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Why did you file a charge back of only $250?
Because thats all I can show proof for is $250 I wanted you to still get your $100 and Sam his $50 because I keep MY WORD unlike YOU
Why not $1000?
Because I owe you guys $500 so why would I do a charge back for the whole $1000?
Why did you even agree to purchase the frame from the beginning if you didn't like the price? I didn't agree to anything except the first price YOU gave me and I NEVER GOT TO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN after that WHY?????
Than when the part locally is sold and I tell you guys about it next thing you know I can't speak to you and now the price went up WHY?
Why do you still think this is my part?
Who on Earth will sell a rear frame for $350?
So you are telling me you Never Mentioned or said that price when I first meet you that morning ???????
If the part is stolen why did you purchase it?
I said its probably stolen according to my body shop guy. I never even saw it yet he recieved it and said the vin number was scratched off and painted over.
Is there any NSX Vendor that can vouch for your honest character?
Should be plenty I spent loads of money at SOS and with you guys and only had a problem with SOS's install of my nitrous kit. I always said that I wouldn't get work done there again but would buy parts from them as that what they do best. I allready said before NSX vendors are just like all other car vendors all for the money and full of it Sh!t. I spent way over $10,000 on my car in 2 years and I had 1 problem with 1 install and I got my other parts from you guys also on time but this ONE time. But I don't need to get screwed over more than once to learn my lesson. So don't piss down my back and tell me its raining.
I would recommend you to get a mental health evaluation. Facts are facts, stop twisting stories around. You were provided pictures of the product before purchase. The purchase payment request states no refunds, as is, final sale. As a respect to your privacy I will not post your emails to me. Understand that you agreed to the purchase under these terms.

There are other Prime members that think you are pretty nutty. I will be calling the police department in your district about the alleged stolen frame that you have purchased from me.

I always welcome critisms because it only allows me to try to improve my service or at least try to. If I ever screwed anyone over I have a moral obligation to make it right. I don't appreciate slander on my name.

Good day to you. I'm am through with this thread.

I didnt pay you through paypal I never even got that. What is that suppose to prove? Eitherway Read Above all my posts ARE TRUE I have no reason to lie can you answering any of my questions above like I did of yours?

LOL. So you wont answer ANY OF MY QUESTIONS ABOVE even though I answered all yours above. What a suprise....
What the hell is this picture above ? All that is a payment request any one could send that to anyone that doesn't mean anything so I don't know why you posted it?? Peter there alot of prime member you pulled unneccesary delays on and lot of other members you made false promises to. Ask Sam he kept telling me this same quote again and again when I kept reminding of your promises to me. I don't care what others think; I know and you know the truth, rest of them will take sides with people that can benefit them so I don't care about others.
I don't come online to make friends I live in the real world not internet eworld. Eitherway you got have people like me here on prime to tell
it how it is NO MATTER WHAT and not scared of things as keeping friends with some online person that has ripped you off. I am sure this will help atleast a few people out; knowing your not capable of doing your job and make false promises and when its time to put up or shut up, you hide behind your employees and keep saying the same line " we are struggling to stay open, I am here all nite and don't see my family, I m running around all day to get these parts shipped out"
Guess what Peter those are your problems not your customers and WHat the hell do you do at night time anyway at work? Anyway I don't care what you do as I know all I need to know you can't do your job even if you were there 24-7. This is per your own employees so either answer my questions above posts or shut up.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

I know Sonny in real life, I worked on his car and actually spent a weekend getting to know him when we worked togeather on his NSX. In life Sonny is a very laid back, easy to talk to and go lucky guy. I know for a fact that he has had some bad experiences and since he is so easy going, I think sometimes people take advantage of his kind nature.

I can understand from his point of view that not understanding the way the forum works can be frustrating esp. when someone has a message they would like to get through urgently.

I learned a long time ago that if someone wronged you, the best thing you can do is forgive and forget.

Warmest regards to everyone and best of wishes.


Rob, it is a nice thing that you stand up for Sonny, however, the whole situation with me and Sonny started with an eventful transaction he had with Downforce few months back.

