Pet Thread

Has anyone received the e mail about the swiffer wet jet containing antifreeze in the cleaning solvent. The e mail claims the swiffer wet jet has been the cause of many animal deaths. Any truth to the claim?
this is a longshot but it is a pet thread so....... :)

If anyone knows of a good persian cat breeder in the midwest, pm me, we are looking but can't seem to find the right one yet.

"Nuk" @ 6 weeks old

Nuk all tuckered out from 10 minutes of playing.
(Baby Ferrets sleep 22+ hours a day)


While the date on the camera is wrong (becuase I'm too lazy to fix it) these pics were taken YESTERDAY (08/19/04)!
I just got a Farret 2 weeks ago, these guys are crazy. It's jump around like it's on crack all day and is super nice. Best pet I have had so far and I have had them all :D

Defiant1 said:
"Nuk" @ 6 weeks old

Nuk all tuckered out from 10 minutes of playing.
(Baby Ferrets sleep 22+ hours a day)


While the date on the camera is wrong (becuase I'm too lazy to fix it) these pics were taken YESTERDAY (08/19/04)!
Ha ha ha - Yeah I did some research before getting the little Fuzzbutt they are often referred to as "Toddlers with double espressos"
So far the biggest pain (aside from the litter box - that he doesn’t use :rolleyes: ) is the teething :mad:
Overall worth the hours of entertainment provided.
After having a long and emotional weekend where my pooch was rushed to the hospital for emergency heart surgery and implantation of a pacemaker, I figured I might as well post some "before and after" photos now that she is back home and sleeping in my lap at the moment.


Wanted to bring this thread back to life. Have a new picture of one of my cats I wanted to share.


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here is a photo of Mikka, the siberian i bought for my ex- girlfriend,boy has this dog got some energy!!

these are willow(black and white) and milo(black). Two cats that were abandoned as kittens,that my ex gave a home to,(my home) :smile:



sadly,when she left,they went with her :frown:
Does it have teeth? Than it can bite.
The domestic ferret is a safer pet to have in terms of bite incidences. From the ten year period from 1978 to 1988 there were 44,000 serious dog bites, and only 12 serious ferret bites. However, the fact that there are fewer ferrets than dogs must be taken into consideration. When the statistics are adjusted for population size, the bite incidence rate for dogs is 8.8 bites per year for every 10,000 dogs and just over 0.04 bites per year for every 10,000 ferrets. This means that dogs are over 200 times more likely to bite than a ferret. Many households in California have dogs that have a tremendous potential to bite, yet Fido is not perceived as a serious threat.* More recently (2002 statistics) there are almost 5 million victims annually -- about 2% of the entire population. 800,000 need medical attention. 1,000 per day need treatment in hospital emergency rooms. Between 15 and 20 die from dog bites per year. Most of the victims who receive medical attention are children, half of whom are bitten in the face. In a 10-year period, the number of dogs rose by 2% while the number of bites increased by 33%**...

There has never been one documented case of rabies being transfered via ferret bite... k-9 rabies is fatal to ferrets. If contracted the ferret has about three weeks to live... Besides if the ferret was bitten by a dog with rabies.... the ferret probably didnt suvive the attack.

If a rabid ferret did manage to escape the dog attack yet contract the rabies virus and escape its home before the three weeks... the ferret would die within three days of being out. Ferrets have been fully domesticated for thousands of years... they have no means to feed themselves or to get water. It only takes 72 hours for a ferret to starve to death.


:biggrin: BTW I had one ferret when this thread started last year. Now I have FIVE in my home and 11 more in foster homes.
Interesting that this thread appeared on my new posts yesterday evening...

Not sure why I'm writing this but I am. Yesterday afternoon, our two dogs of 8 & 9yrs had to be put down together at the local vet due to circumstances I won't get into. My wife and I (me especially) are hurting very, very badly right now 'cuz they're family, you know. Anyway, I take some comfort in knowing that they went together and they went very peacfully with daddy kissing them and rubbing their heads when they took their last breath.

We love you, Ghia and Simon! Be good!

Give your pets lots of love, everybody, you don't realize how much they mean to you until they're gone.

Wow rjp, sorry to hear about your loss. That has to be tough.

We have a pair of kitties. This is Turbo a couple years ago when he was still a cute baby.


rjp said:
Interesting that this thread appeared on my new posts yesterday evening...

Not sure why I'm writing this but I am.

very sorry to hear of your loss, rjp... our pets create and occupy a very special place in the hearts of the people with whom they share their lives. best to you and your bride.

Sorry also to hear of your loss. My cats are a part of our family like your two dogs. If I lost one, or God forbid both of them, I would probably loose it. Take care.

Sorry to hear about your loss.
Its never easy to lose a pet, nevermind when your pets are your kids!

Remember the best of them;
Re: Need more than PuppieChow for these...

So very sorry to learn of your loss, rjp. I was just in the backyard watching my dog chase bees (as he always does), and was dreading the day that I lose him.

Hopefully, the memories left by Ghia and Simon will help ease your sadness.

Take care.
I found a pic of my babies. Sorry you have to see my ugly mug in it, but this is how I wake up every day. They are the only things I don't feel like killing when I first wake up for work. I save my morning frustration for the people at my lab. :tongue: Ashly (chow/husky) and Nicoal (Cane Corso Mastif).
These are the new additions

Schnuly (9 weeks old, day after she came home 10-04)

Nuk on ice (ok not a new addition, but has grown a lot)

Napster (he's good at napping)

Sweetie (ever see a ferret make a kissy face?)

Darrian (he was dying from adreanal disease when we adopted him - hes healthy now)

I love his face. He looks like he is going to burst into tears at any moment.