refund your purchase. I don't understand. Why is it on the chargeback you only filed for $250? Was it because you only plan on paying $750 for the part in the very beginning?

I'm going to inquire with the police department today about the alleged stolen car frame that you had purchased. Since this is not my part I don't want the liability of selling anything stolen. This deal is all wrong and I should have listened to the seller about this.

Here is an email that I wrote to you on 11/14/2007
Bad news it looks like he wants at least $1000 for it. I am negotiating for it at $500 because I don’t think he will get consider $350 for it. I will have an answer for you tomorrow.



Email to you on 12/4/2007
Sonny this is all I know, you had gotten into an accident and needed are replacement rear valance. You were asking for $425 but I gave it to you for $390. You needed a rear frame I knew of someone that had a frame which you might be able to get it for cheap. I believe I mentioned that he wanted $1000 or $1500 but that I would try to talk him down for you. Then after that you can handle everything and told you maybe you can knock him down as much as you can. I got him to agree on $750 I believe. Shipping I was estimating that if I freighted it would cost me $100 my cost which I can give to you. This is with me working for free which I don’t mind to help you out. I even agreed to pick up the part from San Diego which I had to lose 3 hours of my time with my family. I only see my wife and children on Sunday out of the entire week and they are only up 16 hours in a day. I lost a lot of time with my kids to pickup that piece for you and that guy had to spend his weekend digging it out for you.

All I know is he is pissed off because he wanted $750 for the part and was going to do $850 shipped because I was going to do the shipping at my cost or even at a loss. The truth is shipping this part might cost me up to $200 but even if it did I was going to take a loss to help you out.

Since he doesn’t want to sell you the part because he thinks you are going to start giving him trouble later on that he just rather not deal with you. As for me, it’s not in my power to tell him what to do. This is something you need to work out with him.

I m calling you right now. You were on the phone with me for good 10 mins yesterday and you saw how busy I was i had to take calls back to back on the other phone and would have had you waiting for ever. You saw that I was trying to talk to you as I was doing my work at the same time and you called my private so I didn't have your number and didn't want to call DF and Peter and ask for you as I asked you to call me back in a few hours. But no worries I will call you now. Again I would love to throw this stupid part back on Peter face but like I explained to you months ago Peter made me miss out on the one locally here so I HAD to buy the one from you. Otherwise why would I? I even told you that when I bought it from you, I told you Peter is a scammer for the shit he is pulling on me, I asked you repeatedly why Peter is being this way correct? I asked you again and again what the hell is going on weeks and weeks are going by and I am don't have the main and only part I need to get my car back together correct? This whole time I was asking you the part is allready at downforce just ready to be picked up. But Peter changed his mind and doesn't want to sell it anymore, and I ASKED YOU WHY??? You said you don't know and thats when you agreed with me PETER is being un professional DIDNT YOU???? Thats when you said you would talk to him because he is being childish REMEMBER?? I do my wife was right next to me seeing me so upset :mad: because Peter was playing games and I kept asking you why on the phone like an idiot. I told her that day and I knew why after I hung up the phone. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Thats why and I was right because as soon as you got more $$$$$$$ guess what my part was here the next day. But no one ever brought up more$$$$$$. Just was reeling me in like a dumbass fish with bait. You said yourself Sam this whoel thing was bull and not right as you can tell from my voice I had no idea why PETER is being like that when I am in a bind that he put me in. Isn't that why you spent all those hours on the phone with me??????? Otherwise you guys would just said NO and not called me back like Peter does with all the other people he is ducking. Anyway I m done with this, nothing else to say in my end unless you have some answers to the questions above. Which I doubt you will.
Now its painted, cut up and on the car and 3 days from fully being complete so obviously returning isnt a option. Don't act like you lost out on anything either I still paid you guys the full $1000 not including shipping I had my own person pick it up. If the judegement goes my way I get back all the extra money you guys charged me for no reason as I have emails and texts showing how much we orginally agreed on. If not you guys come up on extra $500 of mine which will bring more than $5000 of badluck for screwing me over.
Why did you file a charge back of only $250?
Why not $1000?
Why did you even agree to purchase the frame from the beginning if you didn't like the price?
Why do you still think this is my part?
Who on Earth will sell a rear frame for $350?
If the part is stolen why did you purchase it?
Is there any NSX Vendor that can vouch for your honest character?

Nothing is making any logical sense. You keep complaining about being ripped off you have the phone number to the owner of the part and if you didn't like it, then don't buy it. Instead you bought it with the intent of filing a chargeback which is purely unethical. Here it is in bold for you. THE OWNER DIDN'T WANT TO SELL YOU ANYTHING! I did the deal for you as a favor. When you first sent your carrier to pickup the frame the price is suppose to be $750, and you somehow figured out it was $650. I don't know how many hours you spend talking this deal over with him, but you had pissed him off so much that he DIDN'T WANT TO DEAL WITH YOU PERIOD! There is nothing in my power to sell you a part that didn't belong to me, instead I purchased the part for you, so I can complete the deal for you. You know Sam had to waste how many hours with you? All of this is costing me productivity and money.

Please provide me your address.
How did you pay in full if you filed a charge back? I don't know how many hours I wasted of my time to do this deal for you. At the end I am the one who lost out. Why did you want to deal with me so bad? I have your emails pleading to me to make the deal happen for you.

You are here attacking me, when I'm the one who gave you all the breaks. Sam was telling me to not deal with you. The owner of the part told me not to deal with you. I'm the one who gave you a discount on my parts to help you out. I'm not out here to make money on you. You asked for my part and I sold it to you for cheaper then what you were asking for. If I was desperate for money why would I do that? If you have any complaints go deal with the owner of the part. His price his product. Still need your address. If you don't provide it I will find out myself.