At Sonny's request, Peter hunt down an entire rear end of an NSX because Sonny's car needed an entire rear end chassis rebuilt. After seeing Peter spend a whole weekend driving a round trip of 300 miles to pick the rear frame for him as a good well gesture for some one in the NSX community (which almost broke his back), Sonny decided to dispute the purchasing price after Peter notified him the rear frame is at DF shop. Let's keep in mind that, according to Peter, Sonny agreed to pay $1500 for the rear frame to the seller in San Diego, Peter is just a middle man who is doing for FREE. So out of Peter good heart, he helped to negotiate the price down for Sonny. After the seller agreed to a lower selling price, Sonny did his usual negotiating by further lowballing the deal. The seller was furious and cancelled the transaction based on the principle of the matter. When Peter notified Sonny seller’s decision, Sonny decided to call DF multiple times a per day, for weeks. Peter got so tired of dealing with the situation as a middle man and decided to pay for the frame out of his pocket and let Sonny have his deal, to at least stop the phone call. When it’s time for Sonny to pay for the frame, he Paypaled Peter without the Paypal fees, which by that point, Peter was in negatives with a transaction that not only cause him plenty of head aches, lost of time, and gas money, but he was glad that the transaction was over, and life goes on. Shortly after Sonny picked up the frame, he did a Paypal charge back. Therefore, not only Peter lost time, money and energy trying to help him, now Sonny wants the frame for free!!! I don’t know how any one view and judge the situation, but I’m a close friend of Peter and I don’t like to see any of my friends to get ripped.

There is a huge moral issue. You cannot rob a person blind; it does not work that way, at least in our society. And last month, Sonny purposely made an public comment about “Downforce is doing so bad that they are about to go out of Business” for no apparent reason; considering the fact that what they have gone through just to deal with Sonny, no one can expect any business to survive if they spend most of the time dealing with people like that.

Sonny confronted me because I questioned his motive by making those comments about DF, he responded by calling me names, making up lies about me, make fun of me, and went as far as threatening me by telling me that he found out the location of my business and he will be there to teach me a lesson or two. This person is without a doubt, shameless and without reasoning. Any one with a right mind can see right through him by reading his posts, and the PM posted by Lud. His posts are full of lies and without proper value.

Let’s not forget he rained down those unreasonable PM to Lud like the way he contacted DF by phone. The world does not evolve around Sonny, or any one of us. We are all just part of a sideshow.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Vance WTF are you talking about go ask Peter and Sam We agreed on only $750 if they tell you any different please come back and have Peter call me asap, (650-888-8074) you can be there I bet you he wont say that. Plus what the hell are you talking about they charged me $1000 for no reason ask SAM it was never a $1000. BUT THEY WERE PAID $1000 ALLREADY because all I had was emails and it wasn't prooof enough. So how did Peter get financialy set back I only did a charge back for $250 not $1000. And I didn't get it Peter was allready paid $1000. Do you need me to scan the leter from my bank and post it here SHOWING PETER WAS PAID THE FULL $1000?? And you very well know this but stil in your posts above you make things up.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Rob, it is a nice thing that you stand up for Sonny, however, the whole situation with me and Sonny started with an eventful transaction he had with Downforce few months back.

At Sonny's request, Peter hunt down an entire rear end of an NSX because Sonny's car needed an entire rear end chassis rebuilt. After seeing Peter spend a whole weekend driving a round trip of 300 miles to pick the rear frame for him as a good well gesture for some one in the NSX community (which almost broke his back), Sonny decided to dispute the purchasing price after Peter notified him the rear frame is at DF shop. Let's keep in mind that, according to Peter, Sonny agreed to pay $1500 for the rear frame to the seller in San Diego, Peter is just a middle man who is doing for FREE. So out of Peter good heart, he helped to negotiate the price down for Sonny. After the seller agreed to a lower selling price, Sonny did his usual negotiating by further lowballing the deal. The seller was furious and cancelled the transaction based on the principle of the matter. When Peter notified Sonny seller’s decision, Sonny decided to call DF multiple times a per day, for weeks. Peter got so tired of dealing with the situation as a middle man and decided to pay for the frame out of his pocket and let Sonny have his deal, to at least stop the phone call. When it’s time for Sonny to pay for the frame, he Paypaled Peter without the Paypal fees, which by that point, Peter was in negatives with a transaction that not only cause him plenty of head aches, lost of time, and gas money, but he was glad that the transaction was over, and life goes on. Shortly after Sonny picked up the frame, he did a Paypal charge back. Therefore, not only Peter lost time, money and energy trying to help him, now Sonny wants the frame for free!!! I don’t know how any one view and judge the situation, but I’m a close friend of Peter and I don’t like to see any of my friends to get ripped.

There is a huge moral issue. You cannot rob a person blind; it does not work that way, at least in our society. And last month, Sonny purposely made an public comment about “Downforce is doing so bad that they are about to go out of Business” for no apparent reason; considering the fact that what they have gone through just to deal with Sonny, no one can expect any business to survive if they spend most of the time dealing with people like that.

HEre is the tread look he never answers any questions of mine. I had simple questions but none answered and I been asking them to him and Sam since the day I decieded to buy this part. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96746

This guy lies so much, Why isn't Peter telling your story here go read our disscussion he never answered any of my questions on why the charge for the rear went up from $350 to $500 to $750 and eventually costing me $1000???? Can you ask him how the price changed 4 different time and 2 times after the delivery guy ws allready there at the shop to pick it up???
ASK HIM AND LET ME KNOW because thats my same question to him and Sam and it was never answered. Only thing I was told BY SAM is "Peter in incapable of handling his matters and he is broke so they can do any favors anymore and he need to charge me to make some money. So I agreed on $750 and by the time the guy gets there and I get charged its $1000 and I even paid for shipping out of my own pocket because Peter wanted $200 to make a pallet and pack it up. BUT AGAIN PETER GOT PAID THE WHOLE $1000 GO ASK HIM BEFORE YOU POST FALSE INFORMATION VANCE THATS ALL YOU ARE GOOD AT Snakey moves. So how did it financially hurt him? also if $250 can give you that kind of hurting you are one step from closing down anyway. Plus I MADE A WHOLE LIST OF PEOPLE WHO DF HAS DELAYED SHIPPING PARTS AND NOT TO MENTION SENT BROKEN HOODS, AND OTHER PARTS FROM OTHER MEMBER i WILL POST SOON.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Rob, it is a nice thing that you stand up for Sonny, however, the whole situation with me and Sonny started with an eventful transaction he had with Downforce few months back.

At Sonny's request, Peter hunt down an entire rear end of an NSX because Sonny's car needed an entire rear end chassis rebuilt. After seeing Peter spend a whole weekend driving a round trip of 300 miles to pick the rear frame for him as a good well gesture for some one in the NSX community (which almost broke his back), Sonny decided to dispute the purchasing price after Peter notified him the rear frame is at DF shop. Let's keep in mind that, according to Peter, Sonny agreed to pay $1500 for the rear frame to the seller in San Diego, Peter is just a middle man who is doing for FREE. So out of Peter good heart, he helped to negotiate the price down for Sonny. After the seller agreed to a lower selling price, Sonny did his usual negotiating by further lowballing the deal. The seller was furious and cancelled the transaction based on the principle of the matter. When Peter notified Sonny seller’s decision, Sonny decided to call DF multiple times a per day, for weeks. Peter got so tired of dealing with the situation as a middle man and decided to pay for the frame out of his pocket and let Sonny have his deal, to at least stop the phone call. When it’s time for Sonny to pay for the frame, he Paypaled Peter without the Paypal fees, which by that point, Peter was in negatives with a transaction that not only cause him plenty of head aches, lost of time, and gas money, but he was glad that the transaction was over, and life goes on. Shortly after Sonny picked up the frame, he did a Paypal charge back. Therefore, not only Peter lost time, money and energy trying to help him, now Sonny wants the frame for free!!! I don’t know how any one view and judge the situation, but I’m a close friend of Peter and I don’t like to see any of my friends to get ripped.

There is a huge moral issue. You cannot rob a person blind; it does not work that way, at least in our society. And last month, Sonny purposely made an public comment about “Downforce is doing so bad that they are about to go out of Business” for no apparent reason; considering the fact that what they have gone through just to deal with Sonny, no one can expect any business to survive if they spend most of the time dealing with people like that.

Sonny confronted me because I questioned his motive by making those comments about DF, he responded by calling me names, making up lies about me, make fun of me, and went as far as threatening me by telling me that he found out the location of my business and he will be there to teach me a lesson or two. This person is without a doubt, shameless and without reasoning. Any one with a right mind can see right through him by reading his posts, and the PM posted by Lud. His posts are full of lies and without proper value.

Let’s not forget he rained down those unreasonable PM to Lud like the way he contacted DF by phone. The world does not evolve around Sonny, or any one of us. We are all just part of a sideshow.

holybatman i just read this and WOWOW If you can have Peter come on here and say the whole deal started at $1500 I will never post here again and leave prime on my own. I promise if he come on here and makes this bull up.....
But I ll give you a $100 if you can have Peter come on here and post that I started the price for $15oo and lowered him down. Actually Peter if you lie at all and dont say like you know we are going to have alot of problems. I swear on everything Dont put me in that position I beg you for your sake. Show everyone Vance is just making this bull up.
We stated ar $350-$500 correct PETER/SAM???????????

Oh man I just read the rest WHAT FULL OF CRAP Thanks Vance for helping me prove you are a LIAR. LOL

I never paid through paypal lol so how can i not include the paypal fees?? I paid through a credit card over the phone and never did a charge back for $1000 thats what I paid I did a CREDIT CARD CHARGE BACK FOR $250
DO you need me to scan and post my personal bank letter here (I will)

Peter never did anything special excpet meet me early in the morning to sell me his 02 valance. He said over the weekend he will go to San Deigo (where he lives mind you so not out of his way) and he can pick it up in his pick up truck on his way back. And thats what he did so what 300 miles are you talking about and what favors are you talking about I told Peter from the get go I will give him a $100 for his efforts ask him.


we never used paypal ASK PETER

YOU SAID WE STARTED THIS OFF AT $1500 WELL HERE IS THE NUMBER OF ONE I COULD OF GOT IN SACRAMENTO FOR $1000 SO WHY WOULD I TRY TO GET ONE IN LA FOR $500 MORE??? (here is the phone number and the thread where the local guys helped me get this number so you can see the timeline and see how I am telling the truth it was before I went to see Peter)
HAP recyling 916-638-3311 and here is how I found out, I asked for a place on prime with wrecked parts and mickylex suggested this place http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95980

Call them and see how much it costs there and tell me why in the world I would go to peter in la if it wasn't cheaper than one locally?
Its the other way around I didn't want to pay $1100 locally because Peter said he can get me one for $350-$500 AND ALL I HAVE TO DO IS PAY SHIPPING ON TOP OF THAT. Does that make sense or not??
Re: Lud/nsxprime


I'm done with you. Enough said already. You can deny any thing you want but evidence is not with me but you and Peter. Good luck with you continuation of cheats and lies. Karma will get you some day.
Re: Lud/nsxprime


I'm done with you. Enough said already. You can deny any thing you want but evidence is not with me but you and Peter. Good luck with you continuation of cheats and lies. Karma will get you some day.
Enough said lol what you feel dumb now?

YOU guys are seeing this arent you??? I proved him and all his lies wrong read my posts above. He loves to jump in every chance he gets but now he is done with this lol. Why?? Because I just proved everything he said was false.
Read above. I never used paypall with this transaction, I never made a $1000 charge back and Peter GOT HIS FULL $1000. It never started off at $1500 as the one available locally is $400 cheaper than the one Peter had in LA plus thats before all the shipping price. SO I offered a $100 now I raise it to $250 if you can show how I paid through paypal. Or you can have the $250 for showing me that I did a $1000 charge back like you kept saying.
Also if you can have PETER come on here and say WE started the price at $1500 not $350-500 like I said you can have another $100. Or why not get Peter to show the paypal transaction here and I can send ou guys $250 for doing so. And please that lame money request isnt proof I can send you one of those right now. what does that mean? nothing. So please do
But I bet you a $1000 you wont because you can't lol niether can PETER because you both are liars, those things never happened...

I will paypal it to you asap as it will be worth every penny.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

I will never post here again and leave prime on my own.

I'm routing for you here.. sounding good!

Actually Peter if you lie at all and dont say like you know we are going to have alot of problems. I swear on everything Dont put me in that position I beg you for your sake.
More threats.. internet tough guy :rolleyes: I'm tired of you and your kind.
I never paid through paypal lol so how can i not include the paypal fees?? I paid through a credit card over the phone and never did a charge back for $1000 thats what I paid I did a CREDIT CARD CHARGE BACK FOR $250
DO you need me to scan and post my personal bank letter here (I will)
For what its worth when talking to Nina and Sam, THEY DON'T TAKE CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. ONLY PAYPAL. I stopped at the bank and withdrew cash :biggrin:
Hopefully you don't have a choice in this.

I'm done with this joker.
Lud ban this guy already.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

For what its worth when talking to Nina and Sam, THEY DON'T TAKE CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. ONLY PAYPAL. I stopped at the bank and withdrew cash :biggrin:

I m done with this joker :confused: and who are you lol?

lol I dont know you but you are always jumping in it wasn't me that took your wife from you bro, I wasn't there so why all the hate towards me?
You heard that old lame track right "it wasn't me"
Do you know how dumb you and Vance and Peter will look later today when I post the bank statement Showing I paid $1000 through my CREDIT/ATM card.
Well just wait I need to scan it and post it up
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Again I thank Lud for giving me a chance to respond on this thread as its helping my cause alot. It puts everything on the table just the way I like it. I have nothing to hide so when its all on the table almost everyone will see how I never lied about anything PERIOD.

So here's where we are with this Sonny yaynsx character:

-He supposedly did a $1000 charge back with DF and used Paypal to pay but didn't include paypal fees. This is per Vance/Chado (who were never there and never involved but like to be anyway)

I will prove this wrong by simply posting the credit card statement with the ful charge and also the letter from wells fargo that my charge back was denied. AGAIN I SAID CREDIT CARD COMPANY statement and letter
NOT PAYPALL like Vance/Chadhoe keep insisting

-Mr Nigel who took 2 months to get Sonny the $90 and Sonny mailed the part to Nigel who recieved it in working order and was un installed by SOS in AZ professionally. But yet somehow I ripped him off:confused:

We are still waiting for MR Nigel to answer the BIG question HOW did I rip you off???????????
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Here is hopefully more clearer version of what happened. I really want atleast some of you too see whats really going on here.

I m determine to prove my point so I would really appericiate it if you can read the rest of the post. Mainly how I first started this looking for wrecked car with some rear end parts. I posted about it locally here on prime. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95980
On 10/29/07
and by 11/1/07 i posted thanks for the link and that I found the part I needed.
Than while I was negotiating with HAP in Sacramento( about hr and half away) I went down to LA to pick up 02 rear end and, 02 type R hood, Rear Left fender. When I got to DF Peter had a wrecked nsx in the shop I asked him how much for the rear end as the people in Sacramento want $1000-1100. He said he can get one from his friend, its just laying around his garage and he will sell it to me. As his friend owes Peter money. So I asked him how much and he said $350-500 and I said happily I will take it and give you $100 for getting it for me. I thought man what a deal $600 instead of $1000-1100. Plus Peter said he can ship it for a good price of $50-100 so that means I would save over $300 getting it from Peter.
I was so Happy I on my drive back phone posted a thankyou to Peter and his help in meeting me early and finding the part from his friend I need for a better price than I can get locally. Here is the link look at the date its 10 days latter than my post about how I found one locally allready. Here is the thread
And than look at my second post its a month later, thats a month of him keep raising the price but it was still cheaper than one locally so I kept going with it. Till it reached $750 and thats where I drew the line. They said he allready had it packed and ready to go and when they shipping guy got there they tried to raise the price on me again. I had to pay for the delivery guy even though he didn't pick up anything. ( i still have the reciept) Than after many calls trying to get hold of Peter with no luck I get Sam on the phone and he tells me Peter is doing bad making promises he can't keep and his business isn't doing well; everything but why is it so hard to just talk to me on the phone and tell me you want more money. HE NEVER did, he never told me why or for what reason just charged my card for shipping when I paid for my own shipping. I still have the recipt for that also. I called my credit card company and did a charge back for $250 and never got approved since all I had was emails as my proof. But yet Vance keeps saying I did a $1000 charge back and that Peter didn't get the full $1000. He also says that I didn't include the paypal fees, we never used paypal or even talked about using paypal. He also says we started the pricing at $1500 when you can call the local sacramento HAP recyling and talk to TJ (who I talked to ) and ask him the price we agreed on (say you are Sonny here is there number :916.638.3311)
and he will say $1000-1200 nothing more so why would I even try to get one from LA if the price started at $1500. Thats allready $400-500 more than I can get it for locally and
on top of that shipping and on top of that I have to hook up Peter with the $100 I told him I would give him? I would never even look into that option as the local one would be much cheaper than that option.
How does that make sense? Please someone call HAP in Sac, I bet they still have that car and they will give a price they sold the part for.
What does make sense is what I am saying Peter gave me a way cheaper option and I happily took it just like most of you would. And than Peter realized the one here locally sold so they can get more money out of me as I need this part real bad. And guess what they did. All they had to do was keep playing phone games till they got it up to the amount they really wanted because eventually I had to give in as I need the part and dont have another option now.
They got a Full $1000 for something that I was suppose to get for $750 TOPS. And YES it was paid over the phone with a creditcard not PAYPAL or any other method. I tried to give Peter cash when I meet him but Peter said to wait till he gets the part from his friend. I should of known then they will raise the prices on me once I leave town.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Same ole people standing up for each other Chado, exnsxer, Vance. Pretty lame.
Every thread the same apeshiets. ( i used the same word as Lud so I don't get infractions for it:tongue: )

So all I have to do is prove that I payed through a credit card not paypal to keep you guys shut. and also how Peter got the full $1000. And the charge back was only for $250 not $1000 which was never appproved.
Because that would mean you HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT for once and for all. Correct ????
Well consider it done will have it posted by end of bussiness day tommorrow.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Same ole people standing up for each other Chado, exnsxer, Vance. Pretty lame.
Every thread the same apeshiets. pardon my french.

So all I have to do is prove that I payed through a credit card not paypal to keep you guys shut. and also how Peter got the full $1000. And the charge back was only for $250 not $1000 which was never appproved. Meaning Peter got the full $1000 not $750 like he was suppose to.
Because that would mean you HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT for once and for all. Correct ????
Well consider it done will have it posted by end of bussiness day tommorrow.

I am sorry I forget we also have MR NIGEL. Who says I ripped him off but hasnt explained how. I pm'd/emailed him to please come here and do so. So we can wait till Mr nigel tells who he was ripped off. Its going to be good one because I haven't even heard about it yet. He bought a 1991 oem phone and that was professionally un installed by Science of Speed in Az. Its was dilivered to him and in working order but yet somehow I ripped him off. Please explain how .........

and than Lud. I never had a problem with Lud. All I said was he plays favorites on when giving out infractions. Like read THIS POST ABOVE I was insulted and called names but no infractions for anyone. ALso Vance/Nigel are ranting outside the proper venue they are allowed to do so AGAIN above on this thread
but again no infractions for them or for Chado for calling me names. But as soon as I respond and do the same I ll have 6 more infractions. Thats what happend the last 2 times and how I ended up with 6 infractions in 3 months. Thats all. I didn't say anything is wrong with nsxprime or Lud except favortism towards the vendors.

Now we have mattynsx he so full of it about everything I dont know where to begin or end but I will just leave this a close matter for now as I never meet anyone like him and he crossed the line 1 too many times. This is a done deal.

SO after I put up the evidence to shut up Chado/vance and after Nigel comes on here ( he wont I bet) and explains how i ripped him off. Can we close this matter??????????????????????????????????????

Or does anyone else have any yaynsx ripped me off stories????????????????? I would like to get it all done at one time now while I have the stage.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

I'm really trying to make sense of this thread. In this post:

When will you understand that this is not my item?!?! The original owner of this item didn't even want to deal with you because you are grinding him over $100.00 before the deal went south. Sometimes there is a thing called principle and money can't buy persuasion.

The owner wanted at least $1500 originally. You were hoping to find one for $350. How did you arrive to the point where the sale price was $350?

After the rear frame was picked up, you never made a phone call to complain. Instead you waited for 30 days before filing a chargeback. You are here complaining about this deal and yet you won't refund your purchase. I don't understand. Why is it on the chargeback you only filed for $250? Was it because you only plan on paying $750 for the part in the very beginning?

I'm going to inquire with the police department today about the alleged stolen car frame that you had purchased. Since this is not my part I don't want the liability of selling anything stolen. This deal is all wrong and I should have listened to the seller about this.

Here is an email that I wrote to you on 11/14/2007
Bad news it looks like he wants at least $1000 for it. I am negotiating for it at $500 because I don’t think he will get consider $350 for it. I will have an answer for you tomorrow.



Email to you on 12/4/2007
Sonny this is all I know, you had gotten into an accident and needed are replacement rear valance. You were asking for $425 but I gave it to you for $390. You needed a rear frame I knew of someone that had a frame which you might be able to get it for cheap. I believe I mentioned that he wanted $1000 or $1500 but that I would try to talk him down for you. Then after that you can handle everything and told you maybe you can knock him down as much as you can. I got him to agree on $750 I believe. Shipping I was estimating that if I freighted it would cost me $100 my cost which I can give to you. This is with me working for free which I don’t mind to help you out. I even agreed to pick up the part from San Diego which I had to lose 3 hours of my time with my family. I only see my wife and children on Sunday out of the entire week and they are only up 16 hours in a day. I lost a lot of time with my kids to pickup that piece for you and that guy had to spend his weekend digging it out for you.

All I know is he is pissed off because he wanted $750 for the part and was going to do $850 shipped because I was going to do the shipping at my cost or even at a loss. The truth is shipping this part might cost me up to $200 but even if it did I was going to take a loss to help you out.

Since he doesn’t want to sell you the part because he thinks you are going to start giving him trouble later on that he just rather not deal with you. As for me, it’s not in my power to tell him what to do. This is something you need to work out with him.


from this thread Peter says you only charged back $250, not the full $1,000.

I'm confused. :confused:
Re: Lud/nsxprime

I'm really trying to make sense of this thread. In this post:

from this thread Peter says you only charged back $250, not the full $1,000.

I'm confused. :confused:

Exactly I made a charge back for $250 and I didn't use paypal. You can't do charge backs on paypal CAN YOU??
ALso see how Peter says in that thread I was hassling about $100 dollars Where did he ever say $1500 ?? 1500-1000= 500 not $100.

plus here is Peter quote admitting the original price:
"All I know is he is pissed off because he wanted $750 for the part and was going to do $850 shipped because I was going to do the shipping at my cost or even at a loss. The truth is shipping this part might cost me up to $200 but even if it did I was going to take a loss to help you out."

See how Peter says He was going to do it for $750 and Peter wanted $850 shipped for him shipping it at cost. So where does $1000 come in ??? Where does $1500 come in play?
IT DOESNT Read Peter own post where he posted this quote above.
Saying it was between 750-850 and he was going to do shipping at cost or at a loss. He didn't I paid for shipping.
Also I paid these guys $1000 and I ALSO PAID FOR SHIPPING OUT OF MY OWN POCKET so HOW DID IT GET FROM $750-850 to a $1000?????
I have recipts showing I paid for shipping and also $1000 over the phone with a credit card. How does that make any sense to anyone??
Please anyone explain how the $250 got added to the equation?? CAN ANYONE EVEN TAKE A GUESS OR JAB AT IT??? PLEASE PETER/VANCE explain how the extra $250 was added to the $750-850 shipped price you posted above??
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Ahhh...Case in point:

"Downforce doesn't accept credit cards" - Bull crap!

I just paid for my Type R wing via credit card with Gianina so you can see we are getting part truth here from YAYNSX.

Goes to prove we can't pass judgement unless we are all presented with the truth which in most cases both sides are not providing.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Alot of us are confused...

I think the problem here is NONE OF US are receiving the full story from both sides so I don't think we should all be so harsh on YAYNSX. Seriously...I don't think its a matter of telling YAYNSX to shut it because he obviously believes in principles and something to stand up for or else why would someone keep ranting like he is.

You may be right, etc. but its clear this won't be solved here unfortunately.

I think more people would take him seriously if he thought his responses through before posting them. For example:

Exactly I made a charge back for $250 and I didn't use paypal. You can't do charge backs on paypal CAN YOU??
ALso see how Peter says in that thread I was hassling about $100 dollars Where did he ever say $1500 ?? 1500-1000= 500 not $100.

plus here is Peter quote admitting the original price:
"All I know is he is pissed off because he wanted $750 for the part and was going to do $850 shipped because I was going to do the shipping at my cost or even at a loss. The truth is shipping this part might cost me up to $200 but even if it did I was going to take a loss to help you out."

See how Peter says He was going to do it for $750 and Peter wanted $850 shipped for him shipping it at cost. So where does $1000 come in ??? Where does $1500 come in play?

IT DOESNT Read Peter own post where he posted this quote above.
Saying it was between 750-850 and he was going to do shipping at cost or at a loss. He didn't I paid for shipping.
Also I paid these guys $1000 and I ALSO PAID FOR SHIPPING OUT OF MY OWN POCKET so HOW DID IT GET FROM $750-850 to a $1000?????
I have recipts showing I paid for shipping and also $1000 over the phone with a credit card. How does that make any sense to anyone??
Please anyone explain how the $250 got added to the equation?? CAN ANYONE EVEN TAKE A GUESS OR JAB AT IT??? PLEASE PETER/VANCE explain how the extra $250 was added to the $750-850 shipped price you posted above??

He could have simply said:

"I made a chargeback for $250. I did not use Paypal. Peter said he wanted $750 for the part, or $850 shipped at cost. Where does the $1000 or $1500 figure come from? I paid these guys $1000 for the part and additional for shipping costs. How did the cost increase by $250 when I paid for shipping?"

Much simpler.. Hemmingway was a brilliant writer. I'm getting a headache reading this.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Ahhh...Case in point:

"Downforce doesn't accept credit cards" - Bull crap!

I just paid for my Type R wing via credit card with Gianina so you can see we are getting part truth here from YAYNSX.

Goes to prove we can't pass judgement unless we are all presented with the truth which in most cases both sides are not providing.

Read my post. All I said is take it for what its worth, when I asked she said they would do the transaction through paypal and don't have a credit card machine to run one.
I never said they didn't accept cc previously. I said when I asked and maybe I shouldn't have put it in bold. All I meant to demonstrate was if something was paid via credit card it might have been Downforce going further out of their way??
Also I would check with Downforce because originally she asked for credit card information, but she said that they were going to process it through paypal ??? :confused: I don't believe they have a straight up credit card machine in order to avoid the fees? I'm not 100% positive on that only going off what I was told less than 2 weeks ago.
I just wanted to comment on that.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

I could post up the PM's I've been sent by this clown where he comments on my divorce and insinuates that he was the reason for it..etc.. etc.. It literally looks like something written by an eight year old. And just like an eight year old he thinks thats an effective way of getting to somebody.

All I see is Downforce a legitimate NSX vendor trying to help the community being accused of a bunch of bs, from price jacking all the way to selling stolen parts by a "troubled" individual. One who is always the "victim" whether he is the buyer or seller.

I'm done with this shit, I really never even and still don't care. No more comments from me.. I should've know better than to even stick my 2cents in regarding an internet dispute where such an immature individual is involved.

Daylight savings time starts Sunday..:cool:
Re: Lud/nsxprime

I think more people would take him seriously if he thought his responses through before posting them. For example:

He could have simply said:

"I made a chargeback for $250. I did not use Paypal. Peter said he wanted $750 for the part, or $850 shipped at cost. Where does the $1000 or $1500 figure come from? I paid these guys $1000 for the part and additional for shipping costs. How did the cost increase by $250 when I paid for shipping?"

Much simpler.. Hemmingway was a brilliant writer. I'm getting a headache reading this.

Yes reading my stuff over again you are right about me not coming across as well as I would like because I get so excited and involved I don't even think I just write. So yeah I see your point.
Re: Lud/nsxprime

Alot of us are confused...

I think the problem here is NONE OF US are receiving the full story from both sides so I don't think we should all be so harsh on YAYNSX. Seriously...I don't think its a matter of telling YAYNSX to shut it because he obviously believes in principles and something to stand up for or else why would someone keep ranting like he is.

YAYNSX...having dealt with these vendors and private individuals both can be as bad as each other so if you believe your right then I'd suggest stop posting. At the moment its clear no one is willing to be objective here nor will this issue be solved online so for the sake of Yourself, Lud, NSXPrime Vendors, and the general reputation of this forum please put this to an end now.

You may be right, etc. but its clear this won't be solved here unfortunately.

You are correct and make a good point and I will take it to the bank. I will just post up the credit card statement showing the $1000 charge by Down Force and also provide reciept of the additional shipping price. Just to prove my point and put a period on this situation. But thats it I will leave it alone after providing evidence showing what I said was 100% truth unlike all others involved here.
ALso just want NIGEL to come back on here and tell everyone he full faced lied about me ripping him off. If one you guys don't believe me pm/email him see if he tells you how I ripped him off I sent him 3 emails asking him to come here and explain why would he say someting like that??
Hopefully soon he will....

Besides that I am not sure who else I ripped off so please post now or Forever leave it alone HERE IS YOUR CHANCE.........

But I bet no one will post and than when I post about other things people like vance/chado/ensxer will still come on my posts and stir things up. Thats why I want to end it here near everyone with everything on the table. So lets see if they handle it like men and take care of it now or mice and keep going on other posts of mine and stir things up and get me more infractions lol